To help the gardener, the multifunctional biological product Gaupsin (instructions for use)

gaupsin instructions for use Gaupsin is a broad-spectrum biological product designed to protect orchards, vegetable gardens, melons, vineyards and agricultural fields from insect pests and fungal diseases. Gaupsin, the instructions for use for which are presented below, are absolutely safe for humans, animals, various beneficial insects, soil and future harvest.

Composition and form of release

gaupsin in a large package

Gaupsin belongs to two-strain, multifunctional biological products. They are used to accelerate the growth of vegetable crops, prevent fungal diseases and control pests. The product contains natural microorganisms that suppress the number of phytophages to a minimum level - these are strains of the bacteria Pseudomonas aureofaciens, their waste products and some trace elements.

The biological product Gaupsin is available in the form of an aqueous suspension, packaged in bottles and plastic cans with a volume of 150 ml, 500 ml, 1 l, 5 l and 10 l.

Appointment of Gaupsin

what is gaupsin for?According to the instructions for use, Gaupsin can be used for the prevention and control of many diseases and pests of garden, vegetable and field crops.

Indications for the use of a biological product:

  1. In the garden - with powdery mildew, septoria, bacteriosis, late blight, scab, black rot.
  2. In the garden - at curliness, scab, white spot, moniliosis, moths, black and red-headed aphids, plum and cherry flies, fruit rot, caterpillars.
  3. On the field - with a bug "harmful turtle", wheat thrips, grain bugs, smut, rust.
  4. In the vineyard - for spider mites, leaf rollers, grape itch, gray rot, black spot, mildew, powdery mildew.gaupsin instructions for use

Biological preparation Gaupsin is used to treat seedlings, roots of seedlings, tubers and seeds before planting in open soil.

Benefits of a biological product

drug safe for plants and humansThe instructions for the use of Gaupsin indicate that when used correctly, the biological product is completely safe for cultivated plants and their root system. It does not affect the composition of the fertile soil and the taste of the grown fruits.

Gaupsin has several advantages over other biological agents:

  • has a fungicidal and insecticidal effect - protects crops from leaf and root diseases, as well as insect pests;
  • stimulates plant nutrition and improves root growth;
  • increases the resistance of crops to bad weather conditions;
  • increases the storage period for fruits, vegetables, berries and grains;
  • increases the productivity of plants;
  • even with prolonged use, it is not addictive to microorganisms and insect pests;
  • reduces the aggressive effects of other insecticides and herbicides;
  • safe for humans, beneficial insects, animals, does not harm fertile soil and ecological environment;
  • processing of crops can be carried out at any time - from the appearance of the first shoots to the laying of crops for long-term storage.

Gaupsin is a versatile biological product that can be used for any plant. It is equally effective when processing garden, horticultural, ornamental and cereal crops.

Gaupsin: instruction for use

Gaupsin: instruction for useBiological preparation Gaupsin is intended for dilution in warm, non-chlorinated and previously settled water, the temperature of which should not be lower than + 20 ° C.

Consumption rates and proportions of the emulsion depend on the extent of the lesion of the area:

  • for the prevention of diseases and pests - 200-230 ml per bucket of water;
  • with damage up to 20-25% - 270-290 ml;
  • with damage up to 40-50% - 320-370 ml;
  • for the treatment of small garden plots, the working solution is prepared from 3 liters of water and 60 ml of Gaupsin per 1 hundred square meters.

The consumption of a biological product depends on the type of crops being treated. For vegetables, ornamental flowers and garden plants, berry bushes, you will need 4-5 liters per hectare. When processing fruit trees 25-30 liters per 1 ha, vineyards will need up to 6 liters per 1 ha of land.processing of planting material

To soak the seed, a solution is prepared at the rate of 15 ml per 1 kg of seeds. For processing seedlings - 5 ml of biological product per 1 pc. Seed treatment should be carried out 24-36 hours before planting in open ground, preferably wet.

Features of the use of Gaupsin

information sheet about hapsinProcessing of horticultural, ornamental and grain crops with Gaupsin is carried out at an air temperature of at least + 9 ° C. The solution is used for spraying, preferably in the early morning or late evening. Under the influence of scorching sunlight, Gaupsin dries quickly and loses its effectiveness.

When preparing a working solution, you need to remember several important nuances.:

  • pour 1/3 of water into the spray tank;
  • after that, the biological product should be added according to the consumption rates and mixed thoroughly;
  • leave the working solution for infusion for 20-25 minutes;
  • then add the remaining volume of water to the container and spray the plants;
  • if it starts raining after spraying the plantings, the treatment must be repeated.

plant treatmentThe biological product Gaupsin should be used immediately after preparation; during storage, the solution loses its useful qualities. The maximum period of activity of microorganisms contained in the emulsion is up to 3-4 hours. The effect of the biological preparation begins within 24 hours after spraying the plants and lasts up to 15 days.

Gaupsin can be combined with other chemicals besides bordeaux liquid and products containing mercury or copper. If the garden, vegetable garden or agricultural planting was treated with such preparations, the Gaupsin solution is used no earlier than 3 weeks later.

biopreparation gaupsinGaupsin is an effective and safe biological product that stimulates the growth of garden, garden and ornamental plants. Prevents the development of fungal diseases and the appearance of dangerous insect pests. When used correctly, the product improves seed germination. It increases the yield and resistance of crops to adverse weather conditions

Effective drug Gaupsin (instructions for use) - video


