How to deal with grain weevils: choosing the right "weapon"

how to deal with barn weevils Since ancient times, people have found miniature pests in their barns for storing crops. In the 21st century, nothing has changed, so the question: how to deal with the grain weevil remains relevant to this day. After all, this insect is found almost anywhere in the world where cereals and other edible crops are grown. In addition, it easily takes root in residential premises and special storage facilities.

Small yes remote bug

granary pest

The insect got its name from its unusual head shape. Its front part resembles an elongated proboscis. With its help, the bug destroys the dense skin of grain or cereals.

In their natural environment, there are many types of weevils that destroy:

  • grain crops;
  • peas;
  • buckwheat;
  • rice;
  • corn.

Therefore, the question of how to deal with the grain weevil is decided at the state level. Otherwise, the country may lose the harvested crop and there will be famine.

coleoptera familyThe beetle belongs to the Coleoptera family. Its maximum size is approximately 4 mm. The weevil is colored dark brown. Doesn't fly. The cycle of active existence of an adult lasts approximately 2 years. The female hatches 3 or 4 generations in a year. Inside the grain, she lays eggs, where they go through all stages of development.

For individuals to come out, adult beetles gnaw a hole in the grain.

She can lay about 300 eggs per season, which can damage large amounts of grain. Mass reproduction pests leads to an increase in the temperature of the stored culture. The pest hibernates inside the grain or in various crevices of the room.

How to deal with grain weevils: wise advice from experts

severe damage to grainDue to the fact that people have to endure the annoying bug in their vaults, they have come up with various options for dealing with it.

Preventive measures bring a special effect:

  • cleaning the crop from all kinds of impurities and debris;
  • warming up;
  • cooling grain before sending it to storage at a temperature;
  • maximum drying of the product;
  • thorough cleaning of the room;
  • disinfection of the storage facility with special preparations.

If the barn is small, beetles are chased away using aromatic plants. It could be lavender, garlic, or plain bay leaf. Let's take a closer look at how to deal with a grain weevil in order to preserve the harvest until next season.

The periodic movement of grain in storage has a detrimental effect on the development of pest larvae.

Cleanliness is a reliable protector against pests

barn cleanlinessBefore pouring grain into storage, it must be thoroughly cleaned of debris. A small amount of the crop is carefully inspected, removing the elements of weed grass and large husks. Large volumes of grain are cleaned mechanically. Thanks to such processing, the chance to protect the product from the invasion of beetles increases.

An important measure in the fight against barn weevils is humidity control and ventilation of the granary. It should always be dry and have enough fresh air. If necessary, the room is treated with chemicals.

The following options are available for sale:

  • "Karate";
  • Actellik;
  • "Fufanon";
  • Arrivo.

Most often, hydrogen phosphide is used, which is sprayed throughout the storage area. For small rooms, the drug is used in liquid form.

If grain is stored in containers, they must also be disinfected and cleaned of debris.

"Ambulance" in tablets

pest controlTo protect crops from annoying pests, scientists have created a special drug. Practice has shown that grain weevil tablets are an effective means of fighting the pest. However, before using them, you must carefully read the instructions for use.

If the grain is poured into the hopper, tablets are added as it moves quickly and rather abruptly. To protect the product stored in the bags, the product is placed around the bags in small portions.

Active pest control in the kitchen

barn pest in the kitchenFor the comfortable existence of a weevil, 3 factors are enough:

  • air humidity up to 95%;
  • optimal temperature of the environment up to 30 ° C;
  • the moisture content of the cereal is about 15%.

In such conditions, he can live for a whole year. It is these parameters that correspond to the cooking room. Therefore, many are worried about the question: what to do if bugs are wound up in the grain that spoil the product? There are several easy ways.

If grain weevils are found in the package, it is best to get rid of it. Don't skimp on pests. Otherwise, they will spoil other cereals in the house. It is then important to review your stocks and sort them out as carefully as possible.

You can check:

  • sugar;
  • flour;
  • pasta;
  • tea;
  • coffee;
  • pet food.

If flour weevils are found in the products, you will have to part with them. After all, beetles secrete a chemical that has a detrimental effect on human health. These products should not be eaten. However, in some cases, you can do something.

Temperature processing of grain at home

temperature treatment of grainSince weevil larvae cannot tolerate low temperatures, the grain is cooled to -10 ° C. To do this, it is packed in a plastic bag and placed in a freezer for 48 hours. In winter, they are taken out into frost if the humidity does not exceed 4%.

On the other hand, barn weevils do not like heat. They have been observed to die at + 50 ° C. Therefore, the grain is sent to a preheated oven for several hours. In the summer, it can be heated naturally. At a temperature of + 40 ° C, the beetles die after 6 hours.

Creation of "armor" from weevils

hermetic packagingAfter the products have been heat treated, they are securely packed. For this, containers are used that are hermetically sealed. Thanks to this, beetles will not be able to penetrate and spoil the product.

A wonderful way to create artificial "armor" against parasites is to regularly clean kitchen cabinets. The shelves are first washed with soapy water and then rubbed with vinegar to remove odors. As a rule, parasites do not take root in a clean environment.

As you can see, it is easy to find justice for any "creature". The main thing is to follow the guidance of experts and monitor the cleanliness of the house and the granary.

Methods of dealing with barn weevils - video


