Why isn't hippeastrum blooming?

In winter, hippeastrum pleases with a beautiful inflorescence An enthusiastic florist selects pets so that they give a beauty that changes from season to season in a cramped window sill. Not many indoor plants please with winter flowering. Hippeastrum is a luxurious winter flower with several huge stars on one peduncle. Why hippeastrum does not bloom, how to stimulate the creation of a bouquet on the windowsill? We use the experience of many lovers of bulbous plants.

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Description of the plant

Beloved hippeastrum bloomed

A very decorative flower belongs to Amaryllis, it is bulbous. The variety of different shapes and colors created by the nature of South America and continued by flower growers. There are over 80 varieties and 600 hybrids of this regal flower. A live bouquet retains its beauty for about two months.

Flowers up to 25 cm in diameter are collected in a bouquet consisting of several giants on one peduncle. The plant propagates easily, with scales of bulbs, children and seeds. Moreover, after pollination of two different flowers by seeds, you can get a new star color. In order for the flower to please, a light window sill, room conditions of detention, and the creation of a dormant period are enough for it, when preparations are underway for a new flowering. In good conditions, flowering is possible twice a year. Experienced growers can drive the arrow out by a certain date.

How to make hippeastrum bloom?

Hippeastrum releases the first leavesThe effectiveness of the hippeastrum depends on the moment of purchase, the choice of soil, and the mode of maintenance. You can propagate a flower yourself, or you can buy it. At the same time, when choosing a bulb, it is necessary to undress it from the integument and examine it for signs of disease:

  • stagonosporosis is defined by a spot with a red border:
  • dampness of the scales indicates other fungal diseases;
  • examine through a magnifying glass, detecting traces of insect pests;
  • the bulb in the container should have dry covering scales.

Hippeastrum does not bloomThe purchased copy must be etched in a solution of potassium permanganate or a special preparation. Pick up a pot slightly larger than the diameter of the bulb. Before filling with earth, create a drainage, a layer of soil, clean sand, on which to arrange a bulb. Sprinkle around and gently compact the earth. The soil level in the pot should be one centimeter below the edge of the container to be able to loosen the soil.

The soil consists of peat, sand and sod land in equal shares. The plant is transplanted every three years. One bulb is viable for 10 years if kept well.

Conditions for flowering hippeastrum

Choosing the right potThere are several defining reasons why hippeastrum does not bloom at home. For its decorative effect, several simple conditions must be met:

  • cramped pot;
  • planting depth of the bulb;
  • do not cut the peduncle after flowering;
  • do not feed unrooted plants;
  • do not feed until flowering;
  • create a dormant period.

Hippeastrum is loved by flower growers for its unpretentiousness... It easily tolerates dry air in an apartment with central heating. During the rest period, he is satisfied with darkening and temperatures up to 13 degrees. During this time, the bulb builds up energy for flowering. How to make hippeastrum bloom?

With proper care, a peduncle appearsA cramped pot does not allow the plant to fatten. Each time, when transplanting after three years, the pot should be changed, but so that the distance from the edges to the bulb is 1.5-2 cm.Planting depth should not exceed half the body of the onion. Wherein watering the plants are produced through the pallet, without soaking the thickened scaly root. After the coma gets wet, the rest of the water is drained from the pan. Each newly acquired plant must be marked with the name of the variety and the time of purchase.

Planting flowers after hibernationThe plants are fed only after rooting. Sometimes it happens that the acquired bulb blooms earlier. If you shake it by the arrow, the bulb will move. Then, despite flowering, you do not need to feed. Wait for rooting, growing leaves will become a signal, then you can fertilize. Sometimes this period takes several months. There is no need to feed the plants before flowering during the dormant period. If there are no leaves, watering is also stopped for a month. After that, the plant will throw out the arrow, and then fertilizing watering can be started.

Hippeastrum bloom in the flowerbedDespite the recommendations made, hippeastrum does not bloom, what should I do? You can apply a cardinal method. For the summer, arrange the stubborn outdoors in the country. In the summer, it will grow a large rosette of leaves. Before the first frost, the plant must be dug up and arranged indoors or in a greenhouse to dry. Drying leaves will transfer nutrients to the bulb. Wait for natural drying out. This will transfer the nutrients into the bulb.

Plant transplant requiredNow plant the onion in a pot and remove for a month in a dark, cool place. Flowering will be long and abundant. Creating a dormant period for the hippeastrum is a prerequisite for obtaining a flowering plant. Proper care and control of pests and diseases will allow you to get a flowering plant even twice a year.

Hippeastrum care video


