How to deal with bronzovka - effective methods

how to deal with bronzovka Beautiful beetles often become real pests in the backyard. Experienced summer residents and flower bed lovers know how to deal with bronzes. And it is useful for novice gardeners to understand this, since such a beetle destroys flowers and leaves of crops that produce fruits or berries, and also harms ornamental plants.

Description of species

Bronzovki are beetles from the lamellar family. Many species in this group are brightly colored and also have a metallic luster. This insect is often confused with the common May beetle. Known types of bronze: golden, copper, green.

Golden bronze

golden bronze

This is a fairly large beetle. Its elongated, oval body can reach 22.5 mm in length. The upper part of the body is most often covered with hairs, but there are also completely naked individuals. When examining the bronze from above, a golden-green color is clearly visualized. Entomologists also note the presence of a copper-red tint with a metallic sheen.

The diet of the beetle includes flowers from wild or cultivated plants. But at the same time, golden bronze usually does not cause serious harm to gardening.

Copper bronze

copper bronzeIt is a beetle with a body length of 16-25 mm. The body is narrow, slightly convex and slightly narrowed back. The head is covered with numerous large punctures. The upper side of the body is smooth, shiny with an emerald, bluish, olive or reddish-greenish tint. The head is relatively light with a copper-violet tint.

Green bronze

green bronzeInsects are classified as large and small. The big green bronze beetle is listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation. The body of the green small bronze is 18-20 mm long. The pest has wings, green limbs, and shield-like elytra. Insects are especially active when the sun is shining brightly, and at night the earth becomes their home.

Food preferences

food bronzovkaWhat harm this insect brings becomes clear from what the bronzefish eats.

Pest food preferences:

  • flowers (especially light);
  • young fruits;
  • ovary of plants or fruits;
  • the first leaves.

bronzovka harms the plantBeetles completely eat away stamens and pistils, so sexual reproduction of seed plants becomes impossible, and the yield is sharply reduced. It is not surprising that gardeners and gardeners are looking for effective ways to deal with bronzes.

If the bronze gets into the house, then indoor plants become its food.

Larvae harm

larvae of bronzovka in soilAfter fertilization, the female lays one egg at a time in the soil or old tree stumps (rarely 2-3). Bronzovka larva appears after 2-3 weeks. For 2 months, they feed on dead roots or other plant debris, which at that time decompose in the soil.

At this stage of development, the pest is not dangerous, but even useful. The larva constantly eats, crushing plant residues, which are already partially destroyed by putrefactive processes. By doing this, it accelerates the decomposition of solid particles, which would have remained intact for a long time.

How to deal with bronzovka

There are many ways to effectively combat golden bronze and other species of this family. Each gardener or florist chooses his best option.

Manual collection

we collect bronzes manuallyCollect pests in the morning, when the beetles sit on flowers without moving. Shake off insects in a bag or on a spread cloth / oilcloth under the plants.Collected bronzes are destroyed mechanically. This method pays off when a small number of pests are observed in the garden. If more than 10-15 pieces hit one plant, then urgent measures are taken until the insects have spread further along the garden plot.

Chemical soil treatment

treatment of plants from pestsPests feed during the day, and go to the ground at night. In the evening, using contact and intestinal insecticides (Diazinon, Bazudin, Diazol), water the soil around the damaged plants. Use such an amount of funds so that it penetrates into the ground by 3-5 cm. Bronzes that come into contact with the poison die.

Popular sprays: Aktara, Contract Plus, Confidor Extra, Senpai, Akarin. Processing is carried out in the evening when the sun goes down, since beneficial insects are already resting at this time. Spraying is done once a week. Usually it is enough to repeat the manipulation 2 times. This allows you to get rid of bronzes for a while. After 2-3 weeks, new pests arrive, so the treatment is repeated.

During the day, insecticides are not used for spraying, as this provokes the death of beneficial pollinating insects. If the neighbors have an apiary, then they are warned about the planned spraying of the plants.

Traditional methods

laundry soap against bronze

Some people prefer to fight bronze in folk ways:

  1. Infusion of celandine. For its preparation, 100 g of dry grass is poured into 1 liter of boiling water. The product is kept in a dark place for a day. After straining, the infusion is used for spraying.
  2. Horse sorrel infusion. For cooking, take 30 g of sorrel roots, pre-chopped, which are poured with a liter of boiling water. Withstand 2-3 hours, filter, and then spray the affected plant 1 time in 5 days.
  3. Wood ash... 15 g of ash are dissolved in 5 liters of water. Insist on the remedy for 1-2 days. To the solution add 25 g, pre-ground on a fine grater, laundry soap. Spraying manipulations are performed once every 5 days.

Since bronzes fly into bright light in the evenings, some use light traps to combat them. Other flower lovers have noticed that liquid smoke repels harmful insects well. In 10 liters of water, 45 ml of fragrance is dissolved, as well as 50 g of dark laundry soap. Such a remedy is not washed off from plants for a long time, even during rains.

How to deal with bronzes, the owners of personal plots decide, depending on the severity of the problem. In some cases, these beetles only occasionally fly into the beds or flower beds, so there is no need for their merciless destruction.

  1. Galina

    I have so many of her at least shout the guard.


