We study the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn for health promotion

useful properties of sea buckthorn

In the middle of autumn, an amazing golden fruit ripens, filled with an abundance of valuable elements. For centuries, the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn have been actively used to strengthen the body and treat various diseases. Decoctions were prepared from leaves, bark, inflorescences, seeds and shoots. And from the fruits they made juice, jam, tincture and even medicinal wine... Why is golden fruit so attractive? What benefits does it bring to the body? First, we will find the answers to these questions, and then we will consider the popular recipes for medicinal drugs.

General information about the plant

sea ​​buckthorn bears fruit

China, Russia and Mongolia are considered the birthplace of thorny shrub with orange berries. However, the plant's unpretentiousness allowed it to spread throughout the land. Compact shrubs are found even on mountain slopes with a height of about 2000 m. Sea buckthorn is planted as hedge, as well as for strengthening unsteady slopes.

The culture grows successfully on any type of soil. Frost resistant. Not sick, not afraid of all kinds of pests, bears fruit for about 100 years.

Useful properties of sea buckthorn through the eyes of ancient sages

unique sea buckthorn berriesDoctors of Tibetan medicine actively used not only golden berries for treatment, but also bark, leaves, flowers. The ancient Greeks prepared various decoctions that were used to strengthen the body. They were given to tired warriors and watered horses to stimulate a surge of strength. Chinese scientists have used the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn in the treatment of stomach, various infections and lung disease.

The chemical composition of the valuable fruit

chemical composition of sea buckthorn seedsAncient sages often called sea buckthorn the elixir of immortality, noting its miraculous effect on the human body. Modern research by scientists has confirmed the value of the product by examining it under a microscope.

Sea buckthorn berries contain:

  • monounsaturated fatty acids;
  • vitamins of group PP, B, E, H, C;
  • trace elements (potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium);
  • tannins;
  • pectins;
  • organic acids;
  • proteins;
  • natural antibiotic (phytoncid).

In addition, ripe orange sea buckthorn fruits saturate the blood with glucose and fructose. As a result, the immune system is stimulated and the body gains additional protection against viral infections. Chemical compounds improve bowel function and digestion in general.chemical composition of sea buckthorn seeds

Moderate consumption of berries normalizes blood pressure in men, women and children. The abundance of trace elements helps to strengthen the heart muscle and vascular walls.

The valuable properties of the product are preserved both during heat treatment and freezing.

Read also: sea ​​buckthorn candles!

Widespread use of fruits

the use of sea buckthorn in cooking and medicineDoctors recommend using berries as an additional component for the treatment of prevention of various diseases. With gastric disorders, it is enough to take a tablespoon of the fruit 3 times a day. To stimulate fertile function, it is recommended to eat no more than 50 g at a time.

The use of fruits is contraindicated in people who have problems with the liver, gallbladder and pancreas.

harvesting sea buckthornHarvested sea buckthorn after full maturation. In order not to injure their hands, they wear gloves. When buying a finished product, pay attention to the external characteristics of the berries.

They should be:

  • without damage;
  • dry;
  • bright orange;
  • with a pleasant aroma.

Since sea buckthorn is a natural multivitamin, it is harvested for the winter. The berries are abundantly covered with granulated sugar or frozen in small portions in plastic bags.

If necessary, the fruits are ground through a sieve, after which they are added to hot drinks instead of lemon.

Cooking use

sea ​​buckthorn jam

Sea buckthorn is an excellent ingredient for cooking:

  • jam;
  • jelly;
  • alcoholic liquor;
  • compote;
  • flavoring additives for meat dishes and salads;
  • vitamin cocktails.

For example, consider how experienced housewives who care about the health of their households prepare sea buckthorn juice.

Required Ingredients:

  • ripe or frozen berries;
  • boiled water;
  • granulated sugar.

The fruits are carefully sorted out, folded in a colander. Rinse under moderate water pressure. Pour into a spacious glass container. The juice is squeezed out with the help of an ordinary crush. The cake is poured with boiled water. Put on a moderate heat. Bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat. Add granulated sugar and mix thoroughly. Then pour in juice, cover with a lid. Insist 30 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth. They are used to prevent various ailments.sea ​​buckthorn juice

Scientists note a number of useful properties of sea buckthorn fruit drink with regular use of the drink:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • production of enzymes necessary for digestion;
  • increased hemoglobin due to the production of red blood cells.

The healing drink instantly quenches your thirst. Contains a minimum of calories, therefore it is actively used in dietary schemes. It contains an abundance of serotonin, a substance that stimulates emotional uplift. Truly the elixir of longevity.

To prepare a healing drink, sometimes chefs combine orange berries with cranberries or oranges.

There are many recipes for making sea buckthorn with honey that are used to fight colds. The harmony of the components forms a reliable armor in the body against microbes and harmful viruses. Let's consider several options.

Popular health drinks

sea ​​buckthorn medicinal drinksBlack tea is brewed in a glass container. Add 3 tablespoons of fresh sea buckthorn berries. Insist 10 minutes. Instead of sugar, put 2 teaspoons of honey. It is consumed after meals as a dessert.

Pass 2 medium-sized lemons (with peels) and 200 g of sea buckthorn through a meat grinder. The resulting mixture is filtered, separating the bones. Then add 3 tablespoons linden honey... Mix well to get a homogeneous gruel. It is taken 2 times a day for the prevention of colds.

Another recipe for sea buckthorn with honey will appeal to connoisseurs of external beauty. The beneficial properties of sea buckthorn in tandem with the healing properties of carrots are revealed even more.

You will need:

  • carrot;
  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • honey.

Juice is squeezed out of carrots and sea buckthorn. Poured into a glass dish. Add 2 tablespoons of bee honey. Stir and store in the refrigerator. Take 0.5 cups 40 minutes before the start of the meal. Wipe your face regularly.

A similar drink is prepared with the addition of ginger.

Unique sea buckthorn oil

unique sea buckthorn oilThanks to the special processing of berries, a viscous aromatic liquid is obtained. It contains a large amount of vitamin and carotene. Sea buckthorn oil is used in both folk and traditional medicine.

The product is used to treat:

  • frostbite;
  • wounds;
  • problem skin;
  • some types of cancer.

The remedy can be bought at the pharmacy, but enterprising housewives prepare it at home. The berries are carefully sorted out, removing spoiled elements and stalks. The sea buckthorn is then washed several times using a wide bowl until the water is completely clear.

freshly squeezed sea buckthorn juiceJuice is squeezed out using a press. The liquid is poured into a glass container and taken to a dark place for a day. During this time, oil will appear on the surface, which is carefully collected in a small bubble.Store the "medicine" on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator for about 6 months.

Sea buckthorn oil also has some contraindications. The product is prohibited with an increased level of gastric acidity.

Scheme of substance use

dosage of using sea buckthorn oilIn the treatment of malignant formation, sea buckthorn oil is an auxiliary component. During the period of radiation or chemotherapy, it is recommended to drink 0.5 teaspoon 3 times a day. Preferably before meals.

To get rid of a sore throat or sore throat, the oil is diluted in warm milk (0.5 teaspoon of oil is enough for 200 g of liquid). Drink in the morning on an empty stomach.

External use of sea buckthorn oil promotes wound healing after frostbite and burns. When a runny nose pesters, 2 drops of the substance are dripped into each nostril several times a day. The oil is used for inhalation, diluting 1 liter with three tablespoons of the product. And when you cough, rub the chest area. Doctors encourage women to use oil to treat colpitis and cervical erosion.

Cosmetic use

useful properties of sea buckthorn in cosmetologySea buckthorn oil is a wonderful remedy for moisturizing dry skin. Applications made on the basis of a fragrant substance are used to relieve redness on the face. Oil baths strengthen the nail plate. And applied to the length and roots of the hair sea buckthorn "medicine", stimulates hair growth. It is left for about 12 hours (you can overnight), wearing a scarf or hat. Then they wash their hair thoroughly. The result will appear after several procedures.

Useful properties of sea buckthorn and the healing power of its foliage

healing sea buckthorn leavesWhile studying sea buckthorn, biologists have noticed that the chemical composition of the foliage is also admirable.

In addition to a set of vitamins and minerals, graceful plates contain:

  • tannin (astringent and anti-inflammatory effect);
  • pectin (cleanses the body of toxins);
  • serotonin (normalizes the nervous system);
  • coumarin (thins the blood);
  • triterpenic acids (stimulates cell regeneration).

Thanks to this composition, the leaves are used to heal cuts on the skin. They are even applied directly to the wound. Homemade tinctures are taken for inflammatory processes, colds and viral infections. An inconspicuous sea buckthorn leaf can affect visual acuity if you regularly use a healing decoction. There are many options for making decoctions and tinctures from sea buckthorn foliage. Let's consider some of them.

dried sea buckthorn leaves4 tablespoons of dried foliage are placed in hot boiled water (1 liter). If fresh raw materials are used, then they are pre-cut into small pieces. Then close with a tight lid, take to a warm place and insist for 1 hour. The drug is filtered through a cotton cloth. Take 50 ml 3-4 times a day. Store in the refrigerator.

It is advisable to prepare the tincture every day.

decoction of sea buckthorn leaves

A medicinal decoction from sea buckthorn leaves is obtained in a similar way:

  • dry raw materials (4 tablespoons) are poured with boiling water (1 l);
  • heated in a water bath under a lid for 20 minutes;
  • insist 45 minutes;
  • filter;
  • cool.

The product is stored in a cold place for no more than 5 days. Take for a long time, 100 ml 3 times a day as an anti-inflammatory agent. Also, "medicine" is used for rinsing the mouth with stomatitis and sore throat.

For long-term use, sea buckthorn leaves insist on alcohol or vodka. Interestingly, in such an environment, serotonin dissolves much faster.

For the case you need:

  • dry (2 tablespoons) or fresh (5 tablespoons) foliage;
  • vodka or alcohol (100 ml);
  • glassware.

Raw materials are poured with "fiery" liquid. Placed in a dark place. Stirring occasionally, insist for 14 days. Take 1 teaspoon 4 times a day.

Treatment with herbal decoctions should be taken extremely seriously. Overdose can lead to irreversible processes. Before using it, be sure to consult a doctor.

Sea buckthorn leaves are successfully used in cosmetology

sea ​​buckthorn leaves in cosmetologyTo relieve diaper rash in children, an infusion of sea buckthorn leaves, sage and oak bark is prepared in the traditional way. Then it is poured into a baby bathing container.

The decoctions prepared in the usual way are rubbed into the scalp. After several procedures, dandruff disappears and hair becomes stronger. To cleanse the face of acne, medicinal lotions are made. Sea buckthorn leaves in tandem with chamomile are placed in a gauze bag. Dip in boiling water and boil until soft. Cool and apply to the problem area of ​​the skin.

Having studied the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn, we come to the conclusion that this is a truly valuable plant. Due to its chemical composition, it has a beneficial effect on the body. All kinds of drugs from berries and foliage stimulate the immune system, which is important in the fight against diseases. In addition, sea buckthorn makes excellent culinary masterpieces.

Video about the beneficial properties of sea buckthorn and contraindications for use

  1. Gorbacheva Olga

    Sea buckthorn has very beneficial properties. I love sea buckthorn jam and I also twist sea buckthorn with sugar and make tea out of it, the main thing is not to pour boiling water so as not to disturb the nutrients! It helps a lot for colds!


