Photos of medicinal Kalanchoe and recommendations for its use

Kalanchoe healing Benefit kalanchoe undeniable: it treats runny nose and sinusitis, is considered an excellent cosmetic product. The plant helps fight colds and is a good prevention against it.

Judging by the photo, kalanchoe medicinal can hardly be called a panacea for colds and other respiratory ailments. Most often used to fight colds garlic, onions, collections of medicinal herbs. However, the leaves of this plant harbor a healing power - a juice rich in a variety of micro and macro elements, vitamins and minerals.

Useful properties of Kalanchoe

Kalanchoe Dergemon

Kalanchoe was introduced from Madagascar, where it still grows as a representative of the wild flora. Also, this flower is found in many Asian countries. In our climate, the plant feels best on the windowsill and does not differ in whimsical care. The beauty and benefits of Kalanchoe are ideally combined, therefore such window decoration is the most popular.

Kalanchoe pinnateThe plant is of different types, each of which is useful in its own way. Most often, Degremona and Feathery Kalanchoe are found - these are the record holders for the content of nutrients. Plant juice is used in such cases:

  • to stop the bleeding;
  • relieve inflammation;
  • accelerate the wound healing process;
  • used as an antiseptic.

The owners of this plant know what Kalanchoe helps from, and actively use it in folk medicine. The sap of the plant promotes the early healing of ulcers and purulent wounds. It restores tissues, removes the effects of boils, and is used to treat erosion.

It is useful to have such a house plant. You just need to know what the medicinal Kalanchoe looks like, because many traditional methods of dealing with rashes and acne include its juice in their recipe. The plant is used in dermatology and cosmetology, it is actively used as an ophthalmic medicine and therapy for ENT organs. Kalanchoe is indispensable in the home treatment of many ailments: herpes, varicose veins, periodontal disease, stomatitis and gingivitis. It helps to relieve toothaches of various kinds.

The healing properties of Kalanchoe are provided by organic acids, minerals (copper, calcium, iron) and vitamin C.

Treatment of rhinitis and sinusitis

Large leaves are used for medicinal purposes.Be sure to consider how Kalanchoe looks in the photo curative for a cold. For these purposes, the Cirrus species is best suited. During an ailment, it is useful to drip plant juice into the nose, and you can get it in the following way:

  1. Wash the leaves and cut them finely.
  2. Put a plate with leaves in the refrigerator for several days, only then they can be scrolled through a meat grinder and juice is extracted.
  3. You need to renew the medicine every two days.

Kalanchoe juiceWith a slight runny nose, it is enough to wipe the nostrils with a cotton swab dipped in healing liquid. Children under two years old need to reduce the concentration of the juice by diluting it with boiled water.

Dosage for sinusitis and common rhinitis: three times a day, a couple of drops in each nostril.

Extracting juice from a Kalanchoe leafIn case of complications, it is permissible to consume the juice of the plant inside, but a doctor should prescribe such treatment. Up to 100 grams of juice comes out of one large leaf or several small leaves. This amount is most often the daily dose.But before starting therapy, be sure to ask the doctor for a photo of the medicinal Kalanchoe, so as not to be mistaken with the type of ingredient. You should not abuse the drink, as its excessive accumulation in the body can be toxic. The optimal dosage is no more than five grams per kilogram of human weight.

Application in cosmetology

Adult and young Kalanchoe plantsOur grandmothers knew the main benefit of Kalanchoe, because it consisted in a wonderful cosmetological effect. Leaves and their juice are no worse than expensive creams to cope with a number of problems.

For warts - compresses from chopped Kalanchoe leaves. From acne - wipe the skin with juice. For circles under the eyes - make lotions from leaves without a peel.

Kalanchoe juice is advised to be added to creams and shampoos. It will intensify the benefits of skin and hair care products.


Adult plantIf you already know how the medicinal Kalanchoe looks like, it's time to familiarize yourself with its contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • rheumatism;
  • liver disease;
  • oncological diseases;
  • low blood pressure;
  • allergies;
  • pregnancy.

Kalanchoe should be treated with caution for people suffering from heart disease. Therapy can provoke a side effect - blisters.

It is impossible to list exactly what Kalanchoe helps from, because its healing properties are quite diverse. This flower is able to disinfect the air, improve brain function and physical activity. Kalanchoe is useful to use in early spring, as a prophylaxis against vitamin deficiency. It increases the body's immunity, therefore it is indispensable during epidemics of influenza and SARS. But nevertheless, Kalanchoe should not be treated for a long time, since its strong properties suppress the work of the body. Kalanchoe can be called a healing remedy that helps to stay healthy.

How to cure a runny nose for a baby - video

  1. Nadia

    Freezes better than noshpa or lidocaine


