Instructions for use Fastak for the destruction of garden pests

Instructions for use Fastak Fastak is an effective systemic insecticide used against a wide range of insect pests on vegetables and grains. Instructions for use Fastak recommends using this drug to protect potatoes, legumes, wheat, barley from the Colorado potato beetle, drunkard, leafworm and other pests. When used correctly, the pesticide is cavity-safe for future crops and beneficial insects.

Principle of operation and composition

drug with immediate insecticidal effect

The pesticide Fastak belongs to pyrethroids - drugs with instant insecticidal effects and excellent efficacy even at minimal dosages.

The main active ingredient of the drug is alpha-cypermethrin. This substance paralyzes the nervous system of insects, causing their death.

The pesticide has an enteric effect on pests - they die both from direct contact with the insecticide and after eating the treated plants. With strict adherence to the instructions for use, Fastak remains effective in all weather conditions and is not washed off by precipitation.

The insecticidal agent is available in the form of a liquid emulsion concentrate with 10% alpha-cypermethrin, intended for solution preparation.

The scope of the drug

instructions for use fastakInsecticide instruction Fastak advises the use of an emulsion to destroy a wide range of sucking and gnawing insects that affect vegetables and grain crops.

The drug is effective against the following pests:

  • bug is a harmful bug;
  • Colorado beetle;
  • flea;
  • cicada;
  • locusts;
  • drunkard;
  • weevil;
  • white woman;
  • thrips;
  • leaf roll;
  • apple moth;
  • rape flower beetle;
  • mole;
  • pea weevil;
  • beet miner fly.

processing of vegetable bedsFastak is used for spraying potatoes, peas and other legumes, spring and winter wheat, barley, rapeseed, sugar and table beets, alfalfa, vineyards and apple trees. It is effective both in the field and in the garden or vegetable garden.

The advantage of the pesticide is that it has not only an insecticidal, but also a repellant effect - that is, it repels pests, preventing their appearance on plants.

Preparation of the solution and instructions for use Fastak

Fastak is intended for preparing a working solution, which is sprayed on plants at the first signs of pest infestation.

Consumption rates of Fastak depend on the type of cultivated crop:

  1. Drunkards, a bug, a harmful turtle, thrips, cicadas and aphids on barley and wheat - 1 ml per bucket of water.
  2. Thrips, pea aphids, grain eaters on legumes - 1 ml per bucket of water.
  3. Flea beetles, weevils, aphids in the table, sugar and fodder beets - 2 ml per bucket of water.
  4. Cruciferous fleas, rapeseed beetles on rapeseed - 1 ml per bucket of water.
  5. White cabbage, moth, scoop on white cabbage - 1 ml per bucket of water.
  6. Locusts on lawn grasses and pastures - 3 ml per bucket of water.
  7. Colorado beetles on potatoes - 1 ml per bucket of water.
  8. Weevils on roses or rose hips - 3 ml per bucket of water.
  9. Leaf rollers, phylloxera in the vineyard - 3 ml.
  10. Apple moths and leafworms on an apple tree - 3 ml.

The working solution should be prepared immediately before processing the plants and sprayed for 24 hours, then it loses its insecticidal properties.

Fastak can be used both for the prevention of pests and for the destruction of insects that have already appeared.In the first case, the treatment of cultures is carried out once, in the second - twice, with an interval of 8-9 days.

According to the instructions for use, Fastak is prepared in stages - first of all, a third of the water must be poured into the tank, add insecticide in the required proportion and add water. After that, shake the solution well and spray the plants with a spray bottle.

Consumption rates Fastak

uniform treatment of plants

The consumption rates of the Fastak insecticidal preparation are indicated in the instructions. They differ depending on the type of culture:

  • wheat and barley - 0.12-0.14 liters per hectare;
  • table, sugar beet - 0.22-0.23 liters per 1 ha;
  • white cabbage - 0.12-1.15 per hectare;
  • potatoes - 0.08-0.09 liters per hectare;
  • legumes - 0.22-0.25 liters per hectare;
  • apple trees - 0.22-0.25 liters per hectare.

An insecticidal agent is used to treat not only fields, orchards and vegetable gardens, but also storage facilities to protect stocks and planting material from pests. In such cases, a solution is prepared from 0.4-0.5 ml of emulsion per 1 m².drug dosage table

After processing fields and household plots, manual work is allowed no earlier than 10 days, mechanized work - 4-5 days. Grain stocks can only be loaded into a processed warehouse after 3 weeks.

Toxicity and Precautions

precautionsFastak belongs to class 2 insecticides of toxicity. If it comes into contact with open areas of the body or mucous membranes, the drug can cause a burn or a strong allergic reaction, therefore, the treatment of plants should be carried out using protective gloves, a respirator and glasses.

Do not smoke, drink or eat food while working with the insecticidal solution. After treatment, thoroughly wash all exposed areas of the skin with warm soapy water, wash work clothes with laundry soap.

The insecticidal preparation has 1 class of toxicity for bees, therefore, the processing of fields, orchards and vegetable gardens is allowed to be carried out at a distance of at least 3 km from the apiary. It is also strictly forbidden to use Fastak for processing fruit and berry crops during the flowering period, as this causes the death of bees that collect pollen from them.

Fastak does not have a phytotoxic effect - during processing, it does not accumulate in fruits or soil and does not affect its fertility.

Fastak is an insecticidal preparation that is effective against a wide range of pests in garden, vegetable and field crops. The tool not only destroys pests, but also prevents their appearance, providing a repellent effect. Subject to the proportions and norms specified in the instructions, Fastak is completely safe for people and animals. It is only necessary to remember about the toxic effect of the drug on bees.

Video instruction for the use of Fastak


