A photo describing the cherry plum variety Nayden

cherry plum found in the garden Growing a popular hybrid of Chinese early-growing plum and Russian dessert plum is quite a simple and exciting process. Illustrated photos and description cherry plums varieties of Found will help you get acquainted with the appearance of the fruits and the timing of their ripening, the advantages of the breed, the peculiarities of breeding and care.

Description of the variety

cherry plum blossom

The cherry plum hybrid Nayden is the result of the joint work of Crimean and Belarusian breeders, a variety that is distinguished by high adaptive properties and excellent taste of the fruit. A zoned crop suitable for cultivation not only in the southern regions, but also in the central and northwestern regions of the country.

The cherry plum variety Nayden has the following characteristic features:

  • tree height - average (2.5-3 m);
  • smooth gray trunk;
  • rounded flat crown;
  • average crown density;
  • early, profuse flowering (before the leaves open) in the first decade of April;
  • flowering lasts 7-8 days;
  • cherry plum flower white, with short round petals;cherry plum flower structure
  • self-infertile variety;
  • early maturity - the plant begins to bear fruit 2-3 years after planting;
  • medium-early ripening (mid-July);
  • high-yielding variety;
  • fast growing;
  • drought-resistant;
  • frost-resistant;
  • highly resistant to disease;
  • fruiting is regular and abundant;
  • fruits are oval, large (about 30 grams);
  • no abdominal suture;
  • for a long time they do not crumble and do not crack;
  • color - violet-red with a slight waxy bloom;cherry plum found
  • the pulp is soft, loose, fibrous, orange;
  • the taste of the fruit is sweet and sour;
  • have excellent dessert qualities.

In order for the ovary to form together, plant pollinators next to the cherry plum Found, the best of which are Mara varieties, Vitba and common cherry plum.

Cherry plum Found - planting and care

Cherry plum An unpretentious sectional variety was found that grows well on all types of soils, except for very heavy soils, and waterlogged ones. Fertile loams are best suited for this fruit crop.

When planting and caring for cherry plum, the following agrotechnical rules should be observed:

  1. Planting cherry plum in the southern regions is best done in autumn, and in northern ones in spring.
  2. For planting, it is preferable to choose annual seedlings.
  3. The area for planting seedlings should be open, sunny, protected from cold winds.
  4. It is not recommended to plant cherry plum seedlings Found on marshy soils. The depth of the groundwater in the garden should be at least 1 m, since the root system of the tree is 30-40 cm.
  5. It is necessary to plant seedlings before the start of sap flow, therefore it is advisable to prepare the planting pits in the fall.
  6. In the spring, the trunk and branches of the cherry plum should be cleaned from dead bark.
  7. The cleaned areas are treated with copper sulfate.
  8. Sanitary and formative pruning is carried out in early spring.annual pruning
  9. Digging around the tree is carried out.
  10. Preventive treatment of cherry plums against pests and diseases is carried out.
  11. It is recommended to spray the buds with a solution of trace elements.
  12. After a month, feeding should be repeated with a solution containing phosphorus and potassium.
  13. In May, the tree must be fed with complex mineral fertilizers.
  14. In summer, cherry plum should be regularly watered and loosened in the near-trunk circles.
  15. In August, organic or phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied under the fruiting tree.
  16. After harvest, feeding should be repeated.
  17. In late autumn, the cherry plum is being prepared for winter. Dead bark is removed and lime whitewashed.

Cherry plum Naydena reacts perfectly to soil fertilization, but it is very important to observe the measure, since, if you overdo it with fertilizing, you risk getting a good increase at the expense of the harvest.

Cherry plum Nayden is one of the best varieties, which is valued for its high yield and excellent taste of the fruit. Observing all the tips and tricks, you can easily grow it in your garden, and with proper care, after a couple of years you can enjoy the fragrant tasty fruits.

Video about cherry plum Found


