Queen of the fields - sweet corn in the country beds

cornfield In Africa and South America, this plant is the second bread, but on our continent it is loved and is widely used in the food industry. Sweet corn is a very profitable crop, because the demand for it is high at any time of the year. The value of the vegetable is greatly increased by the ease of cultivation and care. Which varieties are more suitable for our climatic conditions? How to plant a vegetable correctly?

Sweet corn came to Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century. Until that time, in our area they were only familiar with fodder varieties that were widely used to feed livestock. As soon as corn, having a sugar taste, appeared on the tables, I instantly fell in love and began to eat it in boiled, baked, and later - in ice cream and canned forms.

The culture is an annual subtropical herb about 3 meters high. The stem is medium, although the thickness of some varieties reaches 8 cm in diameter. The "female" flowers are collected on the cob, and the male flowers are fluffy panicles. The grains are different - from pale yellow to rich golden. It all depends on the variety of sweet corn. Which varieties have taken root well in Russia and please with high yields?

The best varieties

The most popular varieties that take root well in central Russia and the southern regions, please with high yields, include:

  1. Early Gold 401.
  2. Ice Nectar.
  3. Dobrynya
  4. Gourmet.
  5. Sandex.
  6. Volcano
  7. Spirit.

A brief description of each variety:

  1. Early Gold 401 refers to undersized varieties with a growing season of 90 days. It is highly resistant to disease, rich golden grain, juicy and sweet. One ear can weigh up to 200 grams.early golden corn
  2. Ice Nectar - This is one of the sweetest varieties. It belongs to late varieties, but yields are high. Another distinctive feature is the long - up to 23 cm - ears.icy nectar corn
  3. Dobrynya - this is a hybrid that ripens quite early - already 2, 5 months after planting. Juicy, large fruits are perfectly stored frozen, do not lose their taste when preserved. It is also characterized by high resistance to diseases and the ability to grow on almost any soil.dobrynya corn
  4. Gourmet 121 famous for its resistance to pests and diseases. It ripens 70-75 days after planting, and the length of the bush reaches one and a half meters. The variety is especially tasty at the stage of milk ripeness, when it is usually boiled, frozen and canned.corn varieties gourmet
  5. Sundance differs in a slightly elongated grain shape. On each bush, two ears ripen, which are very tasty even fresh. Ripening time - from 70 days to 90.corn sundance
  6. Volcano resistant to droughts, unpretentious in care and gives high yields. The variety feels especially good in regions with forests and steppes. The beans are delicious when roasted.volcano corn
  7. Spirit very gentle variety, but sweet at the same time. Its main advantage is the rich content of polysaccharides. You can plant the variety with seedlings at the end of May, and after 2 months you can harvest.corn spirit

Do you know that there is an unusual variety, when almost all the colors of the rainbow are found on one cob: yellow, blue, pink and even purple shades. The variety is called Glass Gem or Glass Gem, and it was born thanks to the American farmer, breeder Karl Barnes.

corn varieties glass range

How to grow properly

Sugar corn has its own characteristics when growing. Seeds begin to germinate only at a temperature of 9-14 degrees - the plant is very thermophilic and loves warm soil. It is especially good to plant a crop in areas where tomatoes, cabbage or beans used to grow, so it is better to prepare the area immediately after harvesting the “ally”.

soaked seeds before plantingFollow the sequence:

  1. Add humus (3 kg), potassium superphosphate (30 g), potassium salt (10 g) to the ground
  2. When the soil is acidified, it is better to first add lime to it, at the rate of 500 g per 1 sq. m.
  3. Take the largest seeds, usually in the middle of the ear. It is good to warm them up in advance for a week, maintaining a temperature of 35 degrees.
  4. The optimum seeding depth is 5-7 cm, and the distance between seeds is 35 cm.
  5. If the soil is dry, spill each hole before throwing the seeds.

corn seeds for plantingFollowing this simple instruction, you can try to grow a crop even in your summer cottage, and - you can be sure - at the end of the summer, enjoy corn with sugar grains.

In central Russia, you can conduct an experiment and sow a plot with seeds in a different phase: dry, swollen, germinated. Some of them will surely rise. There is one more trick: maintain several stages of sowing at intervals of 2 weeks, then young corn will delight you almost until late autumn.

Corn has good immunity to pests and diseases. But still review your plantings and remove damaged parts of plants in time. Timely watering, weeding, attention is sure to return to you with strong shoots, and then a rich harvest.

Video about super sweet corn Dobrynya

  1. Ruslan

    Should you plant the Dobrynya corn variety?

    • Natali

      Yes, this is a variety of early ripeness, it resists disease well and is not picky about soil.


