Why is anthurium drying - causes and solutions to the problem

Tell me why anthurium is drying? In the summer everything was fine, but recently I began to notice that almost all the leaves have dry tips. The pot stands on a high stand near the south window, but there is only direct light for a couple of hours a day (the neighboring building hides from the sun). Watering is timely, I do not fill it, but it does not dry out either. Maybe the reason is heating? We maintain a sufficiently high temperature in the house, since we have a small child.

why does anthurium dry Anthurium can be called one of the most popular indoor plants. Its dark green leaves, as if made of plastic, look very beautiful themselves. When the bush blooms, there is nothing more surprising. In general, growing this flower is not particularly difficult. However, some troubles in the form of dry spots on the leaves sometimes spoil the appearance of the plants and upset their owners. Why anthurium dries and how to save your pet is the topic of our conversation today.

So, the reason for the drying out of the flower can be:

  • improper watering;
  • inappropriate place;
  • dry air;
  • disease;
  • the presence of pests.

Do anthurium first turn yellow, and then only the lower leaves dry out? If the young stay healthy and green at the same time, there is nothing to worry about. It is the biological process of aging and renewal of foliage. Just cut off the dying leaves when they wither.

Improper watering leads to dry spots on the leaves

watering spots

Anthuriums love moisture, but the irrigation regime needs to be adjusted. Do not allow the soil in the pot to dry out completely - the flower will also dry out. At the same time, by flooding the bush, you can get the opposite reaction. From excess moisture in the soil, the processes of decay of the root system will begin. Damaged roots will not be able to feed the plant. It will either start to rot or dry out. Water the flower when the topsoil is dry to the touch.

If the anthurium is uncomfortable: little or much light, dry air

draft spotsA properly selected place with the necessary lighting for the plant is the key to a lush deciduous cap and the annual flowering of anthurium. It is important to find a middle ground here. The flower needs good lighting, but is afraid of the direct sun. Does the anthurium, which stands on the south window, have yellow spots that are gradually drying out? These are traces of sunburn. Protect from direct light or move the pot to an oriental window sill.

But if the cuttings began to lengthen, the leaves were crushed, covered with light spots and flowering was delayed - on the contrary, there was little light. This often happens in winter in plants that live in the northern part of the house. Try to find a lighter place for the anthurium or provide additional lighting, and everything will work out.

Remove the plant pot from a window that opens for ventilation, especially during winter. The tips of the leaves begin to dry from the draft. And if the flower is cold, it will disappear altogether.

Leaves dry even at low air humidity. The flower loves moisture. Spray it more often and do not place it near heating radiators.

Why does anthurium dry: a number of diseases that cause the plant to dry out

disease stainsSpots in the center and at the edge of the leaves may indicate more serious problems. In most cases, these problems require special medications. So, the foliage becomes spotty and dries up if the bush is damaged:

  • anthracnose;
  • septoria;
  • root rot.

A diseased plant needs an urgent transplant with soil replacement and fungicide treatment.

Pests that can spoil the appearance and health of anthurium

pest stainsIndoor flowers are not protected from the attack of insects, which can lead to their death. Most often, anthuriums suffer from scabies, aphids, mites and mealybugs. Gnawing the leaves, they break their integral shell, and the plate begins to dry. Some insects settle in the soil and host there among the roots. It is possible to save a plant only by timely getting rid of pests with the help of drugs.

Difficulties in growing anthurium - video


