Luxurious "chamomile" in the summer cottage - magnificent gazania

gazania at the summer cottage When spring comes to the ground, many different flowers appear on the slopes and meadows. The first to greet us are snowdrops, violets and tulips, then chamomile and cornflowers, and in the country - luxurious gazania. This bright flower resembles a miniature sun that greets its fans before the onset of cold weather.

Read also:Gaillardia perennial planting and care

Side view of a resistant plant

a flower native to Australia

Despite the fact that the homeland of gazania is Australia and South Africa, it has perfectly taken root in the vastness of Russia and neighboring countries. Thanks to its strong root system, the flower grows at any latitude of our vast homeland. It can be found not only in the front gardens of country houses, but also on balconies, loggias and flower pots. Luxurious chamomile decorates not only greenhouses, but also winter gardens.

gazania has a long flowering timeGazania migrated to Europe in the 17th century and quickly fell in love with flower lovers. The plant got its name in memory of the famous translator Theodore von Gaza, who published the works of Aristotle in Italian. Since the flower is grown in different places of the planet, they call it all in their own way. For example, in some Western European countries the plant is known as the "flower of the midday sun." In those places, it dissolves its petals only under the influence of the midday sun. If the day is cloudy, the gazania may not open at all. African chamomile in a potOften the flower is called - "African chamomile" for its resemblance to a field beauty. True, it has larger sizes and many shades. Whatever the case, the plant is worthy of our attention.

flower loves the sun's raysThe magnificent gazania belongs to the "Astrovye" family, as indicated by its biological and external features. It is a herbaceous plant that sometimes grows as miniature flowering shrubs. bright lush bloomThe flower grows up to 30 cm in height, which makes it possible to use it for various floral landscapes.

Some varieties of gazania grow practically without shoots or they have it too short. This fact should be considered when planning a flower bed.

In nature, perennial gazania and annual grows, since it is very sensitive to changes in the weather. For example, in the cold season, she is planted in a pot to admire the whole winter on the window. In the spring, the flower is planted again in the flower bed.

young plantOriginal dark or light green leaves of the plant form a stylish root base. On the back, they are covered with delicate cilia that protect the flower from the cold in bad weather. And during a drought, they retain moisture, thus providing a comfortable existence for a luxurious "chamomile". The shape of the leaf plate depends on the variety and the specific variety of perennial gazania.

The main pearl of a plant is its flower. Although outwardly it resembles a simple steppe chamomile, its delicate petals are much larger. And the variety of colors is simply amazing. If you take a closer look at the bud, you will notice that its central part consists of petals that resemble miniature tubes. They are all golden in color. Around this solar circle are reed petals of the following shades:

  • white;white gazania flowers
  • pale orange;pale orange flower
  • bright yellow;gazania with bright yellow flowers
  • pinkish;pink gazania flowers
  • deep red.bright red gazania flowers

In addition, in the very heart of each delicate petal there is an original brown speck. When gazania flowers bloom magnificently, on dense shoots there are up to 35 pieces of buds. You can imagine what your favorite garden area looks like at this time. After some time, instead of inflorescences, original fruits appear on the shoots. Miniature hairy achenes carefully guard their "bank" of planting material. The plant is grown in two ways: outdoors and indoors.

Simple rules for growing a plant

the plant needs easy careTo breed the gazania flower shown in the photo on your site, you only need to follow a few simple rules. Even outstanding flower lovers can breed this plant using one of the methods: by sowing seeds or by cuttings.

Growing gazania using cuttings is used only for hybrid plant species. In view of this, you should not sow seeds of hybrids in the ground, expecting high-quality seedlings.

Sowing seeds

gazania seedsIf you plan to reproduce a flower through sowing seeds, it is advisable to take care of the planting material in advance. To do this, after waiting for the full maturation of the seed pods on the shoots, you can carefully cut them off and take them to a dry place. When the seeds are well dried, they can be sown for 2 years. During this period, the planting material retains maximum germination. Before planting gazania, it is advisable to lightly pour the prepared soil with water.

sowing gazania seeds for seedlingsSome gardeners carefully place gazania seeds in boxes to grow seedlings. The process begins at the end of winter. Spacious and deep enough boxes are filled with soil rich in trace elements, which includes:

  • natural peat;
  • cleaned sand;
  • humus or sod land.

Planting material is laid out on its surface like on a chessboard. The distance between the sprouts is 2.5 cm. From above they are covered with sand (a thin ball) and watered with a spray bottle. After that, the containers are covered with cellophane or glass and taken to a warm, bright room. The first shoots appear in one or two weeks.

In order for the flowers to germinate successfully, it is necessary to let air in to future seedlings every day. To do this, for a short time, the coating is removed, wiping dry the condensate.

gazania shootsWhen several leaves (2 or 3) grow on the surface of the soil, it is advisable to plant the seedlings in separate pots or cells. Next, it is important to prepare them for planting in the front garden on the street, applying simple rules for hardening the plant. A daily supply of fresh air, through an open window, window or door, will prepare the plant for new living conditions.


reproduction of gassing by cuttingsThe successful cultivation of a gazania flower can be achieved using cuttings. To do this, it is necessary in the summer, when the plant is full of strength, to choose healthy lateral stems. Cut them, preferably with a sharp knife, while controlling the presence of a heel on the handle. Otherwise, gazania will not take root.

Next, the cut stems are freed from the lower foliage and placed in a bowl of water. When roots appear, cuttings are planted in separate cells with fertile soil. There they are rooted for 2 months. In addition, cuttings must be watered abundantly and fresh air must be provided. Then, a competent planting and leaving of gassing in open ground is carried out.

transplanting seedlings into open groundTo begin with, we prepare the soil by carefully plowing the area. On a leveled surface, they dig volumetric pits so that the gazania rhizome with a small lump of earth can freely fit there. At the bottom of the hole, it is advisable to put a thin layer of drainage from gravel or crushed brick. gazania in the flowerbedAfter planting seedlings at a distance of 20 cm from each other, it is advisable to arrange for them an artificial shelter to protect them from direct sunlight.The landing shown in the photo, and the care of which was carried out according to all the rules, pleases its fans until the first frost.

Bright varieties of charming "chamomile"

The lush variety of this plant attracts caring flora lovers. Today, there are up to 40 types of charming "chamomile". Moreover, each of them has its own external differences and growing methods. A brief description of the gazania flower and photos of its varieties give a complete picture of the magnificent plant.

In a colder climate, it is better to grow annual gazania. Perennial varieties can be planted in pots as a houseplant and admired the flowers all year round.

Hybrid gazania

hybrid gazaniaThis type of plant is grown only as an annual option. During the season, it grows up to 35 cm. Erect shoots are located in the central root zone of the rosette. The dark green foliage of hybrid gazania is linear or finger-dissected. On the back, it is painted silver. Some plant varieties have light green leaves.

On a high peduncle there are single buds in the form of round baskets of yellow, red, orange, pink and burgundy. When the flowering season is over, there are practically no seeds in the seed pods. Therefore, hybrid varieties are propagated only by cuttings.

Gazania Big Kiss

gazania big kissAn unusual plant, native to the African continent, has original glossy leaves. On the back, they are covered with a silvery sheen. Gazania Big Kiss grows to a height of 30 cm. Its large buds amaze with their unsurpassed charm, towering above the glossy leaves. The view is used when decorating borders in the backyard, as a houseplant and in winter gardens on insulated balconies.

Gazania peacock

gazania peacockThis type of flower is classified in nature as a perennial plant. But because of the changeable cold climate, gazania is used as an annual. It is distinguished by a short shoot located at the very surface of the soil. Despite this, oblong leaves with a slight silver tint grow on it.

Single buds are located on slender peduncles and are bright orange in color. Each petal is colored bright brown at the base, which looks especially beautiful. Gazania peacock is able to decorate any summer cottage garden.

gazania in the gardenHaving considered only some representatives from the kingdom of gazanias, we can agree that the flower really evokes favor. Each variety has its own charms, so when planning a landscape design, you should familiarize yourself with all types of luxurious "chamomile".

We take gazania into the room for the winter - video


