How to organize a garden correctly - we plan planting crops, taking into account all the nuances

Tell me how to properly organize a garden? We have purchased a plot and are gradually equipping it. First of all, they erected a small house, for the time being as a dacha, but then we plan to live there permanently. After the wife planted her flower beds and front gardens, it was the turn of the garden. A place for it was allocated in advance, but nothing was planted. We are thinking about the best way to make it convenient for us and for the plants. I want trees and shrubs, perhaps even strawberries, if there is enough space.

how to organize a garden Perhaps there is no such dacha or garden plot on which at least a couple of fruit trees and bushes of raspberries or currants do not grow. Most of us allot a decent part of the area for the garden, growing a variety of crops. To get a good harvest, it is important to know how to properly organize your garden. Of course, if the goal is simply to get shade on hot summer days, then trees are planted where such protection is needed. But a large garden, with numerous and at the same time completely different plants, requires a different approach. Here you should first of all think not about yourself, but about how to create comfortable conditions for trees and shrubs. In addition, a competent neighborhood does not hurt, otherwise high crops will block the sun with low.

Types of garden planning

types of garden layout

First of all, think well and decide what you want to get. Will you stick to specific shapes and distances between plants, or would you prefer a natural look? Depending on this, two principles of garden planning are distinguished:

  1. Landscape. The disembarkation is carried out in a free order, without strict forms. Fruit crops often grow alongside ornamental crops.
  2. Regular. All plantings are located at the same distance in rows. The general scheme is also reduced to a geometric order in the form of a square or rectangle.

How to organize a garden correctly

how to plant plants in the gardenThe ideal place for a garden is the northern slope. However, you can also plant trees on the windward side of the garden. They will protect the beds from drafts, but at the same time they will not become an obstacle to sunlight, unless they are planted very close.

When choosing tree seedlings, do not forget to find out what their crown diameter will be in adulthood. This will help avoid shading the shorter neighbors growing nearby.

Consider also the following nuances:

  1. Availability of free space for tall crops. On average, one spreading tree needs at least 4 m.
  2. Soil composition. Areas in the immediate vicinity of groundwater are absolutely not suitable for a garden. The soil must be fertile, sandstone, clay and rocky soil for horticultural crops are also not suitable.
  3. Relief. The best option for a garden is a plain or slope, but gentle. In the lowland, it is impossible to set up a garden because of excess moisture.
  4. Lighting and warmth. Most garden plants will not bear fruit in the shade. Place trees and berries in a well-lit area. Also, protect them from drafts, for example by planting them along a fence.

Plant the most compact crops in the foreground: strawberries or vegetable beds. You can place berry bushes behind them, and trees behind them. Then the sun will be enough for everyone, and the plants will develop well and bear fruit.

Garden planning rules - video


