How to plant an apple tree in spring: terms and rules for planting

Tell me how to plant an apple tree in spring? It's already very cold here, it's good that at least they didn't have time to buy seedlings. We'll have to postpone planting the garden until spring, but there will be time to get ready. When is it better to plant and what fertilizers should be applied during spring planting?

how to plant an apple tree in spring Most gardeners prefer to plant fruit trees in the fall, including apple trees. In general, this is the best time for planting, because it is no longer hot outside, but not yet cold, and moisture has appeared in the ground after the rains. However, for gardening chores, it is not always the turn of the garden. And if we take into account that in some regions cold weather may come in September, planting work is postponed to the spring. And this is correct, otherwise immature trees in cold soil will surely die. But with the arrival of heat, the seedlings will have every chance of successfully rooting if you know how to plant an apple tree in spring. It is important not only to do it on time and correctly, but also to choose a suitable place and prepare fertile soil.

When to plant: optimal timing for spring planting

apple tree seedling

If in the fall it is important to give time for the planted seedling to get stronger before frost, then during spring planting you should wait until they pass. At the same time, one should not delay too much and wait for the grass to turn green with might and main. A seedling is not a seed that needs a well-heated soil. Moreover, in such a soil, the roots will dry out, which will make it difficult for survival. As soon as the air temperature stops falling below zero, you can start landing.

It is important to have time to plant the apple tree before the buds bloom. Otherwise, she may start to hurt.

Where to plant an apple tree?

Apple treeFor an apple tree, you should choose a well-lit area where there will be no tall trees nearby. Their spreading crown will not allow the seedling to grow normally, and in the future it will not be able to bear fruit well in the shade.

To prevent the apple tree from dying, you cannot plant it in places with a surface bed of groundwater. They will wash out the soil and destroy the root system of the tree.

When planting in groups, it is necessary to leave at least 3.5 m between the seedlings, and up to 5 m between the rows. For tall varieties with a voluminous crown, these values ​​increase to 4 and 6 m, respectively. For dwarf and columnar apple trees on the contrary, the distance between the holes can be reduced to 60 cm.

How to plant an apple tree in spring?

The culture loves fertile and light soil, which should be taken care of in advance, given the composition of the local soil. The landing pit must be prepared 2 weeks before disembarkation. For this:

  • dig a hole at least 60 cm deep and about 70 cm in diameter;landing pit
  • mix the top layer of earth from the pit with superphosphate (1 tbsp.), wood ash (50 g) and humus (in a ratio of 1: 2 to the soil);
  • pour the soil mixture into the hole, forming a mound in the center.soil preparation

If the soil is clayey, a drainage layer must be laid on the bottom of the hole, and the earth is mixed with sand.

landingJust before planting, the hole should be watered abundantly. The seedling is installed on an elevation in the center so that the root collar is above the soil at a height of at least 5 cm. Cover the apple tree with soil, install a support (peg) and tie it up. It remains only to mulch the trunk circle, and this completes the landing.

Video about spring planting of an apple tree


