How to deal with a mole in the garden with folk remedies?

In the spring, a strange phenomenon appeared in the garden - mounds of earth. First a few, and then more and more. As a result, after a while the vegetable garden turned into some kind of minefield after the explosions, and half of the harvest remained. Since there are small children, I don't want to use chemistry against the enemy. Tell me how to deal with a mole in the garden with folk remedies.

Moles are known to be beneficial because they loosen the ground during tunneling. They also love to feast on harmful insects from the ground. But, paradoxically, it is this benefit that becomes harm to gardeners. The root system of cultivated plants, which has lost its soil support in the mole passages, simply dies. Therefore, the owners of the plots are looking for all existing methods of dealing with a mole in the garden, including folk remedies.

mole in the garden

Often used are methods such as filling tunnels with water or digging in a fine mesh around the perimeter of the garden. To catch moles on the site, they let the dog go "for free bread", but this can be fraught with consequences - the dogs also love to rummage under the bushes.

Fragrant ways to fight

flowers against moles

Moles have a very sensitive sense of smell, while not all smells are fond of. In order to scare away the mole from the garden, it is advised to plant garlic and onions or legumes on it.

Some flower plants have a similar effect. So, the aroma emanating from the bushes of marigolds or ornamental onions will by no means attract the animal. They do not like moles and certain lilies, or rather, the imperial hazel grouse.

To block the mole's access to the site, it is worth planting these lilies on all sides of the garden.

For those who are not afraid to "ennoble" the garden with an unpleasant aroma, you can try to throw rags soaked in tar, kerosene into the mole passages. Or send the animal a parcel in the form of rotten fish and other prank food waste.

Noise repellents

mole scarer

Moles do not like loud and harsh sounds very much, therefore scarers are installed in the garden. The easiest option is to insert a long (at least 2 m) reed stalk into each mole hole found so that approximately 1/3 of the stalk remains above the ground. With gusts of wind, the reeds emit a certain howl. If the reeds are not at hand, you can tie a can of beer or an ordinary tin can to an iron support.

DIY mole traps

mole hunting

If you have the desire, patience and a certain skill, they arrange a hunt for a mole. It is advisable to go hunting with a shovel in the early morning (moles are especially productive at this time). The main thing is not to miss the moment when and where the mole starts digging - here you need to quickly stick in a shovel and pull it out.

mole trap

For those who love "quiet" hunting, folk craftsmen advise to prepare traps. One of the options for a trap is a saucepan or a can: you need to find a valid move, dig it out and insert the pan there. Cover the passage from above with something tight so that the animal does not notice the catch. During the throwing march, the mole will fall into a trap in a straight line!

Urine therapy

No matter how ridiculous it may sound, moles do not like not only the aromas of plants, but also the smell of urine. The gardeners who used this method assure that the spirit has also gone cold from the animals. The scheme is simple to disgrace - to collect urine for several days in a container, and then just pour it into the hole.Moles retreat very quickly!

Video on how to get rid of moles with an alarm clock


