Simple recipes for biscuit rolls with your own hands

biscuit roll A sponge roll can be a real decoration of a festive table. A properly prepared dough is soft and fluffy and goes well with any filling. Berries, fruits, condensed milk, poppy seeds and any other food can be used for the layer. In winter, it is worth getting jam from summer stocks - such a cake will definitely come in handy for a friendly or family tea party. Plus, the roll is easy to take with you for a quick snack.

Biscuit dough recipe for rolls

sponge dough roll

The main condition is to properly prepare the dough for the biscuit roll. In cooking, it is considered one of the simplest and fastest, so it is suitable even for beginners. In addition, he will only need those products that are always in the house:

  • 3 or 4 eggs, depending on their size;
  • powdered sugar or sugar - 3/4 cup (to taste);
  • flour - 3/4 cup.

Before cooking, turn on the oven at 160-170 ° C so that it has time to heat up. The biscuit roll dough is prepared very quickly if there is a mixer in the house. If not, you can beat the egg whites with a whisk or fork, but the process will take longer.

Cooking steps:

  1. Carefully separate the egg yolks from the whites and transfer them to a separate container. Rub them with a fork and sugar or powdered sugar to create a light lather and remove the lumps.separate yolks from whites
  2. Beat the whites with a mixer until they turn into a thick, stable foam. So that she holds on better, and the biscuit turns out to be more fluffy, remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance. If they are warmed to room temperature, they will beat better.beat the whites
  3. When the protein foam has become stable, you can add the yolk, mashed with sugar. Continue whisking the mixture until you get an even color and consistency.mix whites with yolks
  4. Add flour and stir the dough gently, it is best to use a wooden spoon or spatula for this. The flour must be sifted beforehand - this will make the biscuit roll more luxuriant.make biscuit dough
  5. Good dough is liquid, homogeneous, and does not contain lumps. Pour it onto a pre-prepared baking dish, grease it with oil or cover it with paper.put the dough into a mold
  6. Bake the biscuit for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 160-170 ° C. You can check its readiness with a toothpick. If there is no sticky dough left on it, the mold can be removed from the oven.ready-made biscuit
  7. It remains to add the filling and form the roll. Leave it to soak for a while (depending on the recipe), then cut into portions and serve.

If you prepare a few cakes in advance, you can make a quick biscuit roll in 5 minutes. It is convenient to take it with you to work, and the dough will have time to soak before lunchtime.

The most delicious and original recipes for rolls

Fragrant fresh baked goods are the hostess's calling card. Here you can experiment with fillings and types of dough, add different spices or cocoa (for a chocolate biscuit). A huge number of very tasty and simple recipes for biscuit rolls have already been created, but it is never too late to add your own flavor to an already familiar dish.

Classic recipe with apricot jam and butter cream

On a winter evening, it is especially appropriate to prepare fresh aromatic pastries and serve them with tea.The classic chocolate sponge roll goes well with apricot jam and hearty cream with butter and condensed milk. Cook the sponge cake according to the standard recipe, but combine the flour with a small amount of cocoa. The powder can be added at the very end, gradually pouring it into the dough until the desired shade is obtained.

To prepare cream for a biscuit roll, you will need apricot jam (purchased or homemade), 180-200 g of butter and 250 g of condensed milk. You can additionally take a few drops of rum essence for taste, but this is not necessary.

Cooking steps:

  1. When the sponge cake is ready, remove it from the oven and cool slightly. Then brush it with apricot jam.grease the biscuit with jam
  2. Butter cream is very easy to prepare. To do this, take butter previously softened at room temperature and beat it with a mixer, gradually adding condensed milk. Spoon this mixture onto a sponge cake and gently roll it into a roll.roll the biscuit into a roll
  3. The recipe for biscuit dough roll is simple and original. To turn it into a festive dish, garnish it with extra cream. Put some mass into a piping bag or syringe and draw several intertwining lines. Alternatively, you can sprinkle the roll with cocoa powder, powdered sugar, nuts, or chocolate chips.decorate the roll

If there is no apricot jam at home, but you don't want to use a purchased one, you can use coffee impregnation. To do this, simply brew strong coffee, strain it and apply to the crust.

Roll "Marble"

marble sponge rollA simple and quick biscuit roll can look unusual. The original solution is to use two types of dough of different shades for its preparation. If you combine them successfully before baking, you get a cake of an unusual marble color. The taste will also delight - the dark areas are prepared with the addition of cocoa powder, therefore they are distinguished by a soft chocolate taste and aroma. Any jam or cream can be used as a filling for the "Marble" biscuit roll, but it is best combined with condensed milk.

For this roll, you will need all the ingredients that are needed for a regular biscuit dough, as well as a few tablespoons of cocoa powder and a can of condensed milk (to taste):

  1. Prepare a classic biscuit dough and separate a third from it. Stir the smaller part with cocoa until a uniform color and consistency is obtained. Make sure there are no lumps left in the dough. Then pour the white dough into a baking dish, and gently spread the dark over it. Lay out the drawing with a spoon or a toothpick, spreading the chocolate dough over the entire mold.lay out the dough and mix the two types of dough
  2. Bake the biscuit dough at 160-170 ° C until a crust appears. The readiness of the cake can be checked with a match or a toothpick - when placed inside the biscuit, it must remain dry.bake in the oven
  3. Remove the finished cake from the oven, cool a little and apply an even layer of condensed milk on it. Then wrap the cake in a tube and place it in the refrigerator to soak well.

Marble sponge cake roll with condensed milk can be decorated with chocolate chips or cocoa powder. However, due to the unusual color of the dough, the dish does not need additional decoration. After the roll has spent several hours in the refrigerator (it is better to leave it overnight), cut it into portions and serve.

Summer roll with berries

roll with berriesIn the summer, there will never be any problem how to make a biscuit roll and what to use as a filling. For her, any berries and fruits harvested in the garden or bought at the market. Use last year's jam to saturate the crust, or take some from a new piece. Fruit and berry roll turns out to be light and airy, therefore it is suitable even for hot summer days.

  1. Prepare a white biscuit cake, cool it to room temperature. Spoon the berry jam, keeping in mind the corners.put the jes on the biscuit
  2. Take fresh berries and spread evenly over the jam.Then gently roll up the roll, holding each layer of dough.lay out a layer of fresh berries
  3. The roll is ready. Leave it in the refrigerator for a few hours, cut into portions and serve. Garnish with powdered sugar or whipped cream just before serving.

To decorate the biscuit roll with jam and red berries, use a few fresh twigs mint... Their aroma adds freshness to the dish and relieves the excessive sugary taste.

Recipe with cottage cheese and oranges

roll with cottage cheese and orangeCurd filling in biscuit roll recipes is always appropriate. It complements the taste of berries or fruits and will definitely appeal to those who do not like too cloying desserts. For one roll you will need a white biscuit cake, 2 large ripe orange and 800-1000 g of cottage cheese. If desired, you can add sugar or powdered sugar to the filling.

  1. Peel the oranges and cut into small pieces. In a separate container, stir the curd with a fork until all the small lumps are gone. Add sugar here. Then combine the curd with the oranges and stir gently, being careful not to damage the pieces of fruit.mix orange with cottage cheese
  2. Cool the finished sponge cake to room temperature and distribute the filling over it. Roll it gently into a roll and wrap it in paper or plastic wrap so that it does not unfold. Place the dessert in a cold place for a few hours, then cut into portions.lay out the filling
  3. The roll is ready. For homemade tea, you don't need to decorate it, but for a festive event you should add a few slices of fresh orange and a sprig of mint to the dish. Additionally, you can sprinkle the top with powdered sugar.

This is one of the simplest and healthiest homemade biscuit roll recipes. It cooks quickly, but it should be eaten right after cooking. If there are extra portions left, be sure to put them in the refrigerator, since fresh cottage cheese is not kept warm.

Roll with butter cream and decorations

butter cream rollThere is a simple way how to bake a biscuit roll so that it resembles a real work of art. Butter cream is very high in calories, so it is better to use it only for the holidays. This biscuit has an unusual decoration - the finished dessert is covered with cream, and edible mushrooms are prepared from its remains. You will need:

  • sponge cake with the addition of cocoa;
  • 300 butter;
  • a can of condensed milk;
  • 50 g of chocolate;
  • half a spoonful of powdered sugar and cocoa powder;
  • green food coloring;
  • cookies for mushroom caps (you can buy or bake yourself).

The sponge cake is prepared according to the classic recipe. While it cools down, you can start preparing the filling:

  1. Combine condensed milk and softened butter in one container. Beat these ingredients with a mixer until you get a thick cream. Add melted chocolate to this and stir.prepare a cream from condensed milk and butter
  2. Set aside a few tablespoons of the cream in a separate container - you will need them as mushroom feet. Then unfold the cake (it should already cool to room temperature), coat it with cream and roll back. Spread the remaining cream over the surface of the roll and make a pattern with a fork that resembles tree bark.roll up the roll and decorate with cream
  3. Divide the rest of the cream into two parts. Mix one with green food coloring and place in a piping bag with a leaf attachment. For the second part, you need a regular wide nozzle.
  4. First, build the legs of the mushrooms, and apply green cream in the form of leaves around them. Place the cookie caps on top and send the roll in the refrigerator for several hours.Culinary Cream Bags
  5. Garnish the roll with cocoa powder and powdered sugar before serving. Take it to the table on a large platter, and cut the dessert into pieces immediately before serving.decorate the roll

Despite the fact that butter cream is too high in calories and heavy, this option is more preferable for a festive table than store-bought cakes.Homemade roll is prepared only from fresh high-quality ingredients, so you can safely treat guests and households with it.

Experienced culinary advice

delicious roll of berries and butter creamBiscuit rolls with jam, condensed milk and any other filling can turn an ordinary tea party into a real holiday. Despite the fact that such a dough is considered the easiest to prepare, it may not work either. Experienced housewives know the main secrets of how to make a really light and airy dough that does not become tough when baked and is well saturated with the filling:

  1. The first rule is to always get your eggs and refrigerator a little ahead of time. Cold protein does not whisk well, and the foam from it quickly settles. Some people advise adding salt, but this ingredient will not help.
  2. Chill the roll when rolled, so the dough will not crack after. Roll the still hot crust into a tube with a towel or paper and start filling. Then gently unfold the roll, apply the filling and roll back - this way it will keep its shape better.
  3. Do not use homemade eggs for the biscuit - too thick protein is not good for light airy foam. Choose high quality store eggs. It is better to take the larger ones, since they contain more protein.
  4. Do not open the oven for the first 10-15 minutes of baking. The state of the cake can be viewed by simply turning on the lighting. If cold air gets in, the dough will not rise and will be tough.
  5. To prevent the biscuit cake from burning, place a container with coarse salt on the lower tier of the oven. Of course, take into account also the peculiarities of the technique and select the appropriate mode.
  6. Cool the biscuit layer gradually. If you put it out in the cold or refrigerate it, it will quickly become dense and tough and will not absorb the filling.

Recipes for a biscuit roll with a photo can be found step by step on the net and in cookbooks. This dough is prepared within 30-40 minutes of their simple and affordable components. As a filling, you can use any products that are in the refrigerator: jams or preserves, fresh fruits and berries, condensed milk or chocolate toppings. If you have time, it is worth making custard, curd or butter cream. In the video, the biscuit roll looks light and airy, and the original decorations will make them an excellent dessert for a festive table.

Dragon's eye biscuit roll - video recipe

  1. Olchik

    I don’t know how comments are put here, but the first recipe is simply divine! I wanted to put everything twice as much, so that for two biscuits! The family is very fond of it and I got three, pretty very decent, rolls! With raspberry jam, really bones .. but it's not a hindrance! With condensed milk, of course, you will lick your fingers! And with freshly frozen strawberries, in sugar, I thawed them naturally! Just a huge human thanks and how fast, tasty and simple everything is! There are no words at all, well, I think this is understandable, well, as if I'm attaching a photo, of course I didn't keep track of it))) have already been eaten, so not everything is here


