How to use Jerusalem artichoke and how it is useful for the body

Tell me how to use Jerusalem artichoke? A neighbor gave tubers for cultivation, and now our first crop is ripening in the beds. I planted him on purpose, since it has been two years since my husband was diagnosed with diabetes. Prescribed pills, but we are trying to try folk remedies. We read that with this disease you need to eat Jerusalem artichoke, so we decided to start growing it. We don't sell such vegetables on the market. How can you prepare it so that it is not only healthy, but also tasty?

how to use Jerusalem artichoke It grows like a potato, it tastes like a turnip, and if fried it is almost a potato ... This is Jerusalem artichoke, a tuberous plant from the Aster family. If you still do not know how to use Jerusalem artichoke, we advise you to start your acquaintance with the vegetable as soon as possible. Juicy stems and slightly shaggy leaves are an excellent vitamin supplement to the diet of farm animals. But the real value of Jerusalem artichoke lies in its roots, or rather, in the tubers that form on them. Hidden under the thin creamy brown skin is dense and satisfying pulp. It contains many vitamins and minerals, so the root vegetable is not only tasty, but also very useful.

In terms of chemical composition, Jerusalem artichoke resembles potatoes, but surpasses it in nutritional value. Dishes made from tubers saturate the body faster and for a long time. As a pasture for animals, Jerusalem artichoke leaves behind fodder beets. Birds fed with tubers begin to lay a couple of weeks earlier, while cows have more milk yield and higher milk fat content.

How to use Jerusalem artichoke

Tubers are a versatile product. They are delicious both boiled and fried or baked. You can cook many dishes from Jerusalem artichoke, for example:

  1. Just bake, fry or boil the tubers as you would normally potatoes.baked Jerusalem artichoke
  2. Casserole. Grate and stew fresh tubers in a little oil. Put on a baking sheet, cover with a mixture of milk, eggs and semolina.Jerusalem artichoke casserole
  3. Caviar. Chop or grate the tubers, stew and chop in a blender. Stir in tomato paste and sautéed carrots and onions. Add spices to taste. Put in a pot and simmer under a lid in the oven for an hour.Jerusalem artichoke caviar
  4. Vitamin salad. Grate or chop two fresh tubers, add finely chopped cucumbers and tomatoes (also two pieces each). Season with oil (preferably linseed), add herbs and salt.Jerusalem artichoke salad
  5. Vegetable soup. Boil the tubers with carrots, onions, bell peppers, broccoli and celery.Jerusalem artichoke soup

You can also make healthy juice from Jerusalem artichoke. For these purposes, stems that are crushed under a press, or tubers passed through a juicer are suitable.

Why is Jerusalem artichoke useful?

Jerusalem artichokeRegular consumption of the root vegetable helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Due to its high iron content, it is recommended for patients with anemia. Raw fruits stabilize blood pressure, and boiled fruits normalize the intestinal microflora. Jerusalem artichoke treats gastrointestinal diseases well and is included in the diet for diabetes mellitus, since it does not give a sharp rise in blood glucose. It also eliminates heartburn and serves as an excellent choleretic agent.

What to cook from Jerusalem artichoke - video


