How to make pumpkin honey yourself at home

Collecting honey in the apiary Among the products, honey belongs to a special category, it is a medicinal product, as it is the result of pollen processing. Each of the honey plants has its own set of trace elements. The most useful honey is honey collected by bees

Pollen processed by bees becomes a product not only useful, but also curative. Preparing pumpkin honey like natural bee honey is difficult. In order to take advantage of this useful product, people have learned to obtain honey in a different way, without the participation of bees.

What is the use of pumpkin honey

Eating pumpkin honey in limited quantities will provide invaluable benefitsThe composition of the pumpkin is such that it is recommended for the first feeding for babies. Honey absorbs everything useful in high concentrations, which means it is effective in small quantities:

  1. Honey cleanses the body of toxic substances, removes radioactive ions, has a beneficial effect on Gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Indispensable pumpkin honey for problems with the liver. It is a balm, restoring cell membranes and restoring organ activity.
  3. The product has antimicrobial properties and is useful for colds.
  4. Honey is a storehouse of vitamins and minerals, increases the immunity of weakened people, it is recommended for children.

A tasty product with daily consumption in small quantities will relieve problems with hypertension and heart disease. It is just a healthy dessert product that replaces sweets when drinking tea.

However, after taking pumpkin honey, you should always cleanse your mouth, as active substances and glucose lead to tooth decay. Diabetics should not eat honey for obvious reasons. It is better not to use pumpkin honey for chronic patients during an exacerbation.

Making pumpkin honey

Natural pumpkin honey is produced in limited quantitiesAs a beekeeping product, pumpkin honey is elite, produced in small quantities, and the demand for it is high. Natural honey can be bought from a beekeeper only in places where pumpkin melons are located on many hectares. Only when there are no other melliferous plants nearby will the bees agree to bear the meager bribe from the pumpkin flowers. Large yellow gramophones have a lot of pollen, but produce little nectar, about 30 kg of honey per hectare. Therefore, pumpkin honey is produced in Bashkiria, where there are traditionally many pumpkins and beekeeping is well developed. It can be distinguished by its bright yellow color, lack of bitterness, and melon aftertaste and smell.

People learned to extract everything useful from the pulp, turn it into a viscous syrup using sugar. Such honey is inferior to natural honey in efficiency, but it is also a very useful product. Getting sugar-based pumpkin honey is straightforward.

Making pumpkin honeyThere are several recipes for pumpkin honey, each of which can be applied at home. In any case, first of all, you need to choose a ripe small pumpkin and wash the crust thoroughly. If honey is made from a whole fruit, then it should be placed in a container.

Using a sharp knife, cut the cork into the pumpkin from the side of the tail and set it with the whole side on the bottom of the pan. The hole should allow the hand to pick seeds from the cavity. Sugar is poured into the resulting container and covered with a cork with a pumpkin tail on top. The pan is covered so that dust does not get in and is removed in a warm, dark place. A soft pumpkin crust will tell about the readiness of honey, but fermentation should last at least 10-15 days.

Having opened the cork, you can see mold on top of the pumpkin walls, since the composition is a donkey, and the walls were not protected.Now you need a pan, the cleanliness of which you took care of. The crust is soft, the fruit is difficult to remove. But you can make a hole at the bottom, and you can lift the freed wineskin. This will collect the pure honey, and the moldy walls can be cut off and removed. The rest of the candied pumpkin can be turned into candied fruits.

Store pumpkin honey in the refrigeratorSuch a product from the refrigerator is used within a month. For long-term storage, the composition can be boiled over low heat and get a viscous dark honey, but it will be less useful after heat treatment. The poured sterilized utensils can be stored in a cool dark place.

Pumpkin honey will become more expensive and healthier, where any natural honey is used instead of sugar.

Pumpkin honey, prepared on the basis of a natural flower product, is more healing. They keep it in a pumpkin for up to a week, the finished composition is used as a medicine, a tablespoon each with warm tea or an infusion of medicinal herbs.

Pumpkin honey is added to chilled teaThe recipe for pumpkin honey for instant cooking is to cut pieces of pumpkin in the evening into a glass or enamel dish and add sugar to the slices. Having stood the night pumpkin will juice, which is drained, and the pieces are boiled until soft, adding spicy mint, cloves and cinnamon. This product is also considered honey with a by-product - juice.

Natural honeyAny pumpkin honey made by bees or humans should not be used as a hot drink addition. Amino acids and other organic useful elements are curtailed when heated above 50 degrees. Therefore, an infusion or tea is first prepared, and after cooling, healthy honey is added.

Video about the beneficial properties of pumpkin


