Willow or willow - what's the difference?

I always thought that a willow was growing in my dacha. And in the spring a friend visited us (the tree was just blooming), and so he claims that it is a willow, since the earrings are yellow. Tell me, what is the difference between willow and willow?

willow with willow The pussy willow becomes popular in the spring, before Easter. On Sunday, all believers carry thin twigs to church services to consecrate them and bring them into the house. According to ancient beliefs, the willow drives away unclean forces from the house and helps to get rid of ailments. But often willow twigs are used instead of willow, while many think that this is one and the same culture, it just has two names.

In fact, these are completely different plants and in order to understand which tree is in front of you, you should know how the willow differs from the willow. It is very easy to distinguish them by the following features:

  • at the place of residence";
  • by crown;
  • by time and characteristics of flowering;
  • by color and shape of flower buds.

In terms of general characteristics, both plants belong to the willow family.

Where do they grow?

willow by the water

The willow is one of the most undemanding plants to the soil; it can be found both near the river and in the middle of the field. But the willow prefers only the area where there is water nearby. The willow thickets along the river banks look very beautiful, descending their long branches directly into the water. It also grows in a swamp, that is, wherever there is enough moisture in the soil.

What do they look like?

willow branch

In the willow, the crown is more dense and consists of rather thick shoots covered with brown-red bark, which do not bend well. On the branches there are rounded leaves.

willow branch

The willow has a transparent crown with drooping shoots, thin and very flexible. The bark on them is gray-green. In spring, narrow and long leaves with a pointed tip bloom on the branches.

Willow twigs take root very well and quickly give a new bush.

How do they bloom?

how do they bloom

Perhaps flowering is one of the main differences between willow and pussy willow. It is not only different, but also comes at different times. The first to dawn is a pussy willow - very fluffy, slightly elongated snow-white buds open on the shoots. The willow blooms after it and the flower buds on the branches are slightly longer and smaller, but the same fluffy. But the color of the inflorescences is fundamentally different - they are of a beautiful pale yellow color.

The willow blooms in mid-spring, when the branches already have leaves, but the willow blooms very early, before the foliage blooms on the tree.

Characteristic differences between willow and pussy willow - video

  1. vergenn

    Young blossoming willow shoots are called verbs. Willows have many different species - therefore in different areas they differ slightly in color, flowering time and ecology. But not so important.
    those. you walk in the spring and see such a fluffy pretty one on the branches - oh it's a pussy willow. These little white pussies are male inflorescences, later, when ripe, they turn yellow, because anthers and pollen are formed.
    Other trees may have female inflorescences, usually green and more elongated, and not attracting attention.
    In a month, this green bush, sometimes “crying”, will be unmistakably called willow.
    There are species of willows that begin to bloom Before the leaves open, they are usually used as "willow".
    And the article says something strange.

  2. Daria

    Uh what? They are one and the same plant, absolutely. What are you talking about?

    • Sergey

      Yes, all these plants are willow one way or another, because belong to the same genus - willow.

  3. Sergey

    In general, there is no fundamental difference, because. willow, willow, elm, willow, vine, losin, willow, elm - all of them are willow anyway, so if you make a mistake with the species or subspecies, then there is no family, if you call all these plants willow, because all they belong to the same genus - willow.


