Unique medicinal properties of willow bark and contraindications to its use

willow bark Willow bark, the medicinal properties and contraindications of which have always been known, is actively recommended by traditional medicine. The white willow, also known as the willow, is a perennial tree (Willow family). Its bark has a characteristic grayish tint, and the crown is distinguished by a spreading hemispherical shape.

When is willow bark harvested?

harvesting willow bark

Most often, it is the bark that is used for medicinal purposes, a little less often - the leaves. The period of early spring is suitable for harvesting the bark. From it, infusions and decoctions are prepared for therapeutic and prophylactic effects on various diseases.

Willow bark has many medicinal properties and contraindications, therefore, before using this remedy, you should make sure that it is harmless to the body. Raw materials for the treatment of certain diseases are collected from trees that have already reached the age of 6 years.

Harvesting willow bark has some nuances that many do not know about. It is not necessary to collect medicinal raw materials from all the trees that you find. This process negatively affects the growth of willow, so it is advisable to make harvesting in moderation. This will allow you to keep the population of trees in a particular area, and therefore you will always have the opportunity to collect a new batch of medicinal products.

Properties and composition of willow bark

willow bark for the preparation of infusions and decoctionsIn willow bark, medicinal properties and contraindications are actively expressed, which is due to the chemical composition of this tree. The bark is loaded with a substance called the glycoside salicin. This is a natural component, unique in its properties, which was discovered by the German scientist Buchner in the early 19th century.

A little later, Italian professors managed to isolate from the substance "sálix" - the well-known salicylic acid. It was on its basis that a medicine, already familiar to everyone, appeared in official medicine - aspirin. However, at the moment, salicylic acid is obtained artificially, since it is a very expensive process to extract it from the bark of willow (white willow).

It is the presence of this substance in the bark that explains the beneficial effects of pussy willow. So, when taking salicin in the form of tinctures or decoctions, salicylic acid begins to be produced in the human body. Its effect is less harmful than the effect of synthetic aspirin. Studies show that long-term use of it negatively affects the functioning of the digestive system.

Useful properties of willow bark

there is salicin in the willow barkNatural salicin is used as:

  1. Pain reliever.
  2. Hemostatic.
  3. Diuretic.
  4. Antipyretic.
  5. Anthelmintic.
  6. Anti-inflammatory agent.

That is why willow bark is recommended for the following health problems:

  • cold;
  • diseases of the bladder, intestines;
  • headaches;
  • stomach diseases;
  • internal bleeding;
  • menopause.

Ways to use willow (willow)

time of harvesting willow barkFor the preparation of a medicinal decoction, the following recipe is recommended:

  1. Pour boiling water over one tablespoon of willow bark. For this, it is advisable to use enameled dishes.
  2. Further, water with raw materials must be boiled for another half hour, using the "water bath" method.
  3. The broth should be strained while still hot.
  4. Further, it is necessary to pour more boiled water into it (initial volume).
  5. The remedy is taken several times a day, one tablespoon half an hour before meals.

With the help of salicin, joint inflammation is also actively treated. Due to the anti-inflammatory effect of willow bark, it is used in the treatment of rheumatism, osteoarthritis, and gout. Willow is used in folk medicine for diseases such as arrhythmias, diarrhea, jaundice, and oral problems.

willow bark is contraindicated for pregnant womenLike most medicines, it is highly discouraged to use a willow bark broth for women carrying a fetus, as well as for children under 16 years of age. An individual intolerance to this remedy may also become a contraindication to admission. Before using for medicinal purposes, you should consult a doctor.

Video about the medicinal properties of willow bark

  1. Vera

    All my husband's life in the village, a willow has been growing, I cooked a decoction from it, used it for headaches and for colds, but so that from the symptoms of menopause, I have not heard this, thanks for the useful information) and from him I drink teas, tinctures, besides, still cyclical, walks more often began to arrange. It helps me, at first the tides were terribly tormented and my head was often dizzy, now there is no such problem at all, I feel great

  2. MVS

    White willow and pussy willow are two different plants.

  3. Ivan Konev

    Thanks for the advice - I want to make a tincture of willow bark in the water. To start. Thank!

  4. Ivan Konev

    Thanks for the great advice. The willow infusion heals me! Thank!


