How to make beds for children with your own hands

beds for children with their own hands For the correct development of the child, it is important not only the play area, but also the recreation area. The life of a kid is connected with a game, with copying the everyday life of adults, and if you have a desire, you can even diversify the life of your children by making beds for children with your own hands, for example, in the form of a car, a house, or even a ship.

Such a bed can be purchased in a store, but it will cost a lot of money and, as a rule, furniture with such a design is not mass-produced, and it is not easy to fulfill an individual order for production, since it requires high costs. Therefore, the cost of such furniture has always been high. But you can make a crib for a newborn with your own hands according to drawings and photos.

What material to choose for making a bed for children with your own hands

In order to make a baby bed yourself, you need to purchase some materials and tools. Do-it-yourself cribs made of wood are best; conifers are suitable for this: pine, cedar, spruce. You can use plywood or MDF. It all depends on your capabilities and abilities.

When making beds for children with your own hands, it is preferable to use natural wood, since it is more environmentally friendly than other materials. Wooden furniture has always been highly valued for its qualities, which include strength, durability of the product, and beauty. When using a wooden bed, the baby's sleep will be much stronger and calmer. But before starting the creation process, you need to purchase a mattress. Because the stock will be made exactly according to its size. And it doesn't matter if you make a bed for a girl with your own hands or for a boy. A mattress, it is more advisable to buy in a store. Fortunately, modern industry makes them for every taste.

Choosing a mattress

crib mattress

When buying, you just need to consider some of the features of the purchased product:

  1. Rigidity. If the child is small, a more rigid version is needed so that the baby's back is fixed. For an older child, you can buy a softer product. Also sold are double-sided mattresses, that is, with sides of different rigidity. Coconut fiber is used as stuffing in such products. For children over three years old, the mattress is changed and blocks of independent springs are used, which are inserted into separate pockets, which contributes to an even distribution of the child's weight.coconut fiber
  2. Filler. Be sure to read the information about the mattress filler. As a rule, the manufacturer puts an “eco” or “bio” label on his product. Wool is often used as a filler. It is highly undesirable to use mattresses filled with cotton wool or foam rubber. Moreover, to pass them on "inheritance" from child to child. Cotton wool and foam rubber tend to accumulate harmful substances in themselves, fall off and crumble. Therefore, the mattress becomes uneven and can create spinal problems.natural filler
  3. Upholstery. The drapery of the mattress is also important. It is desirable that these were natural materials treated with antiseptic compounds against fungi and parasites. A children's mattress should be easy to maintain, so it will not be superfluous to think about the availability of a removable cover.upholstery made of natural fabrics

You also need to take care of the purchase of paints and can choose a shade depending on whether you are making a bed for a boy or a girl with your own hands. Well, in addition, you will need to purchase carpentry glue for the possible connection of parts of the structure being created.

What paint is best to use when painting a crib

paintIn furniture manufacturing, as a rule, oil paints are used, antiseptic agents are added to them to protect the wood from decay, and they give the products a bright color. This has a positive effect on the appearance of the product.

The varnishes used to cover the surface of the bed are made on a water basis. They accentuate the texture wood and pleasant to the touch. But the surface treated with such means does not need to be washed with active detergents, as it quickly deteriorates. It will be enough to wipe the surface with a damp cloth. To paint a homemade baby bed, you should buy formulations with non-toxic components.

In this case, a good option might be:

  1. Water-based paint, also called acrylic. Has increased wear resistance, is not afraid of water and wet cleaning. Has an affordable price.water based paint
  2. Nitroenamel paint. Forms a resistant film, dries quickly. Democratic value ensures that everyone can acquire it.paint nitra enamel
  3. Water-based paint. It is not harmful during operation, masks damage to wood up to 1-2 mm deep.water-based paint
  4. Coating the bed surface with oil and wax. It emphasizes the structure of the wood very well and keeps it from damage.oil and wax for wood

Some people want to see the wood texture of a homemade bed, not covered with paint, then acrylic varnish must be applied. It does not have a pungent smell, withstands ultraviolet rays. All other varnishes are either highly toxic or short-lived in work.

If there is an opportunity to purchase more expensive types of wood, such as oak, ash, larch - your product will look richer, but remember that it is more difficult to work with these types, since they have a completely different (denser) wood structure and are difficult to process.

All materials can be purchased at hardware or specialized stores and timber trade bases.

Baby crib painting

painting a cribFurniture is coated with paints on an acrylic base during finishing. The process is simple, but it takes time.

Before painting the surface, you must do the following:

  1. Disassemble the bed into its component parts.
  2. To prepare surfaces for painting: sand the surface with sandpaper. If there are old layers of paint or varnish, treat with a remover and remove them with a spatula.
  3. Degrease the surface, especially if there are resinous areas in the form of knots on it. This is done with any solvent (it is better to use a solvent or turpentine).
  4. If necessary, repair minor surface damage with putty.
  5. Before painting, after sanding, be sure to prime the surface.
  6. Apply paint or varnish (at least three layers) with a brush, paint roller, sponge or rag. You can use a spray gun, but there will be a large consumption of paint and varnish material.

After applying the first coat of paint or varnish to the previously primed surface, you need to wait until it dries. The painted surface can be sanded again. This is done in order to remove from the surface fine wood fibers that have risen as a result of staining. After that, apply alternately two more thin layers of paint or varnish.

It is recommended to carry out work on the manufacture of the bed, carrying out paintwork outside the living quarters, best of all, in a specially designated room for household needs.

What tool you need to have

set of tools for workTo make a baby bed with your own hands at home, you need a minimum of tools.As a rule, every owner has everything you need in a box.

To make a sleeping place for a child, you will need:

  1. Plane. It is necessary for possible shaving of the ends during the assembly of a do-it-yourself crib from wood.
  2. Drill with a set of different drills
  3. Screwdriver with a set of bits or just a set of screwdrivers, but it is better to have both.
  4. A chisel, hammer or mallet.
  5. Carpentry clamps, they can be made by yourself to compress parts during gluing. It all depends on the complexity of your chosen project.
  6. A sander with a set of sanding skins, or just sandpaper of various grain sizes. But then the processing process will take longer.
  7. Electric jigsaw with a set of saws for sawing wood, plywood, MDF, or a hand saw. But then again the quality and speed of work will be significantly reduced.
  8. You will also need wood screws, furniture fittings to assemble a baby bed.

The number of tools will depend on the materials from which you will make the baby bed. If this is a board, then you need to take into account the degree of its carpentry. In the case when these are materials made of plywood or MDF, their dimensions and appearance.

What are the main details in the design of the bed

bed design detailsYou can buy all the parts for making cribs for children with your own hands ready-made, and then complete the assembly yourself, or purchase a "semi-finished product" and make all the structural components from it, based on the size of your bed.

The main details are:

  • legs for the bed;
  • drawers, transverse and longitudinal;
  • slats for a set of the bottom of the bed;
  • headboard;
  • side rails.

All of the above parts, connected together, form the basis of the product. The methods of assembling a children's wooden bed with your own hands and fixing parts can be different, since it depends on the design features and the material from which it is made.

For example, if the bed is made of wood:

  1. The drawers must be well planed and sanded. Make grooves in them for installing slats on which the mattress will lie. The distance between the holes should be no more than 5 cm. This indentation is necessary to prevent the mattress from falling through the slots between the slats, which will lead to premature wear of the mattress. The lamellas are either glued to the tsars or screwed with self-tapping screws.
  2. Side rails are designed to prevent the child from falling out of bed during sleep. Making a baby bed with bumpers with your own hands will help protect your baby from injury. They are attached to the backs of the structure using self-tapping screws, or they can be inserted into pre-prepared grooves.
  3. The headboards can be of various designs. If the system is a frame, then it can be filled with a plywood panel, which is easy to make on your own, or you can order it from craftsmen to make a wooden panel, but this will cost more.

After assembling the bed, the question arises about choosing a decor for the product. Inaccuracies made in the manufacture of parts will appear during the assembly process in the form of slots. If there are any on a wooden product, they will need to be covered with putty and subsequently cleaned with sandpaper.

You also need to prepare a primer, stain and varnish. Do not forget that paints and varnishes must be environmentally friendly, since the bed is made for a child.

What design of a baby bed to choose

selection of the design of the cribThere are many options for making a bed for a child yourself. What model to create depends, first of all, on your skill.

When choosing a design, it is necessary to take into account:

  • the size of the children's room;
  • the age of the child;
  • the child's wishes;
  • your possibilities.

If you are looking for how to make a bed for a girl with your own hands, you can consider several options. For example, it is not difficult to make two bunk beds: with a bed at the bottom and at the top if you have two children.A bunk bed is also suitable for one child. In the area of ​​the second tier, you can make a bed for rest, that is, the bed itself. And the lower part will be playable, or combine play and work areas. For example, put a desk there where the child will do his homework. You can make improvised windows from fabric and give the bed the image of a small house. Since making a bed for a child yourself is not difficult, you can dream up and create something, well, very original. For example, build a baby rocking bed with your own hands according to drawings and photos from the Internet.

Crib in the form of a house

baby cot houseIf you want to make a children's bed with your own hands from 3 years old, we offer an option in the form of a house. Such a design is not difficult to manufacture and with the minimum of tools that are indicated above, you can safely get to work. When making such a bed yourself, you can adhere to a free style and experiment with proportions and colors, while taking into account the preferences of children.

As an example, let's take the size of a bed:

  • height 178 cm;
  • length 175 cm;
  • width 91 cm;
  • mattress size 80 x 165 cm.


  • hacksaw or electric jigsaw;
  • screwdriver;
  • drills with a diameter of 6, 10 mm;
  • measuring tool, pencil, ruler, square, tape measure;
  • glue for wood;
  • sandpaper for sanding and surface cleaning;
  • self-tapping screws size: 4.5 x 30, 6 x 70 mm;
  • carpentry glue to glue parts.

For this design, you need to take 13 square bars, preferably 45 x 45, the length of the bar should be:

  • standing supports 1200 mm - 4 pcs;
  • cross bar 829 mm - 2 pcs;
  • roof rafters 730 mm - 4 pcs;
  • axial beams for the roof 1660 mm - 3 pcs.

For the manufacture of the bed bottom, two beams are suitable, the size of which is 38 x 67 x 1660 mm and 2 slats 9x 67 x 1660 mm, as well as lamellas.

Since it is necessary to make a bed a house for a child with a roof, then we choose a gable option so that the parts fit tightly to each other, we saw the upper edges at an angle of 45 degrees.

For the manufacture of walls, we use 1200 mm long racks in this construction. They will play the role of load-bearing supports to which the roof of the bed-house will be attached. For its manufacture, we use a bar with a length of 730 mm.

Car-shaped bed

cot machineThere will be no limit to the delight of your children. What are the features of making this type of bed? Given the activity of the kids, it doesn't matter for them whether it is an ordinary construction or if it carries play functions. The child's bed is subject to more stress despite the significant differences in weight.

Features of the crib car:

  1. An important requirement for such a product is the strength of this structure.
  2. When creating, you should take into account the size and make it grow, since in this case you cannot make a sliding children's bed with your own hands.
  3. It is equally important to observe safety during registration and further operation. This refers to the selection of paints and varnishes, the material from which the bed itself is made, various stickers and electric lighting. All this must comply with a certain safety class.

When making a bed frame - a typewriter, you must take into account your experience and the weight of your child. The base is a frame structure with legs, or a box, which is reinforced with transverse beams. In the manufacture of a car bed for a boy with their own hands, a bar with a section of 50 x 70 mm is used, during assembly, the frame is reinforced with metal corners. The headboard and headboard, as well as the sidewalls, are attached to it. We must not forget that the size of the frame must correspond to the size of the mattress, a difference of +1.2 cm is allowed.

The bottom of the frame, where the mattress will be placed, is preferable to be made of slats, although it is possible, if necessary, to be made solid, from plywood 10 mm thick.

The main design detail of this design will be the side panels imitating the silhouette of the car. They are made from plywood, chipboard or MDF. It can be made of wood, but if you do not have the skills of gluing wood, then it is better to choose any of the above materials.

DIY crib for a newborn - drawing, video

Assembling the car bed

stages of crib assemblyAt the beginning, it is necessary to develop a scheme for a baby bed. A specific car model is taken for a sample. It is important to observe the parameters, colors, bending of lines. In general, a design drawing will be needed. Then you need to make a part template and cut the material on it. Also, with the help of a children's bed project with your own hands, you need to prepare the details of the headboard and foot of the bed. Further, your improvisation and imagination: you can make the headlights and a bumper of a car by drawing them, or you can make them from scrap material.

A children's bed can be made - the car can be in two ways:

  1. All decor elements are attached to a wooden frame.
  2. The decorative elements themselves, depicting the outline of the car, are the frame.

In both cases, you will need to make drawings of children's beds with your own hands. The blanks are made using templates, cut out of plywood or MDF with an electric tool, the edges must be sanded, and a thermal tape is glued to them.

Of course, it would not be superfluous to equip this bed structure with fake wheels and a steering wheel. But masters do not always create such details. Having a steering wheel can create problems in bed maintenance. But the wheels can be drawn or made by yourself, this will complicate the design a little, but what you can't do for your beloved children. You can also equip the bed with night lights and install them in the form of sidelights and car headlights.

As you already understood, the choice of materials for this design of a crib is quite extensive. When using plywood, wooden furniture board or MDF, this type will take 1-2 sheets. Confirmates and keys to them, you will purchase at a hardware store. With the help of screws, you will connect the parts of the bed - cars.

Holes where fasteners enter are best closed with plugs, or at worst, putty. But if it becomes necessary to tighten the fasteners, the putty will have to be picked out for a long time, and it will clog the socket for the screwdriver. Therefore, it is better to focus on stubs. The fastening of the drawers must be reinforced with metal corners, this will strengthen your structure as a whole.

6 basic steps to assemble a bed car

Assembly drawing

  1. We assemble the frame in the form of a frame structure or assemble a box with the installation of partitions. It is better to fasten parts with the help of confirmations, having previously drilled holes for them.
  2. Prepare the sidewalls and end backs by cutting them out of plywood or MDF or other material.
  3. Make a rough assembly of the structure in order to identify and eliminate errors during the manufacture of bed parts. After removing the flaws or in the absence of such, the parts are prepared for painting.
  4. In the bed model, where the side decorative structures are the frame, preliminary assembly is also required.
  5. After staining and subsequent drying, the bed parts are assembled using self-tapping screws and confirmators. The screw heads must be hidden with plugs. Castors can be installed to the bottom of the bed frame, if desired.
  6. The last step is to decorate your crib - cars with various attributes, such as a steering wheel, imitation car tires, headlights, and so on. It all depends on your imagination.

The advantages of making a crib with your own hands

self assemblyIn fact, there are many models of children's beds, as well as beds for teenagers, you can make with your own hands. It all depends on your wishes and imaginations, as well as the child's dreams.A self-made bed has a number of advantages over what a consumer goods manufacturer offers us.

Pros of hand-made construction:

  1. A do-it-yourself crib is created taking into account all the needs and wishes.
  2. It is possible to build in drawers for things. This will save you from purchasing additional furniture.
  3. That the quality of their own work is at times different from that offered by enterprises that manufacture consumer goods.
  4. The bed is made only from safe materials.
  5. The cost of the product will be much less than the price of the product offered for sale in the furniture store.

If you need to buy a bed for a child, do not hesitate, feel free to get down to business. There will always be ideas for making a crib with your own hands. And you will not only gain the experience necessary in life, but also receive respect and recognition from people close to you. And how happy your children will be.

Drawings of baby beds of different designs

baby bed for newborn rocking bed bed with changing table and drawers cradle

Do-it-yourself bunk bed for children - video


