Features of the formation of bonsai from a bonsai

bonsai from fat woman As you know, fat women usually grow to very large sizes, but in the conditions of an apartment it is not always possible to keep large-sized handsome men. Using the bonsai technique, you can not only create the necessary and compact size of the plant, but also give it an original shape.

Making bonsai from money tree has its own characteristics, namely:

  • selection of a suitable container;
  • crown formation.

When choosing a variety of bastard, it must be borne in mind that variegated species, due to their characteristics, grow much more slowly than trees with green leaves.

On this topic: how to care for the money tree?

In which pot is it better to grow a fat woman?

Usually in classic versions bonsai (for example, from pine), special dishes are used - low, but wide bowls, in which a limited space for roots is created.

This number will not work with a money tree. In order to get a nice and thick trunk, the plant must be able to develop. This means that the root system needs more space: the larger and more developed it is, the larger the trunk and the wider the crown. In a small container, the fat woman does not have this opportunity, therefore, until the tree reaches the desired size, it must grow in a training pot.

At the initial stage of growing bonsai from a bonsai, you must use a regular flower pot, replanting the plant annually.

How to form a tree correctly?

By its nature, the money tree is already characterized by a powerful trunk, especially in adulthood. But when forming a bonsai, one important point must be taken into account: in order to get a thick trunk, the plant needs to grow long branches. The longer the shoots, the thicker they will be at the base.

A thick trunk from a fat woman can be quickly obtained by growing tops.

It is very simple to make tops: first a long branch grows, and when it gains enough thickness at the base, the rest of the length is removed. The cut site heals over time, forming a thick top. In the future, new shoots appear on it.

During the growing of the top, the branch is not trimmed, but the shoots selected as the main ones must be cut off annually.

In addition to pruning, it is necessary to periodically inspect the bonsai, and carefully remove the leaves that are too large so that they do not interfere with the access of light deep into the crown. Leaves growing at the bottom of the trunk are also removed.

Video - how to form a bonsai from a fat woman


