Fragrant yoshta liqueur at home

yoshta liqueur The rich color and juicy pulp of yosh berry allows you to make from it not only compotes and jam. At home, yoshta liqueur is still good - a natural alcoholic drink of a beautiful color. The strength of the drink depends on how and on what it is infused. The alcohol base allows you to get 25% liquor. Softer taste and strength up to 12% comes out if you use only berries, sugar and water. Let's look at both options.

Soft yoshta liqueur without vodka

With a good harvest, when berries are abundant, it is easy to make a natural liqueur. The technology of its preparation is similar to wine and consists in the following:

  1. We grind berries in the amount of 2 kg with 0.6 kg of sugar using a potato grinder.
  2. Add 1 glass of water, stir.
  3. We transfer the mass to a glass container. It is important not to fill it completely, 25% of the volume should remain empty. Otherwise, the foam will come out during fermentation.
  4. We close the container with a water seal and put it in a dark and warm place.

Instead of a water seal, you can use a medical glove by putting it on the neck. To release gas, make a hole in the finger with a needle.

Depending on the room temperature, fermentation will take from 1 to 1.5 months. When the liqueur stops emitting gas, we filter it and pour it into bottles, filling them right up to the lid. It is advisable to stand for at least 2 more months in the refrigerator or basement - then the taste will be more intense.

Pouring from yoshta with "degree"

It would be more correct to call this drink a tincture, since the alcoholic base is already ready-made. It just needs to be given the necessary taste, aroma and color.

To make homemade strong liqueur, we need:

  • ripe yoshta berries (slightly more than half a liter jar);
  • 5 black currant leaves;
  • sugar (250 g);
  • distillate or vodka (about 3 liters to fill the container to the top).

The products are given in a 3 liter container. If you have a larger container, you need to proportionally increase the amount of ingredients.

Pour yoshta into a bottle, put currant leaves and add sugar. Fill with distillate to the very neck.

To make the original product more pleasant, light, color, the holding time can be reduced to 1 week.

Now our workpiece should "ripen". To do this, leave the bottle in the sun for two weeks. During this time, the berries will give off their taste and color, and the yoshta liqueur will turn maroon. It remains only to strain it and pour it into glass bottles.

Video on how to make alcohol tincture from yoshta


