Finding out why the bell pepper is bitter

Tell me why the bell pepper is bitter? We never grow bitter, nobody uses it "on an industrial scale", and if I need it for conservation, I buy a little. I asked the neighbors on the site on both sides, so they did not plant pepper this year. If this is not cross-pollination, what can be? And can you somehow remove the bitterness? Children are very fond of lecho, but they are unlikely to eat with such a taste.

why the bell pepper is bitter The large fruits of beautiful red or yellow peppers are loved by many for their fleshy sweet pulp. It is tasty both fresh and canned, but sometimes bitter notes appear in the fruit. It is especially incomprehensible why the bell pepper is bitter if there are no beds with a spicy relative in the neighborhood. Pronounced or in the form of an aftertaste, bitterness nullifies all the efforts of gardeners and spoils the harvest.

Why bell peppers are bitter - possible reasons

bell pepper

So, the first thing that comes to mind is cross-pollination. Indeed, there are recommendations that there should be a distance of at least 5 - 7 m between sweet and bitter varieties. However, experienced gardeners have long noticed that this is not enough. The thing is that sweet sticky pollen settles on the legs of bees and insects, which can carry it far beyond the established distance.

Other reasons for a change in the taste of bell peppers include:

  1. The soil is too acidic, which he does not like.
  2. Excess fertilizers, especially organic matter, or too concentrated solution of mineral fertilizing.
  3. Cold weather that prevents heat-loving peppers from maturing evenly.
  4. The fruits are picked early and are just still green.

Do not forget that the seeds sown may have already been taken from the re-pollinated plant. Moreover, it does not matter at all whether they are store-bought or collected on their own beds.

How to remove bitterness from peppers

pepper ripensOf course, if the whole point is in cross-pollination, then in this case it is difficult to change anything. Some housewives advise pouring boiling water over the fruits before eating and leaving the liquid to cool completely. Perhaps this method will help remove at least some of the bitterness, so it's worth trying.

If the reason is the increased acidity of the soil, add dolomite flour to the site in the fall. When using mineral fertilizers, strictly observe the dosages, and from organic matter, use only humusbut not fresh manure. If the weather has not allowed the vegetables to fully ripen and they are still half-green, use a little trick. Gather the entire crop and place it in the boxes in layers, shifting ripe apples. The fruit will help the peppers come through and become sweet.

And finally, one cannot fail to mention one more nuance. To collect seeds from a good varietal bell pepper and prevent it from over-pollination, simply “prevent” the bees from getting to the flowers. Cover the buds with ordinary medical cotton, and then insects cannot get inside.

Mistakes when growing bell peppers - video


