Easy Care Basics for the Ideal Home Gardening Plant - Asplenium

asplenium in the interior Asplenium is a variety of ferns that are striking in their numbers. This group includes more than half a thousand varieties of beautiful bright green plants with lush foliage. They are so decorative that they have found their place in indoor cultivation, especially since most varieties feel very good and actively develop indoors.

Almost all Asplenium species do not bloom, but all have a thick leafy head with large leaves, which is why they have gained popularity in the "green design".

In general, ferns are unpretentious. In order for the bush to actively grow new leaves and not get sick, it is enough to simply follow some recommendations regarding care and provide the plants with suitable conditions for keeping, namely:

  • diffused lighting;
  • comfortable temperature;
  • high humidity;
  • abundant watering;
  • periodic transplantation and feeding.

Where is the best place to put asplenium?

In natural conditions, all ferns grow in the shade of trees or near rocks and boulders, which shelter them from the scorching sun's rays, but still provide enough light.

For this reason, window sills are not a very suitable place for asplenium, because they are always illuminated by the sun. As for the northern windows, the plant can live there, but only with additional lighting. Despite the intolerance to direct rays, ferns should have at least 12 hours of daylight.

The most suitable place for asplenium is on a pedestal or stand by the window, while on the south side it should be placed away from the light (at a distance of up to 3 m).

What temperature and humidity does the flower like?

Like a true Tropican, the fern requires a warm room. The temperature in the room should be maintained at 25 degrees Celsius, and in winter it can be slightly reduced, but not lower than 18 degrees.

It is necessary to exclude drafts, and also to remove the flowerpot away from the working heating battery, otherwise the flower will die.

In the natural environment, ferns grow in conditions of high humidity, so it is necessary to create conditions for it as close as possible to tropical ones. To do this, you should regularly spray and wash the leaves and put moss in the pan. If possible, it would be nice to put asplenium near the aquarium.

How often to water?

The main thing in caring for ferns is not to allow the soil to dry out completely, but also not to flood it, so that there is a swamp in the pot all the time. The soil should dry out a little, so it is better to water often, but little.

In order to avoid overflow and decay of the flower, it is better to lower the flowerpot into a basin of water so that the asplenium itself takes exactly as much water as it needs, then draining the excess from the pallet.

When to transplant and feed?

Young ferns need an annual spring transplant before the start of growth. The pot must be chosen slightly larger than the size of the root system. In a too spacious flowerpot, the earth dries out for a long time, and the bush can rot. Adult aspleniums can be transplanted every 2-3 years.

From April to September, ferns should be fertilized with complex preparations for decorative deciduous plants, adding them during watering. The frequency of feeding is twice a month.

Asplenium care at home - video


