Choosing for home breeding of meat breeds

meat and chicken breed Chickens of meat breeds are very popular among summer residents. The weight of the eggs of these breeds reaches 62 grams. Some chicken breeds do not reduce egg production until four years of age. The most popular meat breeds are:

  • Adler silver;
  • Australorp is black;
  • Plymouth rock silver.

Particular attention when choosing a meat chicken breeds you need to pay attention to egg production and weight of individuals. Consider and compare the qualities of the most popular meat breeds.

Adler silver chickens

The Adler Silver breed was developed by biologists of the Krasnodar Territory. A characteristic property of this breed is its resistance to high temperatures. Adler silver laying hens can be kept in rooms where the average daily temperature does not drop below 35ABOUTC. Another unique characteristic of the Adler silvery breed is the long-term preservation of the original taste of meat and good egg production. Chickens at the age of six months reach a weight of 2.5 to 3 kg, males by this age gain weight from 3 to 3.5 kg. Chickens of this breed lay from 170 to 190 eggs annually. Eggs weigh from 50 to 56 grams.

Chickens retain their egg production for up to four years. Because of this quality, the Adler Silver breed is considered beneficial for long-term maintenance. The weight of a chicken carcass is 1.7 kg on average.

Meat breed Black Australorp

Chickens of the meat-and-meat breed Black Australorp can be kept at a temperature not exceeding 27ABOUTC. This breed was developed in 1980 in Australia. The bird has black plumage with a blue or dark green tint. Layers of a black australorpe weigh 3 kg at six months. Rooster weight - from 4 to 4.8 kg. Gutted chicken carcass weighs 3.2 kg. Black australorpes have high egg production. One individual lays from 200 to 220 eggs annually. Chickens lay their first eggs at six months of age. The shell is white. Egg weight ranges from 56 to 58 g.

Breed Plymouth Rock Silver

The Plymouth Rock breed was bred in 1910. Chickens gain muscle mass well. Plymouth rock layers weigh from 3 to 3.5 kg. The largest males of the Silver Plymouth Rock breed reach a weight of 5.2 kg. Carcass weight averages 4 kg. The egg shell is white. Eggs weigh from 58 to 62 grams. The egg production of a chicken is from 220 to 240 eggs annually. Plymouth Rock layers lay fewer eggs at two years of age.


