A gift of nature - medicinal dandelion leaves

dandelion leaves The fight against hepatitis, cholecystitis, gastritis and pancreatitis is very exhausting for the patient. Dandelions are an excellent herb used in the treatment of these diseases. Moreover, it is recommended for joint pain and for those who have bladder problems. The leaves and roots contain components that have hemostatic properties. Some gynecologists attribute such decoctions to their patients.

The unique herb tastes very bitter. Therefore, it is advised to use it to increase the appetite. The chemical compounds contained in it support the work of the pancreas.

Acquaintance with an unusual gastroenterologist

Dandelions - perennial plants. Widespread in the middle lane. In the gardens and flower beds of local residents, they are considered weeds. Yet some have discovered the unique characteristics of the flower. In this regard, the Japanese began to cultivate an amazing herb. Since that time, it has been used as:

  • medicine;
  • substitute coffee (roots);
  • food product (leaves are often crumbled into a salad, and fragrant honey is made from flowers).

Working in the garden or traveling, many are tired and exhausted. If you chew and then spit out the stems of the plant, you can restore the missing amount of energy.

Harvesting of natural raw materials is carried out at different times. Rhizomes are dug out in late autumn or early spring. At the same time, there should be no buds in the outlet, because otherwise the plant will localize the forces for flowering. Cutting the leaves is advised in sunny weather in the morning.

Preparation of a medicinal drink

The collected material is washed with sufficient water. Give a little shake. Then cut into medium pieces. Spread out a newspaper, spread the leaves in a thin layer and leave for 3-4 days to dry. Choose a well-ventilated room with minimal lighting. When the grass is dry, it is collected in natural fabric bags. It should be stored in them.

To prepare a decoction for those suffering from cholecystitis, you need to take:

  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of dry / fresh leaves;
  • pour boiling water over (1 glass);
  • cover with a lid, wrap with a towel and let it brew;
  • strain after a while using a sieve.

Take medicinal tea tediously warm and on an empty stomach - 10 minutes before meals. Drink ¼ glass of liquid at one time. There should be four such procedures per day. Among other things, similar infusions are made from the roots of dandelions. They promote bile secretion and stabilize basic liver functions. If the underground part of the plant is insisted on oil, then the resulting elixir is good for lubricating burns.

Related article: useful and medicinal properties of dandelions!


