Why Kalanchoe stretches and what to do

Tell me why Kalanchoe stretches? There was a beautiful lush bush, but now it's scary to look at. The branches were so high that they began to collapse, they had to tie up. In addition, the flower has lost almost all of the lower leaves. What could be the reason and how to return the Kalanchoe to its former beauty and splendor?

why kalanchoe stretches Kalanchoe attracts attention not only for its medicinal properties and beautiful flowering. Compact lush bushes are just made to decorate windowsills. At the same time, quite often flower growers are worried about why the Kalanchoe is stretched out. In place of a dense Kalanchoe, over time, an untidy plant of an incomprehensible shape may appear. Why does this happen and is it possible to make the bush lush again?

Why Kalanchoe stretches

Kalanchoe grows up

Most often, the shoots of the plant stretch upward for two reasons:

  1. Lack of lighting.
  2. Lack of dormant period.

There is nothing critical in both the first and second cases. On the one hand, the flower loses its decorative effect, moreover, most often it entails another problem - the lack of flowering. However, everything can be corrected by making adjustments to the conditions of the plant and improving the care of it.

What to do if the Kalanchoe stretches out from lack of light

Kalanchoe lacks lightAs a representative of succulents, the plant needs good lighting. If there is not enough light, the shoots begin to stretch upward, become more fragile. In parallel with this, the leaves become smaller, and the lower ones even fall off. As a result, foliage remains on the branches only at the crown, and they themselves can no longer maintain an upright position without support due to their height.

At the same time, the length of daylight hours should not exceed 10 hours, otherwise the Kalanchoe will cease to bloom. In addition, the bush does not like direct sunlight, so in summer the southern windows must be shaded.

There is only one way to "force" the plant to become compact again - by cardinal pruning. All elongated shoots should be cut off, and then the lateral buds will wake up. In a couple of months, the Kalanchoe will again be magnificent. But it is quite possible to prevent stretching by providing the flower with good, but diffused lighting.

What is the connection between lack of rest and stretching Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe is stretched out and does not bloom wellThe laying of flower buds in this culture occurs only under the condition of a short daylight hours and short rest. Kalanchoe needs only a month to recover and prepare for the next flowering. However, during this time, the bush should be in a cool shady place and with minimal watering. Leaving the pot on a sunny window in a warm room and watering abundantly will help the flower grow actively. The shoots will also continue to grow upward, but the buds will not appear. After the end of flowering, be sure to send the plant to rest for 30 days. Then the bush will stop its growth and redirect the forces to the laying of flower buds.

Why Kalanchoe stretches and does not bloom - video


