The amazing benefits of lavender oil

lavender blooms Lavender oil, the properties and uses of which are known all over the world, has a unique property. It is used in perfumery, medicine and other industries. Lavender is a unique flower, the scent of which is considered royal in the world. The velvet scent is able to favorably influence the human nervous system and give peace of mind.

A plant that has been popular for hundreds of years

picking lavender flowers

This type of flower was especially popular in ancient times. During the Middle Ages, he was assigned a sacred role. The Catholics believed that lavender flowers fight against dark forces. Therefore, it became an important religious attribute of those times.

From the flowers and stems of the plant, people wove necklaces that they wore to protect them from the evil eye.

Hundreds of years ago, lavender could be seen in every home. Young stems were kept indoors, believing that they would save the family from serious illnesses. Blooming buds were also believed to be a good aphrodisiac. In the XIV century, it was from them that the elixir of youth called "Hungarian Water" was first created.

The inflorescences include:

  • about 10% tannins;
  • coumarin;
  • various resins;
  • about 3% essential oil, in particular linalyl acetate.

But, like all products, lavender essential oil has its own characteristics of application. It is not recommended for pregnant women and people with low blood pressure.

Benefits of lavender oil

healthy lavender oilLavender oil has been valued for a long time. Ancestors used it as an anesthetic, healing, sedative. Outwardly, it is almost colorless, with a slight yellowish tinge. In order to obtain this miraculous liquid, different methods are used: from enfleurage to complex methods.

Using lavender oil products helps you find the right solutions faster.

essential oilAn important benefit of essential oil lavender is that it goes well with other flavors. Tannins help to quickly cleanse the blood from harmful components, and also help saturate cells with amino acids and other important trace elements.

Beneficial features:

  1. Calming. It is excellent in relieving stress and tension. The aroma of oil is an indispensable part of meditation.
  2. Anti-inflammatory. With the help of such a remedy, various skin diseases are treated. It is also often used to combat pathologies of the respiratory system.
  3. Regenerating. This tool contributes to the rapid healing of wounds and burns. It also helps to get rid of wrinkles and restore hair structure.

It has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, improves blood circulation in the brain. Regular use of lavender oil will help you find spring beauty in the shortest possible time.

Quick hair mask recipes

lavender oil for hair strengtheningLavender essential oil for hair is the best option to quickly restore healthy shine to curls. It also soothes the scalp well in case of irritation. Lavender oil is used to fight dandruff and boost hair growth. Plant based masks make them thicker and stronger.

Oil-based hair care products can be purchased at any pharmacy or prepared on your own.

Mask for oily hair

lavender oil for oily hairRegular use of such a product will not only strengthen the bulb, but also give the hair a healthy, natural shine.

The mask should only be applied to dry hair.

To prepare a hair mask, you must use:

  • 4 teaspoons olive oil
  • 4 drops of lavender oil.

applying oil to hairMix the ingredients well and apply to hair. For girls whose curls are prone to oily, it is recommended to apply the liquid only to the ends. In order to achieve maximum results, wrap your head with a large towel.wrap hair

You need to hold the mask in this state for two hours. Then rinse everything off with warm water and shampoo.

Dry hair mask

mask for dry hairLavender nourishes the scalp very well. This remedy will help restore the hair structure, while not harming human health.

To make the mixture, you need to prepare:

  • 3 chicken home eggs (yolks only);
  • 6 teaspoons of almond oil
  • 5 drops of lavender oil.

Place all ingredients in a container and mix well. If the farm does not find almond oil, then you can take another. A good substitute would be olive or burdock. It is necessary to apply the product along the entire length.

Wash off after 45 minutes.

Using lavender oil correctly for hair, you can completely restore its natural properties in a few procedures.

Facial lavender oil recipe

lavender oil for facial skinUsing a mask based on lavender essential oil, you can once and for all forget about redness and peeling of the skin. A small amount of this miracle cure is able to smooth the skin and relieve itching.

Lavender oil for face helps to get rid of eczema and other severe pathologies.

An effective acne mask

fight acneThis recipe copes well with hateful rashes at any age.

It is not difficult to prepare it. This will require using a minimum of ingredients.

To make a face mask with lavender oil, you need:

  • warm, boiled water;
  • dessert spoon of "live" yeast;
  • 3 drops of lavender.

Take a deep bowl and dilute the yeast with water in it. The correct consistency is one that looks like thick sour cream.mix the ingredients for the mask

Add lavender oil to the mixture and mix everything thoroughly. The composition should be applied to a damp face. After the mask is dry, you can rinse it off.time to wash off

Regularly carrying out such a procedure will make the face velvety and incredibly tender. Also, a similar mask can be applied to areas where there are acne. This recipe is recommended for all skin types.clear skin

Knowing everything about the use and properties of lavender essential oil, you can quickly recover from many diseases. To achieve the desired indicators, it is enough to adhere to the recommendations and not forget about the prohibitions.

Useful properties of lavender oil - video


