How to prune a yucca - basic rules and expert advice

how to prune a yucca Even a beginner can handle the algorithm on how to cut a yucca. This is an evergreen plant, unpretentious to the conditions of keeping, which can reach 2 or more meters in height. Forming and pruning is one of the basic conditions for growing a yucca to keep it bushy and lush. The procedure is easy to carry out at home without harming the plant.

Why prune a yucca

yucca crown formation

Yucca belongs to false palms. It has a woody trunk, at the top of which is a rosette of long and narrow leaves. If you do not form a crown, the shoot begins to grow in height and can reach impressive sizes. A single rosette will be located at its top, and the plant will not have a decorative appearance. The only way to make the yucca fluffier and thicker is to prune the shoots regularly. In such conditions, they begin to branch, and the tree can be given any shape.

Yucca trunk formation is carried out to stimulate the growth of new shoots. Each of them will have a rosette of leaves, and in the complex they will be able to form a dense and lush crown. In addition, trunks that grow in length gradually become insufficiently strong and can be damaged by their own weight. A well-formed home yucca looks like a small, compact bush covered in greenery.

The tops of the yucca trunks should be at the same height. If a lateral shoot begins to grow at its base, it is also necessary to carry out partial pruning to level the crown level.

Yucca pruning timing and additional tips

young yuccaThe most recommended time to prune a yucca is late winter and the beginning of the first spring month. At this time, vegetative processes begin to recover from frost, but are still not active enough for the procedure to harm the plant. Fall and winter false palm must be dormant to recover from the previous season. For this reason, for beginners who do not know whether it is possible to prune the yucca in the fall or winter, experts strongly recommend postponing this procedure. The plant does not have enough vitality to heal the sections, which can lead to its exhaustion and death.

Pruning yucca for side shoots is a process that takes place annually. Instead of one large trunk, several young branches are formed at the cut.

The procedure is simple, but experts have some tips on how to make it as harmless as possible for the palm tree:

  • after pruning, the growth of the trunk stops, and new shoots will gradually lengthen and thicken;
  • it is undesirable to leave less than 50 cm of the trunk during pruning - at this height it becomes strong enough and can withstand the weight of the side shoots;
  • the thickness of the main trunk should not be less than 5 cm, since the palm tree may remain weak and unviable;
  • the trunk loses moisture after trimming, but this process can be interrupted by treating the cut with paraffin.

April is the month in which the most intense growth of the false palm occurs. Pruning is dangerous during this period, as the plant may die when the cut areas heal.

How to prune a yucca - step by step instructions

yucca after pruningBefore you prune the yucca, you should prepare.During the procedure, the plant will lose a large amount of moisture, so it needs to stock up on liquid for several weeks in advance. To do this, it is enough to water the palm abundantly 2 days before pruning, and then stop watering... During the procedure, you will need sharp scissors or a garden pruner, as well as any substance that can be used to process the yucca cut - you can purchase a special product in the store, liquid paraffin or activated carbon.

The top can be rooted, having received another full-fledged plant - this will require additional capacity and soil in which the cutting will grow.

Pruning yucca at home is a simple procedure. It is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • choose a cut location using only a strong and wide barrel;
  • holding the plant by the leaves, hold along the shoot with a knife or secateurs - it is important that the escape is completely separated from the first time;
  • treat the cut with paraffin, activated carbon or any purchased product;
  • leave the plant in a warm room, out of direct sunlight, for adaptation.

The basic rule of thumb for pruning a yucca is to keep the stem from breaking. It should separate immediately, with the first movement of a knife or scissors - only in this way the harm to the palm tree will be minimal. If part of the trunk is cut off with not too sharp scissors, and then it breaks, the plant will take a long time to recover and may even die. It is also important not to forget that pruning is carried out to form new branches, so the trunk should easily withstand 2-3 new full-fledged shoots with rosettes of leaves. Whether it is possible to trim the leaves of the yucca depends on the purpose of the procedure. Only shoots are suitable for cuttings and crown formation, and it is better to leave the green part on the tops.

Features of pruning a plant with multiple trunks

pruning yucca into several trunksOver time, the yucca transforms into a lush bush with several equivalent trunks. At the end of winter, it is necessary to prune not one, but several shoots in order to continue the formation of a dense and branched crown. The algorithm of actions practically does not differ from cutting one trunk. However, beginners should know the nuances so as not to harm the palm tree.

There is one rule of thumb for how to prune a yucca (street or home) that has multiple stems. It is not recommended to cut two or more main trunks at the same time, otherwise the plant may not recover after the procedure. It is better to remove one shoot every year, as a result of which the yucca will become thick and lush, and will be able to form a decorative crown at different heights.

Care after pruning

care after pruningAfter pruning, it will take at least 3 weeks before new green shoots appear on the old trunk. Buds are formed slightly below the cut site in the amount of 2 or more pieces. If the trunk diameter is 5-6 cm, it is worth leaving no more than 2 or 3 buds. For stronger stems, you can increase this number to 4-5 pieces.

Further care after pruning is simple and includes several requirements:

  • infrequent watering - once every 3 weeks or month;
  • well lit area;
  • during intensive growth of shoots - complex fertilizers (no more than 1 time per month).

The number of buds does not always correspond to the number of new stems - some of them may stop growing. Do not remove the excess until they sprout in the form of branches.

Yucca cuttings

yucca from cuttingsYucca propagates by cutting apical cuttings or by dividing the stem into fragments. Any of the cuts can form a root system and new shoots. After trimming, it is enough to treat the cut surface with activated carbon. Leave the cutting for a few hours to dry it. Then the cutting must take root - for this it can be left in water or in the sand.

Yucca is an exotic plant that is easy to care for. Instances from nurseries have an even, dense crown located at different levels. At home, you can also form the correct symmetrical bush.It will consist of a main trunk and additional branches. The plant will be a great decoration for your home or office. Especially if you properly care for it and remove excess shoots in a timely manner.

We give the yucca a beautiful shape - video


