A photo with a description of the Chizhovskaya pear variety, tips for growing

pear Chizhovskaya Even an amateur, inexperienced in gardening, will name two trees that can most often be observed in suburban areas: Apple tree and a pear. The Chizhovskaya pear has perfectly adapted to growth in our unpredictable climate, the description and photo of which speaks more eloquently than any words.

The main advantages of the variety

This late summer variety was bred by the outstanding breeder S. T. Chizhov and is very popular among summer residents for a number of reasons:

  • resistance to sharp drops in temperature, which makes it possible to grow pears in the northern regions;
  • fruits withstand drops up to -3 ° С, and the tree itself up to -30 ° С;
  • weakly crumbles;
  • high yield at the exit (about 55 kg per tree);
  • under appropriate conditions, fruits can be stored for 3-5 months;
  • the pulp of the pear is sweet and juicy;
  • easy to assemble by hand without using tools;
  • within 3 years after planting, the tree begins to bear fruit.

Planting and leaving

pear sapling Chizhovskaya

Planting and caring for the Chizhovskaya pear does not cause difficulties for both experienced gardeners and beginners. It is best to plant in spring or in the first half of autumn - this is the most favorable time.

Disembarkation should be carried out no later than a month before the onset of cold weather.

When preparing a site for a new seedling and for caring for it, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • the pear will grow best on black soil and loam;
  • put organic fertilizer in the planting hole (for example, horse humus or humus and lime to lower the acidity of the soil);
  • water at least 4 times a month twice a day, 10-12 liters of water per tree;
  • if the groundwater passes close to the surface, the ground should first be raised, or a good drainage should be provided;
  • despite the claims that the variety is resistant to parasites, be sure to treat the tree against pests (they evolve, so the natural protection of the pear will not be an insurmountable obstacle for them);
  • we recommend using the Lada variety as a pollinator for the Chizhovskaya pear, as an alternative to the Severyanka and Rogneda varieties;
  • Weed and mulch the tree circle regularly.

To protect against rodents such as hares and mice, we recommend wrapping the tree stem with nylon nonwoven fabric or tights. They also help to protect the pear during severe frosts.

anti-rodent barrel winding


Pruning should be done every spring at the end of March or April for this variety. The Chizhovskaya pear must grow correctly: for this, be sure to cut off the drying out shoots and thin out the number of branches, but no more than 1/4 of the total, so as not to injure the tree. This improves fertile function and reduces the risk of bark and leaf diseases.

spring pruning pearThe branches of recent seedlings are usually shortened by one third and only 3-4 of the strongest and straightest are left, cutting off those that are smaller. Thus, the formation of the future crown takes place. If this is not done, it will be impossible to get the fruits from the top of the tree. It is not difficult to correctly trim the Chizhovskaya pear according to the descriptions and photos, it is enough to follow our advice.

Pruning should be given maximum attention. The final amount of the harvest in the current and next years will depend on it. Remember to remove any branches that run parallel to the ground or bend towards the trunk.

Sometimes the lower branches are cut off due to the fact that fruits grow poorly on them. This is almost always caused by a lack of light. Prune excess branches so that the sun's rays pass through the upper tiers, thereby hitting the lower ones.


ripe pearsSo, it's time to harvest the long-awaited crop. As mentioned earlier in the description of the Chizhovskaya pear variety, this is a late-ripening tree, so pears can be harvested already in the second half of August, without waiting for autumn. If you cut and cared for the plant correctly, it will bear more than 50 kg of fruit. Unfortunately, this amount will decrease as the tree ages.

The weight of the pears themselves fluctuates around 120 grams for a seven-year-old plant. For comparison, in a tree 2 times older, the fruits weigh about 75-85 grams. The ability to keep ripe fruits from falling off for a long time is often found in the description of the Chizhovskaya pear. Photos of large yellow-green fruits, which are easy to pick with a ladder and a bucket, cannot but impress.

Do not store vegetables with pears, or the fruit will lose its original flavor.

The optimum storage temperature is + 3 ° C. Store pears in a dry wooden container with holes for ventilation. Discard any crumpled or discolored fruit at the initial selection. In such conditions, your crop can be stored for more than 3 months.

Chizhovskaya pear is perfect for making jam. Be sure to make blanks from several cans to please yourself and your friends in the cold winter.

pear jamGood adaptability to our climate makes the Chizhovskaya pear one of the most popular varieties for planting in a summer cottage. If you are deciding which fruit tree will decorate your garden over the coming years, we recommend choosing this particular type of pear.

Video about pear variety Chizhovskaya

  1. Sergey Donskikh

    what sort of pear is it

    • Natali

      Similar to the Rogned variety, but I could be wrong.


