Well construction at the summer cottage

well construction in the country The well provides a private house with water for domestic needs on a permanent basis. Its arrangement is a long-term and expensive process. It is not enough to simply cover the well pipe with a warm jacket or blanket in winter and open the well again in summer.

Together with melt water, sewage can enter the well, which will spoil the water, it will not be possible to use it for drinking and cooking. In order to keep the water clean, it is necessary to equip the well:

  • dig a hole for concrete rings;
  • make a trench for an electric cable and a water pipe;
  • lay the rings in the pit and concretize them.

After the base of the well is ready, you need to connect the pump. Holes are made in the concrete rings, which are necessary to bring the pipe out of wells... The construction of the concrete casing takes approximately two weeks.

Pit and trench preparation

Inner diameter of concrete ring for the well is 1.5 m.The thickness of the walls of the ring is 10 cm.In order to make a hole for the concrete rings, a circle with a diameter of 2 m is outlined.The distance between the ground and the wall of the concrete ring should be 15 cm.

In order to accurately calculate the diameter of the circle, hammer in a peg in its center and pull the twine with a shovel and thread.

After the circle is outlined, a hole is dug under the rings with a depth of 2 m. The trench is dug at a depth of freezing of the soil. For each region, the freezing depth is different. For the Moscow region, it is 0.5 m.

Plumbing and cable laying

It is necessary to dig a trench 40 cm wide. A water pipe with a diameter of 50 mm is laid in this trench. You can insulate the pipe with expanded polystyrene.

Then concrete rings are placed in the pit. To install them, use heavy equipment. A hole is made in the rings for pipe and cable. In order to lay the electrical cable, a hole is drilled with a puncher 20 cm above the hole for the water pipe. After the water pipe is laid, it is covered with a layer of soil 20 cm thick.

Then a three-core copper cable is laid in the pit, the trench is completely covered with soil. The gaps between the rings must be covered with polyurethane foam.

Well insulation

Concrete rings also need to be insulated. The well cover is sheathed with insulation. You can use expanded polystyrene or foam. After the concrete casing of the well is ready, you can turn on borehole pump.

Arrangement of a well with technical water - video


