Eleutherococcus tincture: instructions for use, indications and contraindications

tincture of eleutherococcus instructions for use From time to time, each person feels weak, lack of vitality and desire to do something. To cope with such a problem will help the tincture of Eleutherococcus, the instructions for the use of which are widely known. This drug is freely available in pharmacies. It is characterized by mild action and high efficiency. Before starting the course, it is important to familiarize yourself with the features of the product and the procedure for its use.

What is included in the tincture

unique composition of eleutherococcus

The main ingredient of the preparation was the extract of the eleutherococcus rhizomes. This plant is common in Asian countries, as well as in Siberia. Its medicinal properties were used by the healers of ancient China. In our country, the preparation of medicines based on Eleutherococcus began only a few decades ago.

The rhizome extract contains the following substances:

  • vitamins A, E, D and C;
  • beta carotene;
  • gum;
  • essential oils;
  • pectin;
  • flavonoids;
  • glycosides;
  • resins;
  • tannins;
  • polysaccharides;
  • coumarin derivatives.

To preserve these substances in the preparation, 40% ethyl alcohol is used. There are no other components in the tincture.

Eleutherococcus tincture can be found in any pharmacy. But you can make it yourself. The plant is unpretentious and it is not difficult to grow it on a personal plot.

The main thing to remember is that the berries of Eleutherococcus are poisonous. It is permissible to use only rhizome for medical purposes.

Beneficial features

useful properties of EleutherococcusFunds based on Eleutherococcus are prescribed for many diseases.

After their application, the following are noted:

  1. Acceleration of metabolism.
  2. Restoration of visual acuity.
  3. Normalization of the state in diabetes mellitus.
  4. Increased appetite.
  5. Cleansing blood vessels, which becomes a good prevention of atherosclerosis.
  6. Restoring the normal functioning of the nervous system.
  7. Acceleration of recovery in urological pathologies.

Eleutherococcus is also an aphrodisiac. After its use, there is an increase in libido and sexual activity of a person. The tincture is advised to be taken by men suffering from problems in the genital area. It will improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which will increase the duration of an erection.

liquid extract of EleutherococcusExperts often recommend the use of the extract for women who have passed into menopause. It will relieve nervousness, improve sleep, and help get rid of chronic fatigue.


Eleutherococcus has a positive effect on the state of the hormonal background.

The tincture is also useful for people of retirement age. It will help improve performance, memory, conditioned reflex activity. The drug has a positive effect on a person's hearing and vision, as well as on his brain activity.

Indications for use

tincture of eleutherococcus instructions for use

The liquid extract of Eleutherococcus is often used in medicine. It is recommended to use it for the following problems:

  1. Exhaustion of the body. The tincture is indicated for people suffering from anorexia and asthenic syndrome. It enhances appetite, helps to get rid of drowsiness and mood swings. After using it, the patient has the strength to fight the disease.
  2. Immune system disorders. With serious pathologies, for example, Eleutherococcus HIV will not have a significant effect.It is used as a natural stimulant of immunity, weakened by stress or prolonged illness. The use of tincture is indicated during epidemics of viral infections.
  3. Hypotension. The substances included in the extract strengthen the walls of blood vessels and have a beneficial effect on the work of the heart. Combined with an invigorating effect, this leads to an increase in blood pressure.
  4. Stress and neurosis. Eleutherococcus has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. Its use will eliminate apathy, get rid of the consequences of psycho-emotional overload, increase physical and mental activity, get rid of tearfulness and irritability.
  5. Diabetes. The use of the extract speeds up metabolic processes in the body. Thanks to this, the metabolism gradually returns to normal, which has a positive effect on the course of the disease. Eleutherococcus is able to alter blood sugar levels.

dispensed without a doctor's prescriptionAccording to the instructions for use, tincture of Eleutherococcus is used not only for medicinal, but also for prophylactic purposes. It will help you avoid stress after climate change, prolonged exposure to heat or cold.

Doctors often prescribe Eleutherococcus extract during the rehabilitation period after surgery or long-term illness.

The drug helps the body to recover faster and return to normal life. It also turns out to be useful after the end of the course of chemotherapy for cancer pathologies.

Eleutherococcus tincture: instructions for use for adults

Eleutherococcus tincture: instructions for use for adultsShake the bottle before using the drug. The extract is diluted in a small amount of pure water. It cannot be mixed with milk.

Dosage for adults depends on the indication for use:

  1. To increase immunity, the extract is drunk half a teaspoon twice a day.
  2. To relieve the effects of stress - 20 drops before breakfast and dinner.
  3. In case of violations in the work of the cardiovascular system - 20 drops twice in the morning.
  4. With hypotension - 30 drops 30 minutes before breakfast and lunch.

The duration of therapy is no more than 30 days. After that, take a two-week break. Then the course is repeated, if necessary.

Application in cosmetology

mask with tincture of eleutherococcusEleutherococcus tincture is often used to restore skin and hair health. In the rhizome of the plant, compounds were found that prevent the aging of the epidermis. Therefore, procedures using a liquid extract are especially necessary for women over 40 years old.

Using the tincture, you will be able to prepare an effective face mask. It not only promotes rejuvenation, but also relieves oily sheen. For its manufacture, 2 tablespoons of the extract are stirred in 50 ml of water. A cloth napkin is moistened in the resulting liquid and applied to the face. Keep this mask for 15 minutes.

Based on the tincture, you can prepare a tonic for daily wiping of the face. For this, 5 drops of Eleutherococcus are stirred in a tablespoon of strongly brewed green tea. In the resulting liquid, a cotton pad is moistened and wiped on the face. Such procedures are carried out in the morning and evening.

Baths with Eleutherococcus will help to rejuvenate the skin all over the body. Three tablespoons of the tincture are stirred in warm water. It takes about 15 minutes to take such a bath.

Eleutherococcus tincture will help improve hair condition. For this purpose, it is better to use it internally. The therapy is started with 5 drops a day. Every day the dose is increased by 2 drops. After reaching 40 drops, take a break for two weeks.

The alcohol in the tincture dries out the scalp. Therefore, a decoction from the rhizome is more suitable for rinsing the hair. But if it is not there, you can use a liquid extract. It is added to the water with which the hair is rinsed after washing with the usual shampoo.

Eleutherococcus tincture: instructions for use for children

eleutherococcus for children's healthEleutherococcus liquid extract is allowed to be used for children over 12 years old. It will help to improve the child's hearing and vision, increase efficiency, and facilitate concentration. In addition, taking the tincture will be an excellent prevention of ARVI and other seasonal diseases.

release formsFor children, the drug is diluted in clean water at a concentration of at least 1 to 3. Single dose - 12 drops. Teenagers over 14 years old are allowed to increase it to 20 drops. According to the instructions for use, tincture of Eleutherococcus is drunk 2-3 three times a day half an hour before meals.

When preparing tincture of Eleutherococcus, ethyl alcohol is used. It negatively affects the development of a young organism. Therefore, it is recommended for children to use other dosage forms of Eleutherococcus extract: syrup, tablets or pills.

Eleuthero for weight loss

tincture of eleutherococcus instructions for use for weight lossAmong experts, disputes about the effectiveness of Eleutherococcus in the fight against extra pounds do not subside. On the one hand, the substances that make up the drug help to accelerate metabolism, help the body to adapt to stressful conditions. They also increase physical activity, which will give a person more strength to work out in the gym.

On the other hand, Eleutherococcus increases appetite. That is why it is used for anorexia and exhaustion. But not every patient has such an effect. The tincture itself will not get rid of the accumulated fat. But it will help you more easily endure severe dietary restrictions and increased physical activity.

Read also the article about useful properties of ginger.

Interaction with other medicinal products

to enhance immunityThe use of tincture of Eleutherococcus should be agreed with the attending physician. When taken simultaneously with some drugs, negative consequences are possible.

You can not combine the drug with:

  • analeptics;
  • corticosteroids;
  • antidepressants;
  • medications with a sedative effect;
  • hypoglycemic drugs;
  • stimulants and adaptogens.

When such medications are taken together with Eleutherococcus, the body's response is not predictable. The extract can multiply the effect of drugs or reduce their effectiveness to a minimum.


Eleutherococcus tincture is recognized as a potent remedy, and therefore not everyone can use it.

The list of key contraindications includes:

  1. Mental illness.
  2. Epilepsy.
  3. Lesions of the central nervous system.
  4. Chronic liver pathologies.
  5. Hypertension.
  6. Brain pathologies, craniocerebral trauma.
  7. Infectious diseases in the acute phase, accompanied by an increased body temperature.
  8. Autoimmune pathologies.
  9. Manifestation of an allergic reaction to the ingredients of the drug.
  10. Pregnancy, as well as the period of feeding the baby with breast milk.

For patients who have had myocardial infarction, the use of tincture is also prohibited. People suffering from alcoholism should also refuse the drug. In the presence of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, the use of the drug is allowed only under the supervision of the attending physician.

Overdose and possible side effects

adherence to dosageIn rare cases, after treatment with a liquid extract, negative symptoms are noted: headaches, hypoglycemia or tachycardia. The formation of an allergic reaction is also possible.

In case of an overdose of medication, disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system appear, and efficiency decreases. Taking the tincture in the afternoon can cause trouble falling asleep.

If any negative symptoms are found, the drug is discontinued. After that, you will need to consult your doctor. The specialist, if necessary, will prescribe symptomatic therapy.

The tincture affects the work of the central nervous system. Therefore, during the period of therapy, you should drive a car and perform work requiring utmost attention with extreme caution.

Storage conditions and vacation rules

The drug is easy to purchase at any pharmacy. You don't need a recipe for this. However, experts say that the unauthorized reception of the tincture may be unsafe. Therefore, before starting therapy, it is necessary to consult a doctor.

Eleutherococcus tincture is stored in a dark place at a temperature not higher than +25 degrees and not lower than +15 degrees. It is important to limit the access of children to the medicine. Duration of storage of funds cannot exceed 4 years from the date of production.

Eleutherococcus liquid extract is an excellent tonic. When used correctly and the recommended dosages are followed, it will be completely safe and effective.

Eleutherococcus tincture: instructions for use - video

  1. Albert

    In the book by LV Yurina "Gardening novelties: berry crops" M. AST Astrel 2003. Circulation 50,000 copies. printed (I quote literally) - “Jam is prepared from the fruits of Eleutherococcus, or they are candied (1-1.5 kg of sugar is consumed per 1 kg of fruit). Fresh fruits are used as a seasoning for hot and cold meat, fish and vegetable dishes and as a spice for pickling and pickling. " According to other sources, Eleutherococcus berries are poisonous. Can you trust Yurina?

  2. Sergey

    I have been using the roots for many years, in one autumn I tried to sugar the berries, I confess - the taste is below average, (tart-dry). I did not notice the negative consequences or toxicity, The opinion of many taiga residents: you can eat, it will not get worse.


