How to propagate hibiscus at home?

Got a hibiscus from my grandmother. The plant is very old, it has not been cut for a long time, as a result of which it has an ugly appearance. So I decided to breed new hibiscus. Tell me how to propagate hibiscus at home?

Hibiscus or Chinese rose is a beautiful shrub with chic bright green leaves of rather large sizes, blooming in large inflorescences of different colors. The plant is often used to decorate office space, but it is also found on home windowsills. Although over time an adult bush will no longer fit there - strong shoots form a real tree, sometimes reaching up to 3 meters in height.

young hibiscus

At home, propagate hibiscus in two ways:

  • seeds;
  • by cuttings.

Read also the article: Chinese rose - home care!

Propagation of hibiscus by seeds

seed reproduction

To obtain quality seedlings, Chinese rose seeds are purchased from a specialized flower shop. For planting, pick up a wide, but not deep pot or box and fill it with nutritious soil.
Make a groove (shallow), water it or spray it with a spray bottle. Lay out the seeds one at a time and sprinkle a little earth. It is not necessary to deepen. Cover the pot with plastic wrap and place in a bright, warm place.
Periodically, the film is raised to ventilate the greenhouse. Instead of watering, spray the ground well. Once the seeds have hatched, the film can be removed. As the seedlings grow, the largest and strongest dive into separate pots for growing.

The disadvantage of seed reproduction is that plants obtained in this way do not always retain varietal characteristics, moreover, they bloom only in the fourth year.

Propagation of a Chinese rose by cuttings


At home, the Chinese rose is most often propagated using cuttings. To do this, cut off the top of a healthy semi-lignified shoot, on which there are three buds. The length of the cutting should be no more than 15 cm, and the cut should be done obliquely. The lower leaves are cut off, and the cutting is cut from above at right angles. Sprinkle the cut with wood ash or moisten in a root stimulator.
You can root the cuttings in a glass of water, or by planting them right away. For rooting planted cuttings, use wet sand or mix it with peat.

cuttings in a greenhouse

Fill plastic cups with soil, water it and plant a stalk, slightly compacting the earth around. As well as when sowing seeds, the glass is placed in the greenhouse from the bag until the cuttings take root. To remove accumulated moisture, the bag is opened from time to time.
The rooted cutting will be ready to be transplanted to a permanent place in about four weeks, and will delight the first flowering next year.

We grow hibiscus at home - video


