We make ourselves a fragrant and healthy sea buckthorn wine

sea ​​buckthorn wine You won't surprise anyone with grape wine, but real gourmets prefer more exotic drinks, for example, sea buckthorn wine. It differs from grape not only in color. Even the aroma of this nectar evokes admiration and an irresistible desire to try it again. What can we say about the beneficial properties of such a wine, because sea buckthorn itself is often used in folk medicine for the treatment of various diseases, as well as in cosmetology for the preparation of skin and body care products. How did amber wine deserve such recognition and how difficult is it to make it yourself?

Related article: homemade grape wine (recipe with photo)

Important tips for housewives on preparing raw materials

choose berries for wine

To make high-quality sea buckthorn wine at home, you should carefully select the berries. You can use only ripe sea buckthorn, without signs of pest damage or rotting, otherwise the wine will acquire an unpleasant aroma and give off rot.

Green sea ​​buckthorn better to put aside, as well as overripe. It will not work out of the first one to make a tasty and beautiful-colored drink, but from the second a muddy wine will come out, moreover, the blank will ferment for a long time.

As for water, which is in every sea buckthorn wine recipe (and not only from it), it is best to take filtered liquid. In extreme cases, you can boil water from the tap and let it settle.

It is possible to determine whether the wine is "ripe" or not by its appearance and smell: it should turn golden brown and slightly give off honey and pineapple.

Of course, in addition to berries and water, sugar is added to each wine. No more additional ingredients are needed, and homemade sea buckthorn wine recipes differ only in the amount of the specified components. A small amount of sugar and water allows you to make a rich sour drink, and by increasing their proportions, a delicate dessert wine is obtained at the output.

Wine recipe with stepwise addition of sugar

aromatic sea buckthorn wineThe peculiarity of this method lies in the fact that sugar should not be put into the workpiece all at once. First fill in most of it, and gradually add the rest during the first one and a half weeks of the fermentation process.

There is nothing complicated in how to make sea buckthorn wine. For this:

  1. Twist the sorted berries through a meat grinder without rinsing them. Experienced winemakers claim that this allows you to preserve the yeast present on the surface of the skin, which accelerates fermentation. In general, 1 liter of this juice is needed for one serving of the drink.
  2. Leave the juice for 30 minutes to stand.
  3. Pour the settled juice into a bottle, in which sea buckthorn wine will ferment.
  4. Add 500 g of sugar to it.
  5. Pour 1.5 liters of water.

Withstand four days and add another 300 g of sugar in the following sequence:

  • on day 4 - 100 g;
  • on day 7 - another 100 g;
  • on day 10 - the remaining 100 g.

It will take about a month to ferment sea buckthorn wine at home, after which it must be filtered and left for a couple of days so that the sediment settles and the finished product is not cloudy. In this case, it is necessary to monitor the accumulation of air under the cover on a daily basis and release it, if there is no special device for this (covers with holes). When the cloudy part has settled, the wine can be bottled and tightly closed.

Such a drink will acquire the maximum taste after 5-6 months of storage in the dark.

Classic sea buckthorn wine

sea ​​buckthorn wine according to the classic recipeA simple recipe for sea buckthorn wine at home involves adding a minimum amount of water to make it rich. So, for 15 kg of berries only 1 liter of water is needed, but sugar must be put at least 5 kg, otherwise the wine will sour.

Step-by-step cooking:

  1. Knead the sea buckthorn with a rolling pin to make a gruel.knead sea buckthorn berries
  2. Strain the mass through several layers of gauze, taking away the pure juice.strain the sea buckthorn juice
  3. Dilute the juice with water and leave for half an hour. During this time, the residues of the grounds will settle, after which the liquid is again filtered.
  4. Pour sugar into the blank and put in a warm room for a week. All this time, you will have to keep an eye on fermentation and periodically remove the foam cap that will form on the surface.
  5. When the foam is gone, pour the fermenting sea buckthorn wine into bottles and close them with a special lid.fermentation of sea buckthorn wine
  6. Withstand 1.5 months, after which you can bottle the wine, having previously filtered again.

If there is no lid with a water seal, an ordinary medical rubber glove is put on the bottle instead. In order to prevent air from accumulating in it, in several places the glove is pricked with a needle.

bottle with sea buckthorn wineAs seen, wine even a novice winemaker will be able to cook from sea buckthorn and treat it not only to his loved ones, but also to guests invited to a festive feast. It remains only to stock up on healthy orange berries and find a warm place for fermentation.


