We use the beneficial properties of dogwood in the fight against ailments

useful properties of dogwood Even before our era, the ancient Greeks noticed how the beneficial properties of dogwood affect the work of human internal organs. They scrupulously recorded their observations on papyrus so that the information would be preserved for future generations. Modern research has confirmed this irrefutable fact and appreciated the unique fruit.

What is he like? Where does it occur naturally? What types of dogwood are common in Europe? What is the secret of its value for health? How widely the fruit is used in folk medicine and cosmetics. The answers to the questions will help you look at dogwood in a completely new way and happily include them in your diet.

External features of the plant

mature dogwood

Dogwood is a shrub or tree. The maximum plant height is about 7 m. According to the observations of biologists, it is considered a long-liver. In one area, a tree can live up to 200 years. The first fruits appear 10 years after planting. But they are collected every year.

The most common types of dogwood:

  • Present;
  • Drug;
  • Canadian;
  • Swedish;
  • Flowering;
  • Capitate;
  • Nutalla;
  • Japanese.

Each of them has its own characteristics, but all are united by a modest appearance. The tree has a round or pyramidal shape. Elongated leaf plates with pointed tips. The upper side is painted in bright green, and the back - in a pale tone.

flowering dogwoodIn early spring, during the flowering period, the shrub puts on a bright outfit, consisting of many yellow umbrella inflorescences. After successful pollination, valuable fruits appear on the branches. They fully ripen in late August and early September.

bright juicy dogwood fruitsThe berries resemble miniature casks with a glossy red finish. Inside is an elongated, inedible drupe. Ripe fruits have a rich sweet and sour taste. After unexpected frosts, they become more juicy. Not only fresh berries are used for food. They are dried, pickled, boiled and even made into intoxicating drinks. Despite this, the beneficial properties of dogwood do not lose their strength.

In its natural environment, the plant is found in Europe, Siberia, the north of the African continent and Malaysia.

Original chemical formula

vitamin-rich dogwood berriesSince the dogwood has been used in folk medicine for a long time, scientists have investigated its inner "essence".

Berries contain a number of valuable elements:

  • water;
  • vitamin set (C, A, P);
  • organic acids (malic, tartaric, citric, succinic);
  • minerals (iron, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium);
  • mono and disaccharides;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • carbohydrates;
  • proteins
  • essential oils;
  • flavonoids (pigments).

In addition, the bark of the plant contains acarin, which stimulates appetite in children and adults. Tocophenol and ascorbic acid were found in cornel leaf plates. The bones contain a huge amount of essential oils. They are widely used for skin regeneration and other cosmetic purposes.

Those who are struggling with excess weight are not advisable to use decoctions based on dogwood bark.

Thanks to this composition, the fruits normalize important metabolic processes that occur in the body. They are used to treat the dangerous diabetes mellitus that affects more and more people around the world. A set of original components regulates the amount of glucose in the blood.As a result, the level of enzymes in the pancreas that are responsible for processing food increases.

Extensive use of the valuable fruit

harvesting dogwood berriesDogwood is often eaten immediately after harvest. Sweet and sour berries contain the maximum amount of valuable substances. The calorie content of the fruit is about 45 Kcal per 100 g of product. However, after heat treatment, it increases to 210 Kcal.

For the prevention of various diseases, dogwood berries are used as:

  • lotions;
  • mixtures;
  • rinses.

Doctors recommend eating about 1 glass of fruit daily to maintain immunity. Of these, sweet compotes are most often prepared, jam, liqueur, wine. It is added to various sauces that are used for fish and meat dishes.

At low temperatures, the berries lose their valuable properties. Therefore, the fruits are not recommended to be frozen in the refrigerator.

useful properties of dried dogwoodStudies have shown that dried dogwood contains more valuable components than fresh. As the fruit loses water, the concentration of minerals, acids and vitamins increases tenfold. In addition, the berries have an original tart taste.

The product is prepared in the usual way. The washed fruits are laid out on paper in a thin layer. Brought out into the street in a shaded, well-ventilated place. A quality product is obtained in the oven by heating it to a temperature of 65 ° C.

useful properties of dried dogwoodDried dogwood is no less useful. Surely children will like it, because it is prepared on the basis of granulated sugar. The berries are first sorted out, washed, dried. Then the bones are removed. The pulp is covered with sugar, covered with gauze and left for 2 days. The resulting juice is drained, boiled, closed in jars or immediately drunk.

Mix in equal amounts of sugar and water. Boil over moderate heat until the liquid is halved. Pour the syrup over the berries for about 10 minutes. The liquid is drained, and the fruits are laid out on a baking sheet. Send to the oven for 20 minutes. The maximum temperature must not exceed 70 ° C. The product is stored in the refrigerator for no more than six months. It is used to strengthen the immune system during the cold season.

Useful properties of dried dogwood

dried dogwood against virusesProperly cooked berries retain the entire set of trace elements, organic acids and useful vitamins. In this form, their energy level increases significantly. Therefore, the product is not used for dietary nutrition.

In winter, dried or dried dogwood helps the body fight viruses.

The main thing is to adhere to a moderate dosage of the product per day.

Cornel juice

dogwood juiceThe scarlet sweet and sour liquid obtained from berries has a special effect on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Drinking juice after a meal can help relieve diarrhea, nausea and abdominal pain. Its tonic effect gives a person a feeling of vigor for the whole day. The juice is used to treat bleeding gums and various lesions of the oral mucosa. This natural drink lowers blood glucose levels, so it is recommended to drink it for patients with diabetes.

When breastfeeding women, it is advisable to prepare compotes from fresh berries to prevent allergies in the child.

Healing power inside the fetus

properties of dogwood seedsAfter cooking the dried dogwood, a lot of seeds remain. They are actively used to treat various ailments.

They exhibit the following actions on the body:

  • astringent;
  • antibacterial;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • healing.

One dogwood seed contains an abundance of essential oils. Due to this, in a crushed form, the product is used for the preparation of various decoctions. The drink is used in the treatment of blood vessels, burns and internal bleeding. It increases the body's ability to fight influenza viruses. Relieves chronic fatigue and stimulates the immune system.

Original foliage tincture

dogwood leaf tinctureGlossy cornel plates contain a huge amount of tannins, necessary for the well-coordinated work of internal organs.

The tincture is prepared in the classic way:

  • 1 tablespoon of chopped leaves is poured with boiling water (250 g);
  • cover with a lid and a towel;
  • insist 30 minutes.

Take the tincture after meals 3 times a day. Before starting treatment, be sure to consult a doctor. Otherwise, problems may arise.

The benefits of a medicinal dessert

medicinal dessertDogwood jam retains almost all the vitamin composition that fresh berries contain. It is prepared quite simply. The fruits are covered with granulated sugar. Leave for 12 hours. When the juice appears, boil over moderate heat for about 20 minutes after boiling.

Jam is used in the treatment of colds, because vitamin C has antibacterial properties. The product is eaten with hot tea, herbal decoctions or milk.

Useful properties of dogwood for women

dogwood berries for womenA set of valuable elements contained in bright red berries help the fair sex to keep itself in shape. Vitamins stimulate the immune system, so they are less likely to get colds. The presence of iron in the product increases the level of hemoglobin. This is especially important during pregnancy and after childbirth, when the body is in the recovery stage.

The presence of potassium and magnesium in the product contributes to the harmonious functioning of the heart and central nervous system. Regular consumption of dogwood has a beneficial effect on bowel function and normalizes stool, which is important for business women.

During pregnancy, the use of berries can be dangerous if a woman suffers from high acidity of the stomach.

Dogwood and men

dogwood for men's healthThe amazing effect of the product on the body is especially evident in the stronger sex. The vitamin set, which is part of the berries, has a beneficial effect on the protective reserve of the body.

Thanks to microelements:

  • muscles;
  • arteries;
  • veins;
  • bones.

The energy hidden in red fruits helps to do hard work. Often, men who often drive a car (by occupation) have hemorrhoids. Dogwood bark decoctions relieve pain. And fresh fruits stimulate the intestines. Regular consumption of berries improves potency and stimulates sexual desire. As a result, a man does not lose his dignity over the years.

Any treatment should not be started without first consulting your doctor.

Useful properties of dogwood in children's nutrition

dogwood for childrenPediatricians are allowed to give dogwood to babies over 3 years old. During this period, the stomach is already ready to cope with complex substances. Mothers are advised to prepare compotes with a low concentration of the product. Also include fresh berries in the diet, but not more than 100 g per day. Failure to comply with the established rules leads to constipation, abdominal cramps, nausea and even vomiting.

Useful properties of dogwood mobilize the body's defenses to fight viral diseases.

Calcium and phosphorus are involved in the formation of the skeleton. Potassium - strengthens muscle tissue. Truly invaluable benefits for the child's body.

The use of berries in cosmetology

dogwood berries in cosmetologyCornelian ingredients are a wonderful base for creating skin care products. Nourishing masks are made from ripe fruits. The berries are washed thoroughly, dried slightly or wiped off with a kitchen towel. Take out the bones. Pass through a meat grinder or blender. Mix thoroughly. Apply to a washed, steamed face and neck. Hold for 15 minutes. Wash off with cold water.

It is advisable to do a nutritious dogwood mask once a week.

hair mask preparationA useful remedy for strengthening hair is prepared in a similar way. Egg yolk and some honey are mixed in a container. Add to berries and mix. The life-giving mask is rubbed into the scalp 2 times a month. Put on a headscarf. Stand for 15 minutes. Wash off with running warm water. The effect will appear after 4-5 treatments.

Due to the most complex chemical composition of dogwood, the skin receives an abundance of useful components. She gets hydrated.Oily shine disappears. Expression wrinkles are smoothed out.

A medicinal decoction of chamomile flowers with dogwood pulp is used to cleanse the pores on the skin of the face.

It is prepared according to this recipe:

chop the dogwood pulp with a blenderThe seeds are removed from the washed berries. Then the product is ground with a blender. Potatoes grated on a fine grater and chamomile broth are added. Mix with a blender. The resulting gruel is applied to a cleansed face. Hold for about 25-30 minutes. Wash off first with warm and then cold water.

An anti-wrinkle mask is prepared from the following components:

  • dogwood pulp (30 g);
  • chopped banana (1 piece);
  • ground oatmeal (tablespoon);
  • starch (15 g).

The ingredients are placed in a glass container and mixed thoroughly. Leave for 15 minutes. Apply to problematic "islands" of the skin. Wash off with ice water. The procedure can be done daily at the beginning and end of the day.

Individual approach to business

caution when using dogwoodAs you know, dogwood contains an abundance of various acids.

Therefore, there are contraindications that are important to consider before using the product:

  1. People with high acidity of the stomach are better off refraining from compotes, juices and a large amount of fresh berries.
  2. It is undesirable to get carried away with the product for chronic constipation, since the berries contain an astringent substance.
  3. Do not take drinks made from dogwood at night. The tonic effect causes insomnia and agitation.
  4. The product is given with caution to young children, breastfeeding mothers and the elderly.

Only moderate consumption of dogwood berries will bring invaluable benefits to the body.

Video about the beneficial properties of dogwood


