Regent insecticide won't give Colorado beetle a chance to survive

insecticide Regent With the beginning of the gardening season, summer residents are faced with the task of not only planting crops, but also protecting them from the pest. Potato beds are especially troublesome, but using the Regent insecticide, there will be no problems with them. This effective remedy has a fast and long lasting effect. Just a couple of treatments - and you will no longer see the beetle on your potatoes.

Characteristics of the drug

The active ingredient (fipronil), due to its active properties, allows the drug to be used also as a fungicide. The insecticide has a contact-intestinal effect. This means that when processing plants, the solution penetrates the stems and leaves, and as a result of eating them - into the body of pests, killing them. In addition, when moving through the treated crops, insects become infected through their legs and bring poison into the nest, infecting the rest.

The benefits of this insecticide are:

  • quick reaction (paralyzes insects in an hour);
  • duration of action (2 treatments are enough for the season);
  • resistance to high temperatures, which allows you to get a good result even in hot, no precipitation, summer.

The drug is highly toxic for both humans and bees. When working with it, you must be careful and wear a protective mask.

Insecticide Regent: how to use in private gardening

For spraying potatoes, you must prepare a working solution. It is recommended to first dissolve the drug (1 ampoule or bag with granules) in a small amount of water, and then bring the volume of liquid to the required standards. To destroy Colorado beetles, 5 ml of the drug is needed for 2 liters of water. The solution should be used immediately - the next day it loses its properties. Spraying should be done in the morning or evening, in good weather. If it rains immediately after treatment, the procedure will have to be repeated. Precipitation after 6 hours after spraying will no longer be able to harm and re-treatment will not be required. Just two applications are enough to prevent the Colorado potato beetle from appearing.

The last procedure should be carried out at least one month before harvesting the tubers.

No less effective insecticide against thunderstorms in the garden and vegetable garden - bear... If pests have massively flooded the area, it is better to spill it with a solution (1 bottle per 5 liters of water). Bait can be laid out near single burrows. Add a little sunflower oil and 1 ampoule of insecticide to the boiled porridge for the smell.

Also, the Regent insecticide will help get rid of ants, cockroaches and bed bugs. To do this, dissolve 1 ampoule or sachet (5 g) in 300 ml of water and treat the room. You can't enter it for a couple of hours, then the room must be thoroughly washed and ventilated.

Video review of insecticide Regent


