Features of summer daffodil transplant

Tell me when you can transplant daffodils after flowering? At my dacha, a whole forest has already formed from 5 bushes. I want to rejuvenate the daffodils a little, otherwise they began to bloom very poorly.

daffodils Daffodils are highly fertile and require periodic transplantation, although the first three years of life, the young bulb copes well without human intervention. Within one to two years after planting, daffodils "build up mass", then begin to bloom, and only by the fourth year of life they form their own children. But already from this age, it is necessary to carefully observe the bushes so as not to miss the moment of transplantation.

When can I start the transplant?

daffodils have faded

On average, daffodils are transplanted once every 5 years, but in some cases this may be more often.

How to understand that a plant needs a transplant? This is evidenced by the following signs:

  • daffodils gradually "crawl out" beyond the allotted area and occupy most of the flower bed;
  • neat bushes become thick and overgrown;
  • flowering duration decreases;
  • fewer peduncles are formed on the bushes.

Transplant daffodils after flowering, it can be done when the long leaves turn yellow and lose their elasticity, that is, they lie on the ground (around June). There is no need to wait until they are completely dry.

How to transplant flowers correctly?

excavated daffodils

After the bulbs have been dug out, they must be cleaned of the ground and allowed to dry a little in the shade. Then rinse in a solution of pink potassium permanganate (for the prevention of diseases) and can be immediately planted in a new place.

If, for some reason, it was not possible to plant immediately after digging the bulbs, they can be planted in early autumn. Until this time, the bulbs should be stored in a cool dry place.

How to plant the bulbs depends only on the wishes of the grower. It can be either continuous rows or group landings. Regardless of the way the planting material is located in the garden, you should pay attention to the following points:

  1. Planting depth... On average, for an adult bulb, it is up to 15 cm, for a child - up to 10 cm. If the soil is very heavy, you need to plant daffodils closer to the soil surface.
  2. Distance between bushes... The bulbs should be placed every 10 cm.You can leave a larger gap, but not thicker, otherwise the plantings will quickly grow and thicken, which will lead to lack of flowering and the degeneration of narcissists.

The planted bulbs must be watered abundantly. In the future, watering can only be carried out in dry weather. With the arrival of autumn, cover the new bed with mulch, for example, leaves or peat.

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