Chrysanthemum spherical - wintering in the open field

Hello! Every year you have to spend a lot of energy on planting spherical chrysanthemums in summer cottages. They say she can survive the winter? If so, tell us more about such an amazing flower as spherical chrysanthemum - wintering in the open field, preparation and so on.

Chrysanthemum is a favorite plant of many summer residents. Because of her beauty, they are ready to spend a lot of time and effort. And, indeed, chrysanthemum can overwinter outdoors. Depending on the variety, they easily tolerate wintering not only in the south, but also in the middle zone of our country. Of course, in order for such a plant as spherical chrysanthemum to undergo wintering in the open field without consequences, you need to prepare accordingly.Chrysanthemum is one of the most beautiful flowers

Preparation for wintering

With the arrival of autumn, flowers fall from the chrysanthemum, the leaves wither. So it's time to make sure that your favorite flower can easily survive the winter.

For this, the bushes are cut to a height of about 10-12 centimeters. It is advisable to use a sharp pruner for this - the stems are quite delicate and easily damaged. A dull pruner will chew on them more than cut them off.

In the southern regions of the country, where there are no frosts, this is quite enough. If you are growing chrysanthemums in the middle lane, you need to take care that the first frosts do not kill the stems and roots. To do this, the chrysanthemum is covered with spruce branches or a thick layer of sawdust. The first option is more convenient - there will be no need to remove sawdust in the spring. But the second is more affordable - not everyone has the opportunity to stock up on the right amount of spruce branches.

If the winters in the region are very frosty and with little snow, then the only way out is to transfer to flowerpots and store them in the basement or cellar, followed by disembarkation.

Spring works

In the spring, as soon as the snow melts and it becomes warm enough, spruce branches or sawdust should be removed from the chrysanthemum. Excess moisture must go away so that young shoots are not attacked by rot and mold. But if the nights are cold, cuttings should be covered with rags in the evenings.Awakening cuttings

In general, it is not advisable to grow one chrysanthemum bush for more than two years in a row - there are fewer flowers, and the bush itself disintegrates. Therefore, at the end of the second season, the bush should be divided into cuttings and transplanted. Then the flower bed will delight you with its beauty for more than one year.

The video will tell you in detail about the wintering of chrysanthemums:


