Discovering the healing properties of Echinacea - an exquisite garden flower

medicinal properties of echinacea

Surely many are familiar with the amazing purple flower, resembling a large chamomile. However, the medicinal properties of echinacea cause gardeners are more delighted than her beauty. The flower belongs to the most popular medicinal plants, which include a huge number useful elements. What does this natural source of health look like? What kind the facts confirm the beneficial effects of the plant on the body? How to use the medicinal properties of echinacea to protect yourself from disease? Let's try to find answers to these important questions.

Appearance is deceiving

echinacea in the garden

This is how people often think about when they first meet. A person can look beautiful and attractive, but in fact have unbearable character. A nondescript person often turns out to be real friend. Likewise, not all attractive plants are good for health. and some even cause irreparable harm. Fortunately, medicinal properties Echinacea matches the natural beauty of the cute plant.

The flower belongs to the Astrov family. Grows to about 120 cm. Leaves with a rough surface grow on the shoots. They significantly decrease in size at the top of the stems, which looks very impressive. IN depending on weather conditions, flowering occurs in late spring, early summer. Buds bloom on erect shoots in the form of baskets, resembling giant asters or chamomile. The petals are colored purple-violet or pink color.

echinacea honey plant

The uniqueness of the plant lies in the length of flowering, which lasts approximately 75 days. Derived from Echinacea honey considered the most beneficial to health.

Echinacea is home to sandy river valleys located in North America. The plant loves moist soil, an abundance of light. It tolerates low temperatures wonderfully, therefore it is considered a frost-resistant plant. The flower is propagated by seeds or seedlings.

all parts of the plant are used in medicine

In folk medicine they use:

  • buds;
  • shoots;
  • sheet plates;
  • rhizome.
Echinacea preparation

Raw materials are harvested at different periods of the growing season of the plant. FROM inflorescences are collected from July to August. They are widely used to treat colds. diseases. Especially relevant is an alcoholic tincture of echinacea from the throat, which after rinsing relieves acute pain. Greens are useful at the time of the appearance of the first buds. Rhizomes are harvested in early spring or late autumn. All parts crops are dried out of direct sunlight. Dry product can be stored about 6 months. The tincture does not lose its properties up to 5 years. The main condition is capacity stored in a dark place and tightly closed with a stopper.

To prepare a quality medicine, roots that are at least 3-4 years old are suitable.

The chemical composition and medicinal properties of echinacea - a secret flower values

the unique composition of echinacea

Although the external features of the plant do not delight all gardeners, its internal composition is truly valuable for the body.

The flower contains:

  • antioxidants;
  • essential oils;
  • organic acids;
  • vitamins of groups A, C, E;
  • iron;
  • selenium;
  • silicon;
  • calcium;
  • sodium;
  • manganese.

The rich chemical composition of Echinacea offers great opportunities for stimulating the immune system. So micronutrients help to strengthen:

  • bones for various purposes;
  • teeth, regardless of age;
  • nail plates;
  • splendor of hair on the head.

Chemical compounds of vitamins and selenium are removed from body harmful substances. This prevents the development neoplasms that can lead to cancer.

The wisely selected mineral and vitamin composition of echinacea serves the body as reliable protection against various inflammations. Combinations of elements help to cope with allergic reactions that occur during the use of medications. In addition, minerals are a strong shield in the fight against pathogenic microbes.

The polysaccharides found in the rhizome have an effect on a number of body systems:

  • immunity;
  • the production of interferons;
  • restoration of damaged tissues;
  • an increase in leukocytes in the blood;
  • protective properties of the liver.

The unique beneficial properties of echinacea are manifested in the treatment of various diseases.

dried flowers echinacea

Practice shows how effective it is to take the tincture during respiratory and viral lesions of the body:

  • flu;
  • ARVI;
  • herpes;
  • gonorrhea;
  • typhoid fever;
  • sepsis;
  • lupus.

The beneficial effect of echinacea on the body is also manifested in time of deep depression, emotional disorders, physical overwork. The use of tinctures, decoctions or plant-based preparations stimulates the healing of wounds, trophic ulcers, psoriasis and even eczema. Echinacea with the flu, it is considered the first aid in the fight against an invisible enemy. In emergency cases: with frostbite, burns and the treatment of deep wounds, the drug accelerates healing process.

Using any drug, you must first consult with a doctor who will correctly diagnose. Otherwise, the medicine can cause irreparable harm.

The wide range of uses of echinacea to combat ailments

reliable assistant to doctors

The human body is created so perfectly that it can independently cope with many diseases. However pollution the environment, unhealthy diet and stress often lead to disruptions. Several decades ago, our compatriots appreciated miracle plant - echinacea, its medicinal properties and contraindications. Interesting, that the ancient Indians used it to treat burns and all kinds of wounds. BC.

Modern research has shown that the plant is useful not only as tinctures or decoctions. Essential oils and rich chemical the composition of herbal raw materials is used to create homeopathic medicines from echinacea. These medications stimulate the body's immune system. In addition they stop various kinds of inflammation. They are assigned to people who often have colds. Regular use of drugs helps speed up recovery. Echinacea alcohol tincture has a special effect, which is prescribed after antibiotics, to restore the patient's strength.

Today, there are preparations containing pure echinacea. They are available as tablets, liquid solution, syrup, and extract.

Life-giving tincture - a simple solution to serious problems

echinacea drink

When the disease does not want to retreat, you have to connect additional means of struggle using folk remedies. And then it is important it is good to understand what the echinacea tincture is for. This will help speed up recovery of the body after and during an illness. However, the dose and period treatment is prescribed by the attending physician who applies an individual approach.

Some diseases cannot be cured with herbal remedies alone. Therefore, it is necessary to combine them with conventional medicines.

For a long time, the use of echinacea in traditional medicine has been observed, which even doctors have appreciated. The alcohol-infused plant is used in the treatment of stomatitis and rashes on the lips.To do this, dilute the tincture with water (1:10) and rinse the mouth regularly. It is advisable to cauterize ulcers with pure echinacea tincture to relieve inflammation.

Prepare the drug like this:

  • 200 g fresh leaves, shoots or buds (dry about 50 g);
  • pour in alcohol or vodka (1 l);
  • insist for about 29 days in a dark place;
  • the tincture is periodically shaken;
  • after the expiration of the term, the liquid is filtered into a sterile container.

However, while using the tincture, remember not to only about the medicinal properties of echinacea, but also about contraindications dangerous for health. Children under 2 years old are not allowed to do any procedures with tincture. TO in addition, after 14 days, the body may become addicted to the drug, which leads to detrimental consequences. Some people may have special sensitivity to the elements contained in the plant or to alcohol. Is it possible pregnant women to take echinacea without harmful effects? An unambiguous answer to the question does not exist. Some believe that it is possible, others categorically forbid it. In any case, the decision is made by the attending physician, who is responsible for successful childbirth. However, the occurrence of small ulcers on the surface of the skin often encourages women to use alcoholic tincture of echinacea from acne. As a rule, no cardinal violations are observed. For promotion immunity, pregnant women are recommended to prepare decoctions or herbal teas, in the composition which includes echinacea.

Making the medicine do it yourself

Echinacea roots for tincture

Mild ailments often prevent people from leading an active lifestyle. Here are just a few of them:

  • headache;
  • lack of appetite;
  • emotional disorders;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • drops in blood pressure;
  • swelling of the limbs.

Herbal fans recommend making a decoction from echinacea to strengthen the immune system and relieve acute pain. If as raw foliage, buds or shoots are used, it is enough to grind greens and pour boiling water over it. After 15 minutes, the liquid must be filtered through the layer gauze. It is advisable to take the medicine as directed by a doctor.

But how do you brew echinacea when using rhizomes? Before in total, the dry product is ground to fill 1 tablespoon to the brim. Then the ingredient is poured with boiling water (about 300 ml) and boiled in a water bath 30 minutes. The drink cooled at room temperature is filtered and diluted water. Take 2 tablespoons with each meal. Such a simple application Echinacea root for many has become a unique medicine to maintain health.

Feminine beauty and charming flower

echinacea for women's health

Often, ladies from the royal family used various medicinal plants to emphasize their beauty.

The unique benefits of echinacea for women showed up as soon as a positive result was noticed:

  • soft and delicate skin;
  • healthy hair;
  • lack of acne;
  • quick elimination of sores on the lips;
  • strong and beautiful nails.

In our time, the use of echinacea tincture is especially important. for hair as ladies are always preoccupied with their hairstyle. Potion stimulates the growth of strands and strengthens the bulbs. As a result, they become much thicker and more luxuriant.

The tincture must be rubbed into the scalp at least 2 times a week.

So that a woman can control her weight and monitor figure, experts advise taking a decoction of echinacea for weight loss. Insofar as the drug stimulates the digestive tract, the result will not take long. the main thing regularity and prudent approach.

The amazing healing properties of echinacea were appreciated not only by the ancient Indians. Modern fans of medicinal herbs have created original decoctions and tinctures that strengthen the immune system. In addition, ready-made preparations containing echinacea are sold in pharmacies. The use of a medicinal plant almost always brings a positive result.

Echinacea for human health - video


