The drug Lepidocide created on the basis of living bacteria (instructions for use)

instructions for the use of lepidocide Fruit and berry and vegetable crops very often suffer from the invasion of caterpillars, as well as lepidoptera insect pests. As the instructions for the use of Lepidocide show, such "uninvited guests" can be dealt with in just 2-5 days. To do this, it is necessary to properly prepare the working fluid and add the required dosage of biological insecticide. The drug is completely safe for bees, fish and humans. However, you should never go beyond the rules.

General characteristics of Lepidocide

composition of the drug

Manufacturers offer three forms of insecticidal release. Powder mixtures contain up to 60 billion spores of the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki III serotype in 1 gram. While in suspension concentrates (SC), this ratio is much less - 10 billion / g. The canisters can be of different volumes: 10, 20 or 50 liters.

Some companies indicate the entire composition in the instructions for use of Lepidocide:

  • viable cells of bacteria of III serotype Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki;
  • endospores;
  • fermentation enzymes;
  • protein microcrystals - endotoxins.cells of bacteria of III serotype Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki

The suspension has a pungent and unpleasant odor. This "persistent scent" discourages moths and butterflies, which ultimately cannot lay eggs on plants. Thus, the population of pests on the site is reduced.

Bioinsecticide action is observed during the first 2-5 days. Once in the body of a caterpillar or other insect, special enzymes react with the contents of the digestive tract. These compounds cause the fermentation process of the food on which the pest feeds.

As a result, poisonous substances that lead to severe toxicosis are formed from:

  • glucose;
  • ribose;
  • fructose;
  • starch;
  • maltose.

Bioinsecticide actionIn addition, the digestive tract is an excellent breeding ground for bacteria.

In the process of their vital activity, enzymes and substances are formed that:

  • break down fibrin and casein proteins;
  • cause hemolysis of hemolymph, which is the blood of the caterpillar;
  • contribute to the formation of ulcers;
  • lead to internal hemorrhages.

how does the drug workAs a result, the insect dies. However, with massive and adult individuals, the situation is completely different. Since they have too dense skin, the hatched spores of bacteria do not receive enough oxygen, therefore, they die. Nevertheless, the caterpillars "tasted" the insecticide have a strong digestive upset. The disturbances caused by this also reduce their number at the site.

Application area

instructions for using lepidocide from caterpillarsIt is noteworthy, but the pesticide is widely used in the cultivation of berry bushes, grapes, cabbage, apple and fruit crops. Florists also found the drug effective in caring for essential oil roses. Medicinal herbs and carrots can also be protected from the invasion of insect pests.

Usually, the use of the drug Lepidocide is successful in combating:

  • cabbage or turnip whites;
  • moth;
  • silkworm;
  • American white butterfly;
  • meadow moth;
  • goldtail;
  • gooseberry sawfly;
  • leaf roll (especially bunchy);
  • moth;
  • hawthorn;
  • moth;
  • scoop;
  • fire flames.fighting moths and moths

Lepidocide is widely used in tank mixes. The insecticide is compatible with many pesticides other than highly acidic or highly alkaline formulations.

The above list is incomplete, as it includes more than 40 species of known lepidoptera insects that have become pests of garden and horticultural crops. At the same time, the effect of the biological insecticide does not depend on the temperature regime (it can withstand up to + 32˚С). In addition, the drug is activated in various environments: from 5.7 to 8.2 pH. The action of the biocomplex is observed for 2-3 days and lasts for the next 2 weeks.

Instructions for use of Lepidocide: dosages, solution preparation and processing methods

instructions for use of Lepidocide: dosagesRegardless of the type of insect pest, the consumption rate of a biological product per 10 liters is 20-30 g. The estimated dose is introduced into a small amount of liquid. Mix thoroughly until a homogeneous suspension is formed. Then it is brought to the required volume. Before use, the working fluid is filtered with several layers of gauze.plant processing rules

Spraying is recommended:

  • during the growing season of the crop;
  • 5 days before harvest;
  • in the morning or evening hours;
  • again after 8-10 days;
  • at an early stage of caterpillar development;
  • at a temperature not lower than + 13˚С.

The working fluid must be used within the first 2-3 hours after preparation. Then the efficiency of the spores of the crystalline complex is maximally preserved.

caterpillar damage to the fruit tree the manufacturer of Lepidocide indicates its rate of consumption of the active solution. For example, when processing cabbage, carrots, beets and other fruit crops, up to 0.5-1 liters are used for every 10 m². The etching of apple trees is carried out with the calculation: 2-5 liters per tree. This takes into account its age and variety. In this case, the interval between treatments increases to 10-14 days, and for fruit treatments - up to one week. Spraying shrubs and grapes are carried out depending on the lesion of the planting, so the consumption can be from 2 to 10 liters per 10 m².

Need to know

lipodicide instructions for useEach instruction for the use of Lepidocide contains the storage conditions for the insecticide. The optimal temperature at which all properties of the biological product are preserved varies from -30 ... + 30 +С. It is unacceptable to place containers with concentrate / powder near medicinal or food products.

In case of contact with working solution:

  • in the eyes - they are washed with plenty of water;eye wash
  • on the skin - it is treated with a soapy composition and washed off;
  • into the stomach - vomiting is induced with a manganese solution.

The active substances of the product do not accumulate in plants, as well as in the soil.

In addition, the bioinsecticide increases the yield of the crops grown. In this regard, Lepidocide is used at any phase of plant development. Also, the active ingredients of the drug are not addictive to insect pests. Due to this property, the complex concentrate can be used for any season.

Instructions for the use of Lepidocide against caterpillars - video


