Fern Orlyak: collection technology and simple salting

fern bracken As soon as the bracken fern begins to hatch, it means it's time to collect it for salting. Young shoots of the plant are somewhat reminiscent of cute seahorses. For a culinary masterpiece, the hostess will need 12 kg of such good. They combine an original taste and a complex of essential vitamins and microelements.

The subtleties of collecting an unusual crop

In the forest, a unique grass appears after the last frosts have passed, or even later. Although there were cases when at the beginning of summer they found frozen shoots. The approximate length of each of them should be 20-30 cm. Too small do not need to be touched, because the stem itself is of value. In this case, it is important to have time to pick the bracken fern in time, otherwise it will bloom and stiffen.

The collected shoots have a very watery texture. However, their external characteristics largely depend on the area of ​​growth. The less shade on the site, the drier the sprouts grow. Moreover, it is important to pay attention to last year's fronds. If there are large dried branches next to the young ones, then the plant has a good rhizome.

Natural raw materials are recommended to be collected in mixed forests. Some people like to find them in pine and birch groves. Places where there are many such herbaceous plants are remembered to come here next year.

Salted bracken fern - piquancy in every piece

The cooking process begins with sorting out the sprouts. They are separated from forest debris, and damaged specimens are thrown away. Then take a large container (stainless steel or enameled dishes), preferably high. And they begin to stack the raw materials. Sprinkle each layer with salt. Only it should be coarsely ground. Having laid out all the pods, you should:

  • put a lid in the pan, but only of a smaller diameter;
  • put oppression on it so that it strangles the contents;
  • leave the fern in this state for 30 days;
  • at the end of the period, the salting is laid out in jars and rolled up, although some leave it in the same dish.

The proportion is as follows: for 4 kg of fern there is 1 kg of salt.

Immediately before cooking, the product is soaked. The procedure takes about 8 hours. Then the sprouts are fried with onions. Other housewives prepare salads from it, adding boiled eggs and bow.

The salted Orlyak fern is stored at room temperature. At the same time, it is important to comply with the main requirement - that direct sunlight does not fall on it. As a result, the dish turns out to be so tasty that even capricious children like it.


