Let's find out how to properly plant an apple tree in summer

Ripe liquid apples To begin with, it should be remembered that the summer planting of fruit trees is a necessary measure, possible only in emergency situations and should not be resorted to once again. If the question is “when to plant an apple tree?”, Then it is best to opt for an autumn planting, or, in extreme cases, a spring planting.

From a technical point of view, the summer transfer is not much different from the other two options. Except that more fertilizers are required for better survival of the seedling. So, first things first.

Summer planting of apple trees

Fruit tree planting scheme

Before planting trees in the soil, it must be prepared. To do this, dig grooves eighty centimeters in diameter and fifty in depth. The distance between the pits nearest to each other should be at least three meters. When planting in rows between them, leave at least five meters of empty space.

Do you think this is a lot? Not at all. It is enough to imagine how the apple trees will grow in a few years. While the seedlings are relatively small, the empty space can be used for vegetable beds, and later - for strawberries, which will have enough sunlight making its way through the crown of the apple trees.

Planting a seedling with an open root systemSet the top (fertile) soil aside when digging a hole. The recess should be filled two-thirds with the nutrient mixture. For a summer transplant of apple trees, such a fertilizer composition is suitable: add a pound of phosphate fertilizers and about sixty grams to two full buckets of humus potash fertilizers.

After placing the seedling in the soil, fill the hole to the top with the humus that has been set aside when digging the hole and tie the apple tree to a pre-hammered peg.

Planting methods for trees (including apple trees) are divided into two types. The method of planting a tree with an open root system is clearly depicted in the figure, but we will discuss the second type of planting in more detail.

Planting an apple tree with a closed root system

Varietal apple nurseryIncreasingly, nurseries are selling various plants (for example, apple trees) in pots - this is more economical. Gardeners found their advantages in this - when a tree is transplanted to a permanent place of residence, the root system is protected by a clod of earth. Thanks to this, the roots are not damaged, the survival rate of seedlings increases significantly, and the plant assimilates in a new place much faster than when planting with an open root system.

So, in order to remove the plant from the container it was easier, and the lump did not crumble, it is recommended to lightly water the seedling first. Then, holding it firmly with one hand, carefully remove the pot with the other, grasping the holes in its bottom. Now, without violating the integrity of the earthen lump, carefully place it in the prepared recess and fill the remaining void with humus.

When planting a closed-rooted apple tree, try to keep the potting soil level with the soil in your garden. In addition, watch the location of the root collar of the seedling and do not allow it to be buried.

How to care for an apple tree in summer?

Plant chlorosis beginsAs paradoxical as it sounds, various evil insects most often attack the healthiest trees with juicy fruits. So it is the responsibility of the gardener at any time of the year to carefully examine his wards for the presence (or absence) of the first signs of illness.

In addition, regardless of the apple variety, trees may need to be fertilized with fertilizers with a high content of iron, which is involved in the vast majority of oxidative processes inside the tree. This disease is called iron chlorosis.

The first signs of iron deficiency are discolored leaf fragments. Depending on the severity of the problem, it can be either small whitish blotches or leaves completely devoid of chlorophyll.

In this case, you can easily feed the trees with copper sulfate. It must be placed in a spray bottle and sprayed on leaves and branches.

Support of a fruiting treeSeparately, you need to talk about how to properly to water apple trees in summer. Many gardeners water their trees as often as they can, even after heavy rainfall. This is a big mistake! From excess moisture, the roots of apple trees rot, and the crop ceases to receive a sufficient amount of nutrients. As a result, the following mistake: would-be gardeners begin to water the unfortunate plants even more, thereby aggravating the situation.

Loosening the near-trunk circle and wateringTherefore, it is worth highlighting the list of rules for competent watering of apple trees.

  • The amount of water for trees of different ages is very different. Two or three buckets are usually enough for young seedlings, and adults, actively bearing apple trees can consume up to one and a half dozen buckets at a time.
  • In any case, calculate the amount of water so that the soil is saturated with it to a depth of about seventy to eighty centimeters. “Old school” gardeners often use such a system - how old a tree is, so many buckets should be used. However, this is only an approximate data and you need to focus on the composition of the soil in your area.
  • Trees growing on clay or sandy soils need to be watered more often. Usually once a week is enough. Chernozem areas - and even less often, up to twice a month. (If the air temperature rises above thirty degrees, you can water the trees a little more often.)
  • It rained heavily today, but have you scheduled watering for tomorrow? Set it aside for a couple of days, let the soil dry out a little.
  • A common mistake in watering trees: only young seedlings with a small root system are watered "at the root". Adult trees need to be watered, so to speak, along the perimeter of the crown. Those. water should be distributed over the space where the shadow from the tree falls at noon (it is preferable to avoid getting a large amount of water directly under the trunk).
  • It is advisable to enclose this area with an earthen "threshold". So watering the apple trees will become more efficient - water will not flow where it is not needed.

The apple tree planted in the summer began to bear fruitAs you can see, caring for an apple tree in summer is not difficult. The main thing is to love your pets, then they will thank you with a bountiful harvest.

How to choose seedlings with a closed root system - video


