Spark gold: instructions for use of a double-acting insecticide

spark gold instructions for use Growing a crop in the garden is only half the battle, but protecting it from pests can sometimes become overwhelming work. Therefore, only Iskra Zolotaya can become the best assistant to the farmer in such a "defense". The instructions for the use of this insecticide indicate more than 60 species of dangerous insects, from which the pesticide saves.

It is especially effective in the fight against:

  • moth;
  • moth;
  • thrips;
  • scabbards;
  • whitefly;
  • Colorado potato beetle;
  • weevils;
  • aphids.

aphid and whitefly drug

The poisonous substance begins to act on insects within the first hour, which leads to their death. If you use special sticks (one of the release forms), then they can protect the houseplant from pests for 6-8 weeks. At the same time, Spark for spraying is an excellent fertilizer for crops, since it contains potash fertilizer... Therefore, it is often used in this role.

Gold spark: instructions for use in detail

instructions for use on the packagingProcessing of potatoes, vegetables and currants (black) is carried out during their growing season. The insecticide penetrates into the upper layer of leaves and becomes fixed at the cellular level. It is so persistent that it stays on the surface during the heavy rainy season. The consumption of this tool is economical, so it lasts for a long time. Among other things, even in hot weather, the spark preparation is a reliable protection against insects and pests.

However, it is important to take into account some features of the preparation of working fluid:

  1. For cucumbers, tomatoes and flowers grown in greenhouses. To prepare a suspension, it is necessary to dissolve 5 ml of the concentrate in 10 liters of warm water. This volume of liquid is enough to treat 100 m² of area. The waiting period is 3-5 days.processing tomatoes in the greenhouse
  2. For potatoes. According to the instructions for using the golden spark, you need to add 1 ml of the drug to 5 liters of liquid. It is recommended to spray the planting during the growing season. The consumption of the prepared solution is 5 l / 100 m². The waiting period is 20 days.potato processing
  3. For currants. Some manufacturers offer such a ratio of Iskra Bio biological product (another production series) and water - 2-3 ml / 1 l. To spray one bush, you need to spend up to 2 liters of solution. The result will appear in two days. However, one more etching will have to be done.spraying shrubs

A small amount of solution can be prepared for processing indoor flowers. So, for 2 liters of liquid, you will have to add only 1 ml of insecticide. This volume of solution is consumed for 20 m².

In all instructions for the use of the Spark insecticide, manufacturers advise preparing the working fluid in 2 stages. First, the specified dosage is diluted in a small amount of water (up to 1-2 liters). After complete dissolution of the pesticide, add the missing volume.

Super sticks "Spark gold" for busy flower growers

protection against insect pests and feedingThere are special sticks on sale based on this insecticide. They contain imidacloprid, an active chemical that destroys pests.

Moreover, they contain nutritional compounds:

  • phosphorus;
  • nitrogen;
  • potassium.

With these sticks, you can protect your indoor flowers from aphids, scale insects and weevils.

well-groomed flowersIn this case, only one thing is required from the grower - to completely immerse (in an upright position) the fertilizer in the soil substrate and then moderately water the flower.A large amount of water does not contribute to the assimilation of nutrients by the culture.

To get an excellent result in this matter, you need to correctly distribute the sticks:

  • if the diameter of the pot is 6-9 cm, then only 1 stick is needed;
  • 9-14 cm - 2 pcs.;
  • 15-20 cm - 3 pcs.;
  • 20-30 cm - 4 pcs.;
  • 30-40 cm - 5 pcs.;
  • From 40 cm - 6 pcs.

As indicated in the instructions for the Iskra pest control, the death of insects occurs 7-10 days after the insecticide is placed in the ground. These devices are pushed at the same distance from each other, preferably along the perimeter of the growth point. Since the insecticide fertilizer dissolves rather slowly in water, its duration lasts up to 6-8 weeks.

Some features of the use of the Iskra Zolotaya insecticide and its analogues

drug packagingAgricultural crops are recommended to be treated only with a freshly prepared solution. The procedure is carried out in calm weather either before 10-11 am, or in the evening after 17:00. The air temperature outside should be within 12-25˚С. In this case, it is worth strictly adhering to the waiting period for the action of the toxic substance.

After treating crops with an insecticide, you can only do garden work after 2 days. Harvesting is allowed 2-3 days after pickling.

In addition, manufacturers produce excellent analogues of this insecticide. One of them is Iskra Bio. It can be applied 2 days before harvest and in areas with very hot climates (from 28 ° C).

Depending on the types of pests, the dosage of the biological product is determined:

  • thrips - 10 ml / 1 l;
  • aphid - 10 ml / 1.3 l;
  • spider mite - 10 ml / 5 l.

Such proportions are allowed for the processing of cucumbers and tomatoes, which are grown in a greenhouse. The consumption of the prepared liquid will be up to 2 liters per 10 m². It should be noted that this procedure is carried out up to 3 times. The waiting period is 2-3 days.

drug packagingMany people appreciated the effectiveness of the whitefly spark drug, so they began to use it regularly. Nevertheless, it is worth using an insecticide only during the growing season. If you do this during flowering or at the beginning of the formation of the first fruits, you can harm the culture.

It is important to ensure that the working fluid does not get into the ground. According to some estimates, it is capable of destroying the microfauna in it.

Helpful Help

safety engineeringFirst of all, it should be borne in mind that this drug is safe for bees, livestock, and fish. Nevertheless, the instructions for the use of Iskra Zolotoy recommend etching within a radius of 4-5 km from the apiary. At the same time, the years of honey insects should be limited for the next 8-10 days. Although the drug is not toxic to humans, it is still important to consider the precautions.

It is worth working with a poisonous suspension only in:

  • robe;
  • respirator;
  • gloves.

Insect pests can eventually get used to the Iskra Zolotaya insecticide. Therefore, manufacturers advise alternating it with other drugs in this series.

After the event, it is important to thoroughly wash your face and hands using soap. In some cases, it is better to rinse your mouth. It is also important to monitor the wind speed. If it exceeds 1-2 km / h, then it is advisable to postpone the etching to more favorable natural conditions. By adhering to these rules, the gardener will be able to protect his harvest from "unwanted" guests.

The fight against harmful insects - video


