Pear August dew - description, photo, reviews of the best table variety

Tell us about a variety such as pear Agustovskaya dew, description, photos, reviews, if any. Relatives treated them to fruit, I really liked their taste, and decided to buy a seedling for myself. What is its winter hardiness and when do pears ripen - from what year and at what time?

pear August dew description of the variety photo reviews Beautiful crown, unpretentious character, high yield and excellent taste characteristics. This is all about a culture like the August dew pear, description, photo, reviews of which are mostly positive. Of course, there are some nuances in its cultivation, but still the juicy and sweet pulp outweighs in favor of planting the variety in your garden.

Pear August dew - description, photo, reviews

august dew

Due to its high resistance to low temperatures, the variety is grown both in the south and in the central regions. It tolerates winter well and recovers quickly if the shoots freeze slightly. However, if the winter is too cold, it is better to cover young trees or at least mulch. Pears have high immunity to scab, but resistance to other diseases is low.

The pear enters fruiting already at the age of 3 years. Although many gardeners pick off the inflorescences so as not to weaken the tree, there will still be little fruit. August dew is mid-season and will delight you with delicious fruits in the second half of August. Pears are not stored for a long time, up to a maximum of 3 months in the basement. The original purpose of the variety is for table use, but the fruit is also suitable for winter storage.

Plant characteristic

young pear august dewThe tree will fit perfectly into the landscape of small areas, because its height does not exceed 3 m. The crown of the pear is drooping, not very dense, but it grows new branches quickly. They are located at an angle to the central trunk.

Self-fertility in the variety is at a low level. To obtain a high yield, he needs a pollinator, the best of which is a pear In memory of Yakovlev.

Taste characteristics

fruits of august dewThe fruits have a classic "pear" shape, and they are all the same size. The green thin skin turns yellow as it ripens. And on the sunny side of the fruit, a delicate pink blush appears. Small dots are visible on the skin. The average weight of pears is 100 g, but there are reviews of gardeners who managed to get fruit 2 times more in weight.

More than 200 kg of fruit can be harvested from one mature tree.

The pulp is white and has a fine-grained texture. It is very sweet and literally melts in your mouth. August dew is considered one of the best table varieties.

Advantages and disadvantages

pros and cons of the August dew varietyOf the advantages of the variety, it is worth noting:

  • compact size of the tree;
  • high productivity;
  • great taste;
  • resistance to drought, frost and scab;
  • versatility of use.

At the same time, the August dew also has disadvantages. Without a pollinator, yield decreases significantly. In addition, it bears fruit abundantly not every year, but periodically. And if there is too much ovary on the tree, then the fruits will be smaller. And another significant disadvantage is susceptibility to other diseases of fruit trees, except for scab.

Pear overview August dew


