How to take watermelon oil properly to get benefits?

Watermelons in the garden beds A concentrated supply of nutrients for continued life is collected in the seeds of any plant. The watermelon seed is no exception. Its core contains up to 25% oil, which can be squeezed out. Together with the oil, all the medicinal components of the product pass into cold pressing. Information on how to take watermelon oil, the benefits and harms of the resulting squeeze, can be found in culinary, medical and cosmetic research.

Treasure in a bottle

Useful oil is made from watermelon seeds

Watermelon oil has a second name, kalahari, and is found on product labels. Watermelon oil resembles in its properties almond oil, obtained from fruit seeds.

Unique watermelon seed oilThe basis of the chemical composition of the oil is fatty acids, and 60% of them is linoleic acid. It is indispensable for the prevention of angina pectoris and for nutrition of cardio-vascular system... Other organic acids also have a beneficial effect, clearing the blood pathways of harmful cholesterol, lowering blood pressure.

Watermelon oilThe vitamin composition of the oil has a beneficial effect on the entire body, no matter how it is fed. At the same time, the skin rejuvenates, the wounds heal, including the ulcer in the stomach. The saturation of the oil with vitamins B, A, PP and C makes the oil curative during spa treatments and in salad. One teaspoon of oil on an empty stomach in the morning, taken regularly, can help relieve chronic constipation. At the same time, the body will receive a good percentage of the daily value, representing:

  • minerals and trace elements;
  • alimentary fiber;
  • amino acids;
  • essential oils.

Watermelon oil is used in perfumery, cosmeticsWatermelon oil is used along with other medicinal cold-pressed herbal products in perfumery, cosmetics and medicine. Medical use is due to the presence of the active vasodilator arginine in the oil. On the male genital area, its effect is similar to Viagra. For medical purposes, oil is used for the following purposes:

  • prevention of renal diseases and mineral deposits in the urinary system;
  • reduction of inflammatory processes of internal organs and skin;
  • removing fluids and poisons from the body;
  • improving metabolic processes;
  • for the withdrawal of helminths;
  • improves metabolic processes in the liver.

Watermelon seed oil extractThe oil has such a beneficial effect on all organs that contraindications are associated only with individual intolerance for various reasons. The main one is a disease associated with the rejection of citrulline, as alien to the body. You can not use the oil in the diet for people who are overweight.

Excessive consumption of the product causes drowsiness and impairs alertness. When exposed to heat, the oil is deprived of vitamins and antioxidants, which makes it of little use.

Watermelon seed oil is used to cleanse the skinOil is beneficial in the composition of cosmetics. As an active ingredient, the oil is a component of tonic skin care products. The use of oil in the composition of masks for oily and problem skin gives a cleansing effect. Any inflammation, acne on the skin under the influence of watermelon oil stops.

Life Formula - Healing OilThe product has a particular effect on the hair structure. When oil is rubbed into the scalp, the hair stops falling out, pomp and shine appear. The presence of a vitamin complex is beneficial for the entire human body. In spas, a cream with watermelon oil is a mandatory component of a massage.Cream with watermelon seed oil

Watermelon oil draws out other sebaceous deposits from the pores of oily skin and dissolves them. The oil is used in children's cosmetics, being a good moisturizing and anti-inflammatory product.

How is watermelon oil obtained and where to buy?

Unrefined watermelon oilGet watermelon oil from seeds. They are dried, husked, crushed. The mass is pressed. The first spin is the most valuable. Another method is solvent extraction. For medicinal purposes, only first cold pressed oil is used. As a result of filtration, the final product becomes a clear oily liquid with a small precipitate. Light color, watermelon smell with nutty notes.

Watermelon seed oilThe area of ​​industrial cultivation of watermelons for obtaining marketable products in the form of oil, flour, juice and canned food is developed in the areas of cultivation. In Russia, this is the southern European part and Primorsky Krai. In the world, watermelons are grown in the Mediterranean countries, in Japan, China, India and America. Therefore, it is not difficult to buy watermelon oil. It is often presented in the shop windows in the "Health shops" along with other healing oils.

If it is offered to buy flavored watermelon oil, then this is an obvious fake. This product is not used for the extraction of herbal essential oils.

Watermelon oilYou can buy butter at pharmacies and grocery stores at health food stores. In Russia, more often than others, you can find products from Ukraine. In Russia, watermelon seed oil is offered by 19 manufacturers in any package and at various prices. When buying a medicinal product, you should look for oil that is cold first pressed. It is a good idea to make sure that this is real oil by reading the quality certificate.

We are treated with oil - video


